The Twitter Developer Blog

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Results from Developer for: April 2017

Building the Future of the Twitter API Platform

Twitter’s API platform enables a robust ecosystem of developers and innovators to build solutions using public Twitter data that serve a wide range of needs. Today, we’re excited to announce that we’ll be unifying our API platform to make it easier for developers to build new applications that can smoothly scale as they grow. We’re also launching new APIs and endpoints that enable developers to build on the unique attributes of Twitter to create better experiences for businesses.


New APIs to power the future of customer engagement in Direct Messages

Today we are opening up access to several new Direct Message APIs so that developers can build better personalized customer experiences at scale. These APIs are designed to help businesses use the entire Twitter platform, from public Tweets to private Direct Messages, to deliver faster, richer, and more engaging human- and bot-powered customer service, marketing, and engagement experiences.

These APIs enable innovative interactions in Direct Messages, like what @United has created for exploring travel.