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1970 - 2017 Obituary Condolences Gallery
Tommy Page (Paul Natkin / Getty)
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May 22, 2017

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May 22, 2017

Please don't submit copyrighted work; original poems, songs or prayers welcomed. reviews all Guest Book entries to ensure appropriate content. Our staff does not correct grammar or spelling.

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May 12, 2017
You were the best artist this world could have so heartbreaking that you are gone we miss you God bless you
-Sandra Netkin (Arizona)
May 7, 2017
Still can't believe that you're gone...
April 5, 2017
Tommy, it has been a month and a day since you left your family, friends & fans abruptly. Your music is the only memory that we hold on to remind us of you. We miss you dearly and even though we know that life still goes on, it is really heartbreaking that you can no longer travel to meet your fans during your shows, especially in South East Asia.

All the good memories of you shall forever be etched in our aching but healing hearts. R.I.P., Tommy.
April 4, 2017
I really liked tommy as a singer. My favorite song was I'll be your everything. He will always be remembered by his music. My deepest sympathy to his family. He is in my thoughts and prayers.
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