- published: 05 Sep 2013
- views: 13477
Cento is a city and comune in the province of Ferrara, part of the region Emilia-Romagna (northern Italy). In Italian "cento" means 100.
The name Cento is a reference to the centuriation of the Po Valley. Cento's growth from its origin as a little fishing village in the marshes to an established farming town took place in the first few centuries in the second millennium.
The Bishop of Bologna and the Abbot of Nonantola established the Partecipanza Agraria, an institution in which land would perpetually be redistributed every twenty years among the male heirs of the families who constituted the initial core of the community in the 12th century.
In 1502 Pope Alexander VI took it away from the dominion of the Bishop of Bologna and made it part of the dowry of his daughter Lucrezia Borgia, betrothed to Duke Alfonso I d'Este and was later returned to the Papal States in 1598.
South-east of the city lies the small historic fortification of Pieve di Cento.
CENTO & JorBe ○ ხელოვნების შვილები ○ - ვერ დაგივიწყებ ♥
CENTO ○ ხელოვნების შვილი ○ & maRJe (W.s.R) - ჩემი ტკივილი
CENTO - The Rite Time ( official music video )
CENTO - Action & Crash & Fail by OesRecords
Alte Helden: Cento
Cento Zlot 2013 SZCZYRK Orle Gniazdo I Love My Cento....
Carnevale di Cento - 2017 - Spettacolare!!!
Tá Na Mente - Dez por Cento | Lançamento 2017
Karaokê 10% (Dez Por Cento) - Maiara e Maraísa
The illusion of life
Actors: Eva Ras (actress), Velimir 'Bata' Zivojinovic (actor), Kleopatra Harisijades (editor), Rados Bajic (actor), Zivko Nikolic (director), Zivko Nikolic (writer), Dragomir 'Gidra' Bojanic (actor), Mija Aleksic (actor), Viktor Starcic (actor), Pavle Vuisic (actor), Dusan Kovacevic (writer), Ljiljana Dragovic (costume designer), Milka Lukic (actress), Petar Sobajic (producer), Vesna Pecanac (actress),
Genres: Drama,ეს სიმღერა ჩაიწერა 2012 წელს ძველია მაგრამ გრძნობებით სავსე....♥ მინდა ორი სიტყვით ავუხსნა მსმენელს..აქ არაფერი არარის მოპარული..ეს მელოდია დევს youtubze " და ნებისმიერს აქვს უფლება ჩაწეროს მასზე...ასერომ კრიტიკას მოვისმენთ ოღონდაც სამართლიანს და საფუძვლიანს!! ველოდებით შეფასებებს ...
ჩემი პირველი სიმღერა..რომელსაც არასდროს წავშლი...!! დასახვეწია ვიცი მაგრამ გვახსოვდეს ყველას აქ მხოლოდ ტექსტი და ისტორიაა მოსასმენი...ყველაფერი რეალურ ისტორიაზეა დაფუძვნებული!! მადლობა ყველას ვინც გაიზიარა ჩემი ტკივილი!
SCROLLL DOWN FOR DOWNLOAD LINK CENTO is an indonesian RnB vocalist and this is his first debut single. the song is about a Boy whohave a crush on his best friend and he have to face the risk of jeopardizing their friendship. what will happen next? how he deal with tha situation? Go get the song on iTunes : https://itun.es/id/JBHwfb Go get the song on spotify : https://open.spotify.com/album/40KjHzRjGBdUexgA4tFaHG Go get the song on Deezer : http://www.deezer.com/album/14238980 the song is also available on : Apple Music | rhapsody music | Shazam | 7digital | Tidal and other 30 Online Stores worlwide. Follow Cento on : instagram : @CENTO.RNB Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/centomusicrnb/?ref=bookmarks Booking & Business inquiries : +62 82117090096 song title : The Rit...
www.oesrecords.pl https://www.facebook.com/OesRecordsRallyTeam/ W materiale zostało wykorzystane też jedno ujęcie Zamiennik Records i Kupchuck Records
„Cento ist Teil meines Lebens, wir sind seit über 20 Jahren zusammen. Er bekommt hier seinen verdienten Ruhestand. Er hat viel für mich getan und das will ich jetzt auch zurückgeben”, sagt Otto Becker. Für die Filmreihe „Alte Helden“ (http://www.pferd-aktuell.de/altehelden) hat die FN den 27-jährigen rüstigen Holsteiner Hengst Cento, der den heutigen Bundestrainer der Springreiter Otto Becker zum Mannschafts-Olympiasieger und –Europameister machte, auf seinem Ruhesitz in Sendenhorst besucht.
rap del cerrao
Carnevale di Cento ● ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬๑۩۩๑▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● _*****╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗***** _ _*****║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣***** _ _*****╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣***** _ _*****╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝***** _ ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬๑۩۩๑▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● Iscriviti al canale: http://bit.ly/IscrivitialCanale ❤️ Facebook clicca mi piace: https://www.facebook.com/Eventi-per-Grandi-e-Piccini-1736517883260659/settings/?tab=settings Sito carnevale di Cento: http://www.carnevalecento.com/
Música ''Dez por Cento'' Faixa integrante do Novo Trabalho do Grupo TÁ NA MENTE, EP intitulado PRESENTE DE DEUS / Lançamento 2017 Produção Musical: Bruno Cardoso e Lelê Us3 Baixe Já no Itunes.: https://itunes.apple.com/br/album/presente-de-deus-ep/id1179179417 Direitos reservados a.: GOLD Music / Grupo Tá Na Mente LETRA.: Todos falam que nós dois não temos jeito São só brigas e um monte de defeitos Pra que seguir, pra que fingir Não há mais o que fazer Eu desisto desse povo tão maldoso De repente todo mundo é invejoso Sei que eles vão ver, vamos reverter Ta em nós a solução 10% só de chance, o nosso amor ta por um triz 90% é a chance de não ter você, e ser infeliz Pode apostar que a inveja não destroi oq é do bem Eu sem você não quero nada e mais ninguém Dá mais uma chance pra eu não ...
Espero que tenham gostado do vídeo Canal 1 : http://youtube.com/pontodokaraoke ___Contato :__ WhatsApp : (31)994172560 Ou pontodokaraoke@gmail.com Promoções / Encomendas : http://pontodokaraoke.com Faça Seu Site com a YCorn : http://www.ycorn.us/hosting/web/aff.p... Nos siga no Twitter : http://twitter.com/pontodokaraoke Acompanhe no Facebook : http://facebook.com/pontodokaraoke
The 12 basic principles of animation were developed by the 'old men' of Walt Disney Studios, amongst them Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston, during the 1930s. Of course they weren't old men at the time, but young men who were at the forefront of exciting discoveries that were contributing to the development of a new art form. These principles came as a result of reflection about their practice and through Disney's desire to use animation to express character and personality. This movie is my personal take on those principles, applied to simple shapes. Like a cube. Check also the animated gif gallery here http://the12principles.tumblr.com/.
I wrapped up in a single short film a few animations I've been working on this summer. Three short stories that take place during the sunset. Tragically, it's going to be the very last sunset experience for all of the main characters involved.
There is a kind of cult in the world, made of men and women of all social backgrounds, of all ages, races and religions. It's the sect of the sleepless. I am part of it. The men who do not belong to the sect sometimes say to those who are part of: 'if you can not sleep you can still read, watch TV, study or do anything else'. This kind of tips deeply bother components of the sect of insomniacs. The reason is very simple: those who suffer from insomnia has only one obsession: to fall asleep. helped by references to some of the greatest masters of surrealism, and starring Frédéric Chopin's nocturne for this new short, I tried to show the beauty and the purity of dreams, and the bizarre behavior of our images and thoughts flow, into them. AUDIO RECOMMENDED!
Playatta’s mission is to bring pure, simple FUN to any event. I tried to bring the same kind of things to this animation. Sound design by Hal Lovemelt. http://www.playatta.com/
Now, this is pretty badass! So put on your darkest sunglasses and enjoy! No animals were harmed in the making of this film. AUDIO RECOMMENDED
Animography Monthly is a monthly recurring animation project to explore the use of animated typefaces.I took on the seventh issue with 'Kick And Rush'. Growing up with soccer, the world cup was always a period of maximum joy. And of course the opposite in case of loss. With this short piece I wanted to tribute the soccer wolrd cup, by celebrating the beauty of the colors, the energy, the players expressing their amazing skills, and the infinite excitement of the victory. - Design & Animation: Cento Lodigiani Animated Typeface: Fat Frank, by Jeff Schreiber & Oliver Dead Audio: Cento Lodigiani - The animated typeface in this animation is available on Animography.net - Follow Animography on facebook.com/animography or twitter.com/animography
what the fuck man, this that nigga banger man
no more fuckin smurf, i got some wools with meman
Yah nigga, thats whats up
thats this nigga Jess, nigga AT
My motherfuckin nigga, wrong lee
Low, that nigga Ice, you know
109 got brew
Do or die, Ja, Star, woo
Big leaky leak, my brother Sweets, my nigga eddie
My niggas bang bang, my nigga 50,
I'll buck a nigga for my nigga 50, that act up nigga
We got some wools with us niggas
Fuckin faggots
We ain't no blood or a crip nigga
We doin our own thing