Steven W Thrasher
Steven W Thrasher is writer-at-large for Guardian US. He was named Journalist of the Year 2012 by the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association. His work has appeared in the New York Times, the Village Voice, Rolling Stone, BuzzFeed, the Advocate and more. Follow him on Twitter at @thrasherxy or visit his website.
Countless Americans affected by the virus are living in fear of losing the treatment they were only able to receive because of Obamacare
Being polite gets us nowhere. We should channel the righteous anger we feel at the mess America is in, and use it to change society
Protests against Donald Trump have revealed a willingness to have difficult conversations but still unite against a common enemy
It’s foolhardy to chain your self-worth to the political cycle when we have but this one precious life to enjoy
From an acclaimed novel to an immersive theater experience, the divisive sexual practice made a comeback in art amid heightened anxiety over sex and gender
It’s incessant, but is that a good thing or a bad one? Two writers weigh in
Any gestures toward bipartisan teamwork help normalize all that Trump says and stands for, and that’s the worst thing the left can do
It’s sad that our ancestors’ battle for equal rights may never end. But I will do my part as my father did
Steven W Thrasher asks how far Donald Trump has to go before people stop seeing him as ‘just another president’
We can’t look past things the president-elect has said about minorities and women in this country. Anyone who does is playing with fire
People of color, women, Muslims, queer people, the sick, immigrants: all are threatened by Donald Trump. Counter it with love, warmth, support
At a time when gay culture is overwhelmingly white, Barry Jenkins explores the experience of queer black men and the challenges we face
Clinton and Trump went head to head in Nevada for the third and final presidential debate, clashing on topics including immigration and Iraq
The poet on why she’s using her MacArthur genius grant to explore whiteness and how an Ohio prison explodes the idea that blackness equals criminality
Follow along for the latest updates from the trail, as Paul Ryan tells Republicans to focus on getting themselves re-elected
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump went head to head tonight in the first of three highly anticipated clashes. Here’s how they performed
Trump’s voter fraud commission is a shameless white power grab
Trump’s voter fraud commission is a shameless white power grab