Dr Volz has successfully worked with different quantum systems, from ultracold quantum gases to integrated quantum photonic devices to nanodiamonds. He has made major contributions to each field. His work on Feshbach resonances in rubidium 87 and the creation and study of ultracold molecules is widely recognised. In quantum photonics, Dr Volz demonstrated the creation of strongly correlated photons and ultrafast single-photon switching on a semiconductor chip. Dr Volz runs several labs including the Low Temperature Cavity lab at CSIRO and the Nanodiamond Science lab at Macquarie University. The main focus of both labs lies on researching and exploring new ways to fabricate/harness materials which are relevant in quantum technologies. In particular, the main directions at present are quantum sensing with nanodiamonds, nanoscale light-matter interfaces and quantum optomechanics with levitated/trapped nanodiamonds in close collaboration with the Molina-Terriza group at Macquarie University.

Major funding support

2012-2017 Chief Investigator in the ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQuS).

Mentoring and research training

Dr Volz has a proven track record of successfully supervising and mentoring research students. He co-supervised three PhD students and several internship students at ETH Zurich. He currently supervises two PhD students and one Postdoctoral fellow. If you are interested in working or studying with Dr Volz, please contact him.

PhD, Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany (2007)
Dip Physics Konstanz, Germany (2002)
Addressing spins in diamond with macroscopic microwave cavities

Grand challenge: Use nanoscale diamonds as ultra-sensitive probes of magnetic fields in industrial and biological environments.

This project is a joint effort between the groups of Dr Thomas Volz at Macquarie University Sydney and Professor Michael Tobar at the University of Western Australia. The project is geared towards a new method for addressing and manipulating solid-state spins using macroscopic microwave cavities both at liquid-helium and room temperature. Conventional methods for addressing diamond spins rely on on-chip solutions with the potential of generating too much dissipated heat, leading to drifts and undesirable heating of the sample to be investigated. The new approach is contactless and intrinsically requires much less drive power since the cavity provides a local enhancement of the circulated microwave power (approximately by the cavity Q-factor).

Nanodiamond levitation

This project combines the expertise of CI Volz’s group on manipulating NV centres in nanodiamonds and cold-atom trapping with the expertise in Molina-Terriza’s group on the trapping and levitation of nanoparticles in order to study the influence of embedded “artificial atoms” on the motion of the crystal as a whole for near-resonant trapping lasers. The ultimate goal is twofold: on the one hand, we want to design novel optical tweezers with enhanced optical forces for manipulating ultrasmall nanodiamonds in liquid, and on the other hand, we want to exploit the optical forces from the NV centres to cool the centre-of-mass motion of a levitated nanodiamond as a whole.

Current Supervision

Doctor Philosophy - Principal Advisor

Doctor Philosophy - Principal Advisor

Doctor Philosophy - Principal Advisor

Nominated for the national ETHOS research leadership forum by Macquarie University


ERC Marie-Curie Research Training Network EMALI

(2007 to 2008)

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Major funding support

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