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Instructions to Authors

Social Problems is a quarterly journal of The Society for the Study of Social Problems that brings to the fore influential sociological findings and theories that have the ability to help us both better understand - and better deal with - our complex social environment. Please see below for additional information about sections and types of manuscripts.

Submission and Acceptance of Manuscripts

Authors are strongly encouraged to submit all manuscripts online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/socpro. Prior to submission, corresponding authors should gather the following information: (a) complete contact information for themselves and each contributing author; this should include degree, mailing address, and email address; (b) a copy of the manuscript, in a Word-compatible format, including abstract, key words, text, and references; (c) a cover letter (required) explaining how the manuscript is innovative, provocative, timely, and of interest to a broad audience, and other information authors wish to share with editors. Note: the cover letter for manuscripts will NOT be shared with reviewers. If the manuscript is accepted, you will be asked for title page, key words, and (optional) acknowledgements. 

Instructions for Anonymous Files

To ensure anonymity in the review process, remove all identifying material from your manuscript. This includes: author's names, institutional affiliations, and contact information, self-identifying references to previous work, self-identifying footnotes, and acknowledgements. Papers that do not meet these requirements will be returned without review to the author.

Acceptance of Manuscripts

Submission of a manuscript to Social Problems implies that it has not been published or is not under consideration elsewhere. If accepted for this journal, it is not to be published elsewhere without permission. As a further condition of publication, the corresponding author will be responsible, where appropriate, for certifying that permission has been received to use copyrighted instruments or software employed in the research and that human or animal subjects approval has been obtained.

In the case of coauthored manuscripts, the corresponding author will also be responsible for signing a license to publish form on behalf of his or her co-authors indicating that the manuscript is original work, has not been previously published, will not be submitted for publication to any other journal following acceptance in Social Problems, and that all necessary permissions have been received.

Submission Fees

There is a non-refundable US$25 fee for all Article submissions made to Social Problems. Submission fees are collected online when the manuscript is submitted. Credit card payment details can be entered at the completion of the submission process. We do not store credit card details nor do we share customer details with any 3rd parties. The fee is incurred regardless of whether the submission is eventually accepted or not.

Manuscript Preparation

Papers are limited to a maximum of 35 pages (approx. 10,000 words) including references. Extra material including, tables, figures, photos, appendices, etc., should be kept to a minimum. All manuscripts should be typed in Times New Roman, 12-point font, and double-spaced (including indented quotes and references) on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch document.  Remove page numbers (ScholarOne Manuscript Central adds the page numbers automatically).  Leave one-inch margins.  Avoid the generic use of male nouns or pronouns.

Social Problems uses ASA Style Guide, 2nd ed. (1997). General guidelines follow. Please see below for additional information about the types of submissions and word counts.

a. Preparing the manuscript. Manuscripts should be double-spaced, including references and tables, on 8-1/2" x 11" paper using 1" margins. Number pages consecutively for the abstract, text, references, tables, and figures (in this order).

b. Submitting the manuscript. Manuscripts should be submitted online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/socpro.

c. Title page. If the manuscript is accepted, the title page should include complete contact information for each author, including (at a minimum) affiliation, mailing address, email address, and phone number. The corresponding author should be clearly designated as such.

d. Acknowledgment. If the authors choose to include acknowledgements recognizing funders or other individuals, they should be placed on a separate page immediately following the title page.  These acknowledgements should be removed for the anonymous version of the manuscript.

e. Abstract. On a separate page, each manuscript must include a brief abstract, double-spaced with a summary detailing the problem, procedures, and findings.

f. Text references.

1. Authors' names and publication dates used in the text should be enclosed by parentheses. Cite pages only in the case of a direct quotation, as shown below. 
2. Alphabetize multiple references. Separate with semicolons. 
3. For dual or triple authorship, give all last names; for more than three authors, use "et al." (include all names in the references following the text). 

4. For authors with more than one citation in the same year, designate by "a", "b", etc.


1. Gubrium (1993) suggests that "life narratives are not personality profiles" (p. 15).

2. . . .In various related projects (Berbrier 2000; Lowney 1998; Marvasti 2003).

3. . . . (Miller et al. 2002; Spencer and McKinney 1997).

4. . . . (Hondagneu-Sotelo 2001a, 2001b)

g. Reference list. List all sources alphabetically by author, and within author chronologically by year of publication, in a section entitled "References", following the main text. Please use referencing conventions established in the ASA Style Guide, 2nd ed. (1997). Examples appear in February and August issues of the American Sociological Review. Consult the ASA Style Guide for correct form.



          Gamson, Joshua. 1998. Freaks Talk Back. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

          Spector, Malcolm and John I. Kitsuse. [1977] 2001. Constructing Social Problems. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction.

Periodical Articles

          Jenness, Valerie. 1999. "Managing Differences and Making Legislation." Social Problems 46:548-71.

          Schmid, Thomas J. and Richard S. Jones. 1990. "Experiential Orientations to the Prison Experience." Perspectives on Social Problems 2:189-210.


          Emerson, Robert M. and Melvin Pollner. 2001. "Differences and Dialogue." Pp. 177-89 in Qualitative Research Methods, edited by D. Weinberg. Malden, MA: Blackwell.

          Loseke, Donileen R. and Joel Best, eds. 2003. Social Problems: Constructionist Readings. Hawthorne, NY: Aldine de Gruyter.

          Loseke, Donileen R. and Spencer Cahill. Forthcoming. "Publishing Qualitative Manuscripts." In Qualitative Research Practice, edited by C. Seale. G. Gobo, J.

h. Tables. Type each table on a separate page and append at the end of the manuscript. Insert a location note at the appropriate place in the text (e.g., Table 1 about here).

i. Figures/Illustrations. Figures should be suitable for clear photo reproducibility. Retain the originals (for transmission to editor upon acceptance) and append copies at the end of the manuscript.
Please upload your figures as high resolution files (TIF or EPS, preferred). For line drawings, the resolution should be 1200 d.p.i and for color and half-tone artwork, the resolution should be 300 d.p.i. For useful information on preparing your figures for publication, please see http://cpc.cadmus.com/da.

Figures must be professionally lettered in a sans-serif type (e.g., Arial or Helvetica). All labels used in figures should be in upper case in both the figure and the caption. The journal reserves the right to reduce the size of illustrative material.

Color Figures
Please contact the production editor (socialproblems@oup.comfor information about color.


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It is a condition of publication in Social Problems that authors grant an exclusive license to the The Society for the Study of Social Problems. This ensures that requests from third parties to reproduce articles are handled efficiently and consistently and will also allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible. As part of the license agreement, authors may use their own material in other publications provided that Social Problems is acknowledged as the original place of publication and Oxford University Press as the Publisher.

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• The sentence should begin: 'This work was supported by . . .'

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• Multiple grant numbers should be separated by a comma as follows: '[grant numbers xxxx, yyyy]'.

• Agencies should be separated by a semi-colon (plus 'and' before the last funding agency).

• Where individuals need to be specified for certain sources of funding the following text should be added after the relevant agency or grant number 'to [author initials]'.

An example is given here: 'This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health [AA123456 to C.S., BB765432 to M.H.]; and the Alcohol & Education Research Council [hfygr667789].' 

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For information about this journal's policy, please visit our Author Self-Archiving policy page.


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