Website Development Services

The accessibility of your website can be just as important as the content you provide. Some aspects of website development can actually hinder your exposure on search engines. Does your site have any roadblocks that you’re not aware of?

The accessibility of any website starts with development and the firm you choose. It's essential to work with someone that has a strong understanding of web standards. If your current firm or agency isn't adhering to web standards, your users could be viewing a website that you didn’t intend them to see. Details like cross-browser compatibility and heading structure can ensure that your site displays correctly for your users and conveys your intentions to search engines.

I always use proper semantic markup and code to make sure the search engines index a site exactly as its designed. Accessible website development can be a simple process but the many steps are often overlooked by other firms.

Saving you time and money

Developing sites with web standards not only helps your website today on the search engines, it also saves you time and money in the future. Older development methods apply repetitive techniques that can require many hours to update when changes are needed. In addition, bloated code will increase your bandwidth costs by making the browsers read more data than they need to. My website development firm adheres to current standards, making sure your site's accessibility is always a primary concern.

Building leaner, meaner websites is what I do and it’s what makes my website development firm in Greenville, SC the right choice for your business. Contact me to learn how I can make your website more accessible.

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