The deadline to apply for the 2017 Racial/Ethnic Minority Graduate Scholarship was February 1, 2017.
Please see below for information on scholarship purpose, criteria, and a list of previous winners.


The Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP), in keeping with its philosophy of active engagement with social problems, participation in social problem solutions, and advancement of knowledge through study, service and critical analysis, established the Racial/Ethnic Minority Graduate Scholarship at its annual meeting in August 1993. The purpose of the scholarship is:

  • To identify and support developing minority scholars who exemplify and give fresh voice to the SSSP history and commitment to scholar activism
  • To give renewed energy and wider lenses to diversity in scholarship
  • To increase the pool of minority social and behavioral scientists
  • To establish a formal commitment to diversity through support of a minority doctoral student in the social and/or behavioral sciences inclusive of course work or dissertation research support who demonstrates a commitment, through his or her scholarly examination, of any aspect of inequality, injustice and oppression
  • A person identified as either Black/African American, Hispanic/ Latino, Asian/Asian-American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, or American Indian or Alaska Native accepted into an accredited doctoral program in any one of the social and/or behavioral sciences so as to expand their perspectives in the pursuit and investigations into social problems
  • Submission of a dissertation proposal of 15 or more double spaced pages. The student’s dissertation advisor’s letter should note that s/he expects the student to have defended the dissertation proposal and have achieved advanced status in the doctoral program (completed course work, examinations, and approval of their dissertation prospectus) by the end of the Spring 2016 academic year.
  • A grade point average or equivalent of at least 3.25 in one’s current graduate program [of study]
  • Evidence, through scholarly work and/or commitment to a career of scholar activism as demonstrated by: course work and research, activism in school and/or community, and career plans
  • Statement of financial need as expressed by the applicant and Graduate Program Director or Advisor
  • Applicant must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States

A $15,000 scholarship will be funded to two students with an additional $500 awarded for attendance at the annual meeting. Payments will be made in equal installments in September 2016 and January 2017. SSSP believes that the support of students will foster the commitment required to enable the student to fund living arrangements as well as academic or research costs.

  • Attend the annual meeting to receive the award.  A $500 stipend will be available to each winner for this purpose.
  • Submit a brief final report (three pages maximum) on the work sponsored through the award, at the end of the award year
  • Following year, present work (described above) at an appropriate division session.  A $500 stipend will be available to each winner for this purpose
  • Serve on the Racial/Ethnic Minority Graduate Scholarship Committee after completing graduate school, and attend the scheduled meeting of the committee.

It is the candidate’s responsibility to make sure that his or her application meets all requirements to be considered eligible for evaluation. Complete application packets should be sent to the SSSP Administrative Office. INCOMPLETE PACKETS WILL NOT BE REVIEWED. Each packet must include the following:

  • Racial/Ethnic Minority Graduate Scholarship Application (complete and print the application and send it in with the rest of your application);
  • An Official Transcript with seal from the student’s Graduate Program Registrar (digital transcripts will not be accepted);
  • Resume or Curriculum Vitae;
  • Three letters of recommendation addressing the student’s work and progress in program, including one from the student’s dissertation Advisor. The letter from the Advisor should address the financial need of the applicant, and should also note that the student will have defended the dissertation proposal and have achieved advanced status in the doctoral program (completed course work, examinations, and approval of their dissertation prospectus) by the end of the Spring 2016 academic year.
  • Each letter should be placed in a sealed envelope with author’s signature over the sealLetters not included in the packet will not be accepted. It is the candidate’s responsibility to make sure that all letters of recommendation are signed over the flap by the authors of the letters and included in the application packet.
  • Personal statement of commitment to a career of scholar activism;
  • Fifteen or more double spaced pages of your dissertation proposal
  • Budget proposal

Contact Dr. Reuben J. Miller, Chair, Racial/Ethnic Minority Graduate Scholarship Committee with all questions:


Click here to view a list of past winners.