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1927 - 2017 Obituary Condolences Gallery
George Olah (Ted Soqui / Sygma / Getty)
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May 04, 2017

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May 04, 2017

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April 19, 2017
My father ,Stephen Kuhn and your father were both chemists and colleagues . I remember playing with Georgie & Ronnie as a child in Cleveland . I am grateful our parents shared a long and enduring friendship over the years. I admire your father's accomplishments and contributions in his field. My deepest condolences for your loss.
April 10, 2017
In 1979 Gilbert and Françoise Clouet and Jean Claude and Pierrette Lecoq spent one year in Georges Olah research team.
They enjoyed the high spirit of Georges Olah and kept always this period of their life in mind. Gilbert and Françoise died in 1993 in a plane crash in India. Pierrette Lecoq died in 2010 from a heart attack.
I would like to tell to Georges family how I share their sadness and give them my deep condolences.
Jean Claude Lecoq
I have joined two photos made at a reception in Georges Olah home in 1979.
April 10, 2017
April 10, 2017
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