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14 mins

President Trump visited Yad Vashem, the Israeli Holocaust memorial museum on the edge of Jerusalem, on Tuesday morning. Flanked by Israeli and American flags, the president spoke gravely of the “millions of innocent, wonderful, and beautiful lives, men, women, and children … extinguished as part of a systematic attempt to eliminate the Jewish people.”

And, when he left, he signed the guest book: “It is a great honor to be here with all of my friends — so amazing and will never forget!”

Many tweeters juxtaposed Trump’s note against the sober message left by Barack Obama when he visited Yad Vashem in July 2008, while he was still a senator.

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31 mins

When the House passed the American Health Care Act, it was seen as a big win for Republican unity — but maybe no longer.

Rep. Tom MacArthur resigns as Tuesday Group co-chair: "Clearly, our group is divided."
Fox News’ 5 steps for handling a Trump scandal
Senator Chuck Schumer speaks from the Senate Floor
As if teachers' jobs aren't hard enough, they're asked to fix ...
59 mins

President Trump now wants $1.6 billion in 2018, to build less than 100 miles of wall.

The new Trump plan: start the border wall in targeted segments.
1 hr

Medicaid covers 74 million Americans. But the Trump budget could change all that.

Medicaid is the largest source of health insurance in the entire country.
1 hr

“[These statues are] not just innocent remembrances of a benign history. These monuments celebrate a fictional, sanitized Confederacy — ignoring the death, ignoring the enslavement, ignoring the terror that it actually stood for.” —New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu

In a moving speech, Mayor Mitch Landrieu defended his plan to tear down Confederate monuments across the city.
2 hrs

Left: President Trump's guest book message to Israel's Holocaust museum: "So Amazing + Will never forget!"

Right: The sober message left by former President Barack Obama when he visited in July 2008, while he was still a senator.

2 hrs

"First the tax cuts provide enough extra growth to make the tax reform deficit neutral. Then the deficit neutral tax reform provides enough extra growth to make the overall budget balanced," Vox's Matt Yglesias explains.

"The same money cannot be used twice" — unless it can.|By Matthew Yglesias
3 hrs

Roger Moore played 007 a total of seven times.

Moore was 007 at his most quintessential, during the franchise’s most ridiculous era.
3 hrs

How people feel about President Trump is, by far, the best predictor of economic optimism. And those feelings matter: it affects how we save and spend, which affects the trajectory of the entire economy.

Since January, we’ve been polling over 9,000 people a month to get a better understanding of how people feel about the economy and what influences their opinions — chiefly, politics.

One thing we learned, for instance, is that 46 percent of right-leaning Americans say it’s a... good time to make major household purchases — but only 22 percent of left-leaning Americans agree.

How else do people feel, and how will it affect the economy in the long run? Read on to find out.

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3 hrs

Russia, James Comey’s firing, Trump’s spilling of national security secrets — none have had the political impact of Paul Ryan’s health bill.

4 hrs

It was President Trump's most identifiable campaign promise: "We're gonna build a wall, and we're gonna make Mexico pay for it." Now that Trump is president, his administration is starting, slowly, to move forward on building the wall — and it's beginning to realize that it's easier said than done.

Vox's Dara Lind and Tara Golshan took a long, hard look at the wall: whether and how it could work, how Trump can make it happen, and who would be helped and hurt. You can read the article here:

Today, they'll answer your questions about all things wall. Leave your questions below, and they'll hop in the comments throughout the day.

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4 hrs

The Trump administration is requesting $1.6 billion in wall funding in the 2018 budget.

What it would take for Trump’s signature promise to become reality.
4 hrs

We tune in to coverage of terrorist attacks because we want to know what to do. But watching might actually have the opposite effect.

5 hrs

It might look like Ford wants to face the changing times. But in reality, nothing really has changed.

Ousted CEO Mark Fields failed to articulate a clear strategy for self-driving cars.
5 hrs

Oklahoma Rep. Tom Cole believes funding medical science is a no-brainer — good for Americans individually as well as for the economy.

How Tom Cole became the Republican Party’s fiercest champion of medical science.|By Julia Belluz
6 hrs

In order to balance his budget while cutting taxes, increasing military spending, and avoiding cutting medicaid — a promise Donald Trump is arguably breaking — the president is relying on a fantasy of economic growth.

Three percent per year is a lot less reasonable than it sounds.|By Matthew Yglesias