
May 18, 2017
by actforfreedom

Greece , Athens – Responsibility claim for the attack on Omonia police station by Wild May group 16/5/2017

Translated by boubourAs for Act for freedom now!
About the attack on Omonia police station for the anniversary of the
death of anarchist guerrilla Christos Tsoutsouvis (May 15th)
For the revolutionaries who did not give away even a breath to the
hunters of the state.
For the guerrillas, who are winners from the first shot, feeding inside
them the last shot before they meet it in their journey.
May 15th 1985, a clash in Gizi area, anarchist Christos Tsoutsouvis,
member of the organization Anti-State Battle, shoots and drops 3 cops
who had ambushed him, on the spot. The last cop, before leaving his
futile life manages to shoot once. The bullet hits the comrade in the
heart. The cheerful comrade stole the fruits of history from the hands
of authority and gave it away to the community of freedom.
May 15th 2017, we attacked Omonia police station with molotov, together
with a few dozen other comrades. The decisiveness of this raiding
attack, its formation and complete element of surprise of the uniformed
torturers, gave us the opportunity to reach the door of their nest and
torch some cop-cars.

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May 17, 2017
by actforfreedom

ATHENS – Responsibility claim for a coordinated attack during the night of Thursday May 4th on Vodafone shops


Translated by boubourAs for act for freedom now!


Responsibility claim for a coordinated attack on Vodafone shops

The crisis was and remains an opportunity for state and bosses to loot
large social strata. Thus, it could not leave our transportation in the
city unaffected since the attack we have experienced these last 7 years
intervenes in every aspect of the social field.

A main weapon in the arsenal of capitalist brutality is the demeaning of
concepts, conditions, words, perceptions. Thus, the restructuring
promoted in the means of public Transport does not only speak of
vandals, destroyers of public property, free-loaders and fare-dodgers.
Essentially, it excludes large social strata from the basic need of
transport in the urban web, rendering transport in the city some sort of
luxury. Our travels with means of Transport, whether used to go to work,
school or just a stroll, is an imposed necessity, an inseparable part of
the reproduction of capitalist relations since capital could not profit
like it does, without a network of fast transportation.

With a cost of over 125.000.000 euro, the restructuring and “purging” of
the means of public Transport imposes the increase of the already
expensive tickets -especially if one considers the quality of life,
wages, etc- the placement of turnstiles that will exclude all those who
cannot or choose not to purchase a ticket, cameras everywhere above our
heads in stations, carriages, buses, large groups of inspectors, who
like genuine headhunters have been unleashed on stops and stations.
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May 17, 2017
by actforfreedom

Attacks with cocktails Molotov were carried out in the early hours of Tuesday16/5/17 by a group of people in the center of Athens.


Specifically, around 2.30 am a group of 20 individuals threw Molotov to
the facade of Omonia police station.
A while later, individuals threw Molotov at the General Secretariat of
Trade, on Kaniggos square.
Finally, around 2.45, the target of attack was the riot cop unit at the
corner of Tositsa and Patision street, near the Poytechnic.

May 16, 2017
by actforfreedom

Genova — Valbisagno [Italy]: Mobile phone mast sabotaged in solidarity with imprisoned anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike (12/05/17)

Mobile phone mast sabotaged in solidarity with prisoner Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike against the censorship imposed on those arrested in op. Scripta Manent.
Break the isolation

May 15, 2017
by actforfreedom

Letter from Kara, anarchist in jail for the burning of a cops’ car – France

via: Attaque
Indymedia Nantes / samedi 13 mai 2017
Fleury, 4th of april 2017
Brief Statement
I would like people to know that I am not in accord with the statements I made to the judge.
It does not do to break with our principles just because of being afraid.
At the «trial» I plan on saying either nothing fruther or statements in accord with my principles. I am, have been for many years, & expect to always be, an anarchist.
I have the same principles & values that I had before I got arrested, & I never doubted them either. Being here has taught me some really importanin-the-yard-medium-212x300t lessons I should’ve know before (but not the ones «they» want to teach.)
It’s important to me to be in solidarity with Krème. He’s my friend who I never met.
I’m so profondly greatful for the support I have gotten in the form of books, letters, money & just positive energy sent.
I think it’s not even an exageration to say I would be dead without it.
« No! Sentence first, trial afterwards ! « Replied the Queene of hearts.»»
Alice in Wonderland
Kara W.
No more laws No more lies
No more cages No more leaders
No more coffins No more history
Up with witches, up with wolves, up with whales
To write to her :
Kara (David Brault)
N° 428682
MAH de Fleury-Mérogis
7, avenue des Peupliers
91705 Saint-Geneviève-des-Bois Cedex
[en français]

May 14, 2017
by actforfreedom

Plain Words #2 , Anarchist Counter-Information in Bloomington, Indiana – USA


[For reading and printing 8.5×11]
[For printing 11×17]

The second issue of Plain Words is here, featuring continued analysis of the poverty of social media and the internet, instructions on keeping yourself safe from enemy eyes, a look at the Aachen bank robbery case in Germany, a contribution by anarchist prisoner Sean Swain, information on Marius Mason, some communiques from actions undertaken in memory of anarchist and ecological fighters, news of general unruliness around town, and a glimpse at earth liberation actions of the past.
“Express Yourself: Liberal Democracy’s Trap”
“How to Mask Up”
“Sabotage in Memory of Lambros Foundas”
“Graffiti in Memory of James Marker”
“So What If They Did Rob the Banks?”
“Floodgates: The Urge to Obey, A Flight from Initiative, and Identity Politics”
“Professor’s Office Sabotaged”
“A Message from Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain to Bloomington Zinefest”
“Free Marius Mason”
“Blast from the Past: Earth Liberation Front Attacks Wal-Mart in Martinsville”
Action Chronology

May 14, 2017
by actforfreedom

One Month Until June 11th! – USA

We’re one month away from this year’s June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and all long-term anarchist prisoners!june11th-poster-2014-819x1024-1
The essence of the day is that many seemingly separate events and actions can resonate within a wider network of efforts in solidarity with our imprisoned fighters. In this way, we make real the proposal of a multiform anarchist solidarity – one in which banner drops and bake sales, spray paint and sending letters, demonstrations and destruction can, together, show the diversity and power of anarchist solidarity. Every year, we are amazed at what people do. From big cities to small towns to lone individuals, anarchists put their hearts, minds, and hands to work, showing that anyone, no matter their circumstances, has something meaningful to contribute to freeing our imprisoned comrades.
We wish to express our support for the International Day of Solidarity with Eric King on June 28.
We also express our solidarity with the call for a Dangerous June in solidarity with anarchist, revolutionary and rebel individualities.

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May 14, 2017
by actforfreedom

Summary of the 18th and 19th session of the Aachen court case – Germany

During the session on the 28th of April the police expert testified concerning the telephone communication. The focus was on the messages, calls and contacts shared between various confiscated phones. It turned out that there were no “welcome messages” to other countries and that Vodafone does not have access to the data of 2014 (because they are obliged to erase them after one year). In the comparison of the agendas, some shared phone numbers were found, but no calls were made between those phones in the days around the robbery.
There was particular interest in the significance of messages of short numbers (the customer service type of the companies) and the prosecution indicated that the request to Vodafone Spain had only been made 2 weeks before. Furthermore, in one of the private houses which were raided on the 13th of April, nothing was found that could be used as proof.
The session on the 5th of May consisted of reading out some parts of the file. On the one hand the defense brought in various documents which show, by means of the archived sentence of the Pandora II case and the case of Monica and Francisco, that GAC is not a terrorist organisation. On the other hand, the appeal against the preventive arrest made in December 2016 by the lawyer of one of the comrades was read, alleging, among other things, that the DNA sample (of the fake breathalyser test) was illegally taken, and thus is not valid. The court of Cologne justified keeping the comrade in prison because of the severity of the crime and the indicated relation of the accused with the anarchist movement. Furthermore, the (work) curriculum of one of the comrades was read out, so that the tribunal would have more knowledge of the accused.
The next sessions will be:
May 12: the biometrical expert will testify as a witness from the prosecution
May 18: Plea of the prosecution and possible demand of the sentence
May 22 and 31: Plea of the defense begins
June 7 and 13: are still left open, depending on what happens in the previous sessions.
Our presence in these final moments is very important!!
That our comrades may not feel alone and will feel the support and strength of friends and other people in solidarity!!!

May 14, 2017
by actforfreedom

Italy – Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito, on hunger strike, from the anarchist paper ‘Vetriolo’

Translated by act for freedom now!
On 3rd May anarchist Alfredo Cospito – imprisoned in the AS2 unit in Ferrara following the kneecapping of Adinolfi, managing director of Ansaldo Nucleare, and recently subjected to another arrest warrant following operation ‘Scripta Manent’ – has gone on hunger strike for ten days in protest at the censorship that is blocking most of his incoming and outgoing letters. Alfredo has asked comrades to send books, magazines, and other material in great numbers in support of his hunger strike and to break the isolation due to prison censorship.
Prosecutor Sparagna in Turin has imposed censorship on the comrades imprisoned following operation ‘Scripta Manent’. In recent months censorship has become harsher and many letters are systematically censored and blocked; books, papers, and all sorts of dispatches hardly ever reach their  destination. Censorship has also struck an article for Vetriolo that Alfredo sent us in December.
Likewise, an article written by Anna for another publication was seized in January. Furthermore no copy of our paper has been delivered to Alfredo or the other prisoners: copies were seized by the guards or they simply disappeared.

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May 14, 2017
by actforfreedom

Italy – Anarchist Alfredo Cospito, on his third day of hunger strike, shouts: ‘BREAK ISOLATION!’

Translated by act for freedom now!
From Alfredo’s letter which we received yesterday 04/05/17, we learn the hunger strike he started on 03/05/17 will continue for ten days, a hunger strike that follows extensive ongoing censorship and the blocking of incoming and outgoing letters, books, news, etc. sent in by many comrades.
In particular he writes that all the letters sent by one of the editors of CNA over the last month were blocked, 7 out of 7.
In his short letter he points out that censorship had already been extended to three months over a month ago, but has become even more insistent since the ending of investigations.
And according to what he tells us, things are even worse in Rebibbia.
He concludes his letter with a shout: ‘BREAK ISOLATION!’

May 14, 2017
by actforfreedom

Turin, Italy – Police storm several occupied spaces and make 6 arrests

Translated by act for freedom now!
At 6:30am on 3rd May antiriot police and carabinieri squads coordinated by Digos and ROS, stormed Asilo Occupato, the squats on Corso Giulio Cesare and Borgo Dora and two houses in Turin and Barge; the local media also mentioned raids carried out in Bologna and Cuneo, of which we have no confirmation.
The pretext for this repressive operation, which led to six comrades being arrested, is an alleged scuffle that took place outside Asilo last February at the end of a night event; the charges are kidnapping, aggravated damage and resisting public officials. Antonio from Lecce, Antonio Sardo, Camille, Fabiola, Fran and Giada were taken to the prison of Le Vallette, and there’s mention of an unconfirmed seventh arrest.

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May 14, 2017
by actforfreedom

There’s Nothing Anarchist about Eco-Fascism: A Condemnation of ITS

“When horror knocks at your door, it’s difficult to hide from. All that can be done is to breathe, gather strength, and face it…. I shared news of the woman found in University City. From the first moment, I was angered and protested the criminalization of the victim. The next morning I woke up to the horror and pain that she was my relative.”
– Statement from the family of Lesvy Rivera to Mexican society
“[W]e take responsibility for the homicide of another human in University City on May 3rd….Much has emerged about that damned thing leaning lifeless on a payphone… ‘that she suffered from alcoholism, that she wasn’t a student, this and that.’ But what does it matter? She’s just another mass, just another damned human who deserved death.”
– 29th Statement of Individualists Tending Toward the Wild (ITS)
Some things shouldn’t have to be said, but as is too often the case in this disaster of a world, that which should be most obvious often gets subsumed to the exigencies of politics, ideologies, money, emotion, or internet clicks. The purpose of this piece is to condemn the recent acts of eco-extremists in Mexico and those who cheer them on from abroad.

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May 10, 2017
by actforfreedom

Greece – Responsibility claim for an attack on the premises of Pro Patria Fascists place

15th February 2017
Many years ago antifascist slogans went like this: ‘historical fascism is dead, day-to-day fascism is alive’.
The statement was correct for that historical period and it established a strategic direction against the fascistization of society. European societies were becoming havens of capitalism and countries that greeted migrants from defeated Eastern Europe; the first examples of social racism and state institutional racism and the rhetoric of the mass media were making their appearance in society.
In Greece neo-fascists were a bunch of employees of the police mechanism (basically all connected to military organizations, which during the resistance had collaborated with the Italian-German invaders and during the civil war had been identifying leftist people thus adding to the on-going massacre, and in the period after the civil war had political predominance), without political or organizational perspectives or any kind of confirmation in society except for a small right-wing group.
But in that period a first graft without pretensions took place in society with capitalist values. It was the epoch where ‘the winners of the end of history’ were becoming even more brutal and aggressive like all winners.
Both in western societies (for example with the violent dissolution of the welfare system) and on an international level (with the spreading of crusade wars by the axis of justice and democracy). War conditions are continuing today: at low tension within western countries and intense tension in various areas of the world (Iraq, Syria etc.). Now more than ever, within the system of global capitalistic crisis, societies have to form alliances, get used to the normality of constant war, take lessons in barbarism and racism, get used to seeing the army amusing themselves in the streets, recognize the enemies pointed out by the system as their own. Fall asleep with fear and wake up poorer but with national pride.

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May 10, 2017
by actforfreedom

On Not Voting and Anti-Electoral Attack – France

Two texts from Blasphegme #4, a mural journal that started appearing around Paris on April 4. The first text is an individualist rejection of electoralism and the society that goes with it and the second is a brief round up of attacks against electoral infrastructure in the month before its publication.
I don’t vote!blasphegme4-1-180x300
I don’t vote. Because I don’t want to choose a master, to choose who will decide in my place what’s right for me, who will force me to respect their choices, who will present those choices as my own. I don’t want the majority to determine the conditions of my servitude, I don’t want to the cattle to build the fences that enclose them and select those who will rule over me as well, regardless of what I think.
I don’t vote because I don’t want the world they force on us. I don’t recognize the idea of the nation, of peoples, or of citizenship, because states always manage to construct identities that give the illusion of a unified population. My nationality, the language I speak, and the colour of my skin in no way determine who I am, and I don’t recognize the borders of the state in which chance saw me born. In the same way, I don’t want to hear about any “common good”, because I don’t want to be part of any community – I don’t want to be bound to anyone and I want to choose those with whom I build my life.

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May 10, 2017
by actforfreedom

The religion of green anarchy .

This text was originally sent to Black and Green Review. They never responded.
Disclaimer—in North America, which is my context, land defense struggles are often from indigenous perspectives, and they are struggles based on reclaiming or defending land from the state. I can only speak from a settler perspective, and my critique is specifically of land defense through a futurist lens and the deification of nature as it is practiced by settlers in North America.
The Religion of Green Anarchy:
a critique, a question, and a proposal
Many land defense struggles in North America focus on the purity of the wild when coming from a settler green anarchist perspective. Based on the propaganda and analysis that comes from this perspective and out of these struggles, we seek to defend these spaces from industrial civilization (and through this, colonial expansion) because we are defending the last ‘wild’ areas, from which we can subsist. This belief in ‘wild’ and ‘untouched’ spaces is not only unfounded, but falls into the creation of a morality of the wild, which takes on a religious tone. This religious tone can be broken down into: a) ‘good’ wilderness vs ‘bad’ wilderness, and b) preservation of a utopia or ‘heaven’ for future generations. Oftentimes, settlers in North America lack a coherent culture – there is no North American culture outside of capitalism. This religious tone can be understood as a response to this cultureless void, as we try to create a context for ourselves—an anchoring for our identities.
When we approach land defense struggles from this moralist and future-oriented perspective, we limit the potential of these struggles. The primary drive of engaging in land defense struggles for future generations can prefigure the struggles themselves. This leads to an acceptance of concessions and defeats, as we are able to convince ourselves that a failed land defense is contributing to a culture of resistance, with which the future generations can engage. What would these struggles look like were we to see them as book-ended by our life and death, breaking from the limitations of morality, culture, or the future generations? What trajectory would a land defense take if individual sensory experience were the guiding principal?

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May 9, 2017
by actforfreedom

UK , London: Group of cyclists tail immigration enforcement snatch van through the streets of London

Submitted anonymously – 8th May 2017
Today a group of people on bicycles encircled and tailed an immigration arrest van through the streets of central London as it was on its way to carry out a raid.
This was done to alert people to the existence of these vans and their daily incursions into our neighbourhoods. It was also done to disrupt the smooth running of immigration enforcement; a machine that rounds people up, detains them indefinitely, and expels them from the country to face unknown dangers.
These raids are the point at which the whole immigration regime is at its weakest. Remember that in order to carry out raids they must come into our neighbourhoods, drive down our streets, and try to force their way into businesses and homes. It is also critical to intervene in these moments before someone is handcuffed and in the back of a van. Its also easier to stop a raid which would result in another immigration prisoner than it is to support the same person in detention or fight for their release through the courts.
Immigration officers will not carry out a raid when they know that people are following them. Previous cases have shown that even one person filming and confronting them is at times sufficient to make them give up and leave. They remember and fear a repeat of when they have been stopped by people in the communities they’ve invaded and needed rescuing from by the police.

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