South Korea fired warning shots at a object crossing the border from the North but Seoul now believes it was a balloon not a drone.
A decade on from the political unrest which plunged Timor-Leste into crisis, the country is switching its focus from security to nation building.
All Blacks skipper Kieran Read says a move overseas was never an option as he prepares to lead the Test side into the 2019 World Cup.
Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has imposed martial law on the island of Mindanao after fierce fighting between militants and security forces.
Thailand's foreign ministry is assuring foreign travellers that extra security will be put in place after an bomb at a Bangkok hospital wounded 24 people.
Twenty one Uber drivers have been arrested in Hong Kong as part of a crackdown on the company's operations in the Asian city.
The wife of Jakarta's imprisoned incumbent governor has explained why her husband has decided to withdraw his appeal against his sentence for blasphemy.
Two Indonesian men were caned Tuesday in front of a jeering crowd as a punishment for gay sex, in a first for the Muslim-majority country where there is mounting...
North Korea says testing of an intermediate-range ballistic missile was succesful and is ready to mass produce the weapon.
United Nations experts investigating violations of sanctions on North Korea have suffered a "sustained" cyber attack by unknown hackers with "very detailed...
China has confirmed that it is holding six Japanese citizens, days after reports the government crippled a CIA network in recent years, killing several sources.
President Rodrigo Duterte laments that while the Philippines and Russia have had diplomatic relations for the past 40 years, co-operation has remained minimal.
The United Nations pressed Indonesia on Monday to release Jakarta's jailed Christian governor and repeal blasphemy laws which they say undermine religious freedom...
A roadside bomb has killed at least five people and wounded several others in a Pakistan's northwest tribal region close to the Afghan border.
Indonesian police have detained 141 men who were allegedly holding a gay party at a sauna, an official said Monday, the latest sign of a backlash against...

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Our pick of the best content from SBS News & Current Affairs and our content partners.

A homeless man begging at the Manchester Arena as the suicide attack went off was being hailed as a hero Tuesday after cradling a dying woman in his arms.
From fake missing friends to images of an old training exercise, false reports in the wake of the deadly Manchester Arena blast have spread on social media.
A new report shows most recommendations from an inquiry into the Stolen Generation haven't been implemented 20 years on as leaders again pledge action.
New details have emerged about the privacy breach that saw hundreds of personal mobile numbers accidently disclosed by the Department of Parliamentary Services.
The government will maintain the salary freeze for the lowest paid workers on 457 visas, but migration experts argue it undermines the 'skilled' component of the...
Talented overseas scientists have already started turning down prestigious research positions in Australia following the federal government's changes to 457 visas...
A review of the government-funded Community Visitor Scheme shows a lack of awareness still exists about the scheme, which was designed to provide social support...