- published: 22 Aug 2016
- views: 443940
Breeding is the reproduction that is producing of offspring, usually animals or plants:
Breeding may also refer to:
Sun and Moon (or, less commonly, Moon and Sun) may refer to:
Pokémon (ポケモン, Pokemon, /ˈpoʊkeɪˌmɒn/ POH-kay-mon) is a media franchise owned by The Pokémon Company, and created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1995. It is centered on fictional creatures called "Pokémon", which humans known as Pokémon Trainers catch and train to battle each other for sport.
The franchise began as a pair of video games for the original Game Boy, developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo. The franchise now spans video games, trading card games, animated television shows and movies, comic books, and toys. Pokémon is the second-most successful and lucrative video game-based media franchise in the world, behind only Nintendo's Mario franchise.
The franchise celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2006. Cumulative sales of the video games (including home console games, such as Hey You, Pikachu! for the Nintendo 64) have reached more than 200 million copies. In November 2005, 4Kids Entertainment, which had managed the non-game related licensing of Pokémon, announced that it had agreed not to renew the Pokémon representation agreement. Pokémon USA Inc. (now The Pokémon Company International), a subsidiary of Japan's Pokémon Co., now oversees all Pokémon licensing outside of Asia. As of 2013, the Pokémon media franchise has grossed revenues of ¥4 trillion worldwide (equivalent to US$37.76 billion). The brand earned $2 billion in 2014 alone.
Horse breeding is reproduction in horses, and particularly the human-directed process of selective breeding of animals, particularly purebred horses of a given breed. Planned matings can be used to produce specifically desired characteristics in domesticated horses. Furthermore, modern breeding management and technologies can increase the rate of conception, a healthy pregnancy, and successful foaling.
The male parent of a horse, a stallion, is commonly known as the sire and the female parent, the mare, is called the dam. Both are genetically important, as each parent provides half of the genetic makeup of the ensuing offspring, called a foal. Contrary to popular misuse, "colt" refers to a young male horse only; "filly" is a young female. Though many horse owners may simply breed a family mare to a local stallion in order to produce a companion animal, most professional breeders use selective breeding to produce individuals of a given phenotype, or breed. Alternatively, a breeder could, using individuals of differing phenotypes, create a new breed with specific characteristics.
"Thank you" is a common expression of gratitude. It often refers to a thank you letter, a letter written to express appreciation.
Thank You or Thank U may also refer to:
Horses Mating which the happiness Horse Breeding
Mating collection #1 - Cow mating Breeding cattle in the farm
Arabian Horse Breeding
Smokey n Lucy breeding
Chăn nuôi bò giống , Phối giống bò | Cows matings , breeding cattle in Việt Nam
Bred Cows Cow Mating 13 Spain - Young bull breeding cow
POKEMON SUN AND MOON BREEDING GUIDE! Best Pokemon Sun and Moon IVs and Hidden Ability Breeding
Breeding Boy Butt Bareback (in the Woods)
Lord Howe Island Stick Insect hatching
Thank You For Not Breeding - a short film by Nina Paley
Breeding Ground (A Short Film)
Animals Mating collection #1 - Cow mating Breeding cattle in the farm ◄I❤U► Thank You For Watching ◄I❤U► ►Please like, share and Subscribe now to be viewed videos de animales best and newest animal videos. ►Help Me To Reach 100 Subscribe : https://goo.gl/aRxbr2
ARK BREEDING HATCHERY! NEW SABERTOOTH MUTATION! ARK Survival Scorched Earth W/ TagBackTV - Today We finally fix our breeding problem and make a Hatchery for our dinos! 🔥 SUBSCRIBE 🔥 https://goo.gl/GhxwJG | Don't Forget To Turn on Notifications!! Gaming Evolved Members & Series 🌟 https://goo.gl/VL0uql Includes Rates/Mods too 🌟 🔥 Want more Ark Survival Breeding and colour mutation Videos?! https://youtu.be/eweoxVx2iog?list=PLdtfOMa5CM3UPiiMlkWfkKx3fXZmWdF5U Server Hosting Provided By LogicServers - http://logicservers.co.uk/?promo=gamingevolved Get a server today and use promo code "gamingevolved" for 15% off! Check out These Videos! 🌟Thylacoleo VS Deathworm! https://youtu.be/i04JxsX-IJE 🌟Ark Pyramid Build! https://youtu.be/7BX2Ei_TG7U 🌟Huge Formata Army! https://youtu.be/sKR3LO88eo...
Bò tơ mới tập nhảy , khá sung nhưng kỹ năng còn khá yếu . Đang rèn luyện để bò đi nhảy nọc chuyên nghiệp. Bò nọc ở Đức Hoà - Long An. Số lượng bò nọc rất đa dạng có đủ kích cở cho khách hàng lựa chọn, lớn nhỏ tuỳ thích. Phục vụ nhiệt tình. Lh: 0908742278. ► Hãy ĐĂNG KÝ và nhấn SUBSCRIBE để là người xem clip mới nhất đầu tiên . Cảm ơn bạn đã xem video của tôi. ► Breeding cattle ,Drop bulls in Vietnam. Welcome to Nọc Bò channel ! We often upload such videos providing large amounts of knowledge about mating with cows. This channel is for those who want to be educated about cow mating. This channel is all about mating and animal husbandry so if you are interested in this topic. Along with some other entertainment videos Also a great collection of funny animal videos! Please Sign Up! Please S...
Wish you a great relaxing time 😍 ◄I❤U► Thank You For Watching ◄I❤U► ►Please like, share and Subscribe now to be viewed videos de animales best and newest animal videos. ►Help Me To Reach 10.000 SubScriber : https://goo.gl/klMrXg ►Music : Pay Day ------------------------------------------------------------ Người Nông Dân
Pokemon Sun and Moon Breeding Guide! How to breed Pokemon in Pokemon Sun and Moon! This Pokemon Sun and Moon Breeding guide shows how to get perfect IV Pokemon and Hidden abilities through breeding. Also how to breed Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sun and Moon / Shiny Pokemon Guide for Sun and Moon. Breeding Pokemon in sun and moon is a bit different so check out this pokemon breeding guide! Pokemon Breeding Guide Serebii / Pokemon Sun and Moon Breeding http://www.serebii.net/games/breed.shtml Poke Pelago for Pokemon Sun and Moon Breeding http://www.serebii.net/sunmoon/pokepelago.shtml Pokemon Sun and Moon Guide http://serebii.net/sunmoon/ Pokemon Sun and Moon IV Guide / Shiny Pokemon Sun and Moon Guide http://www.serebii.net/sunmoon/sosbattle.shtml Verlisify Pokemon Sun and Moon Subreddit https...
Only listen with headphones. And at work. Art out of context.
In a world first, zookeeper Rohan Cleave captured the amazing hatching process of a critically endangered Lord Howe Island Stick Insect at Melbourne Zoo. The eggs incubate for over 6 months and until now the hatching process has never been witnessed. If you didn't see it you wouldn't believe it could fit in that egg! Find out more at www.zoo.org.au/melbourne/animals/lord-howe-island-stick-insect
A short film by Nina Paley that explores the topic of human population growth and how it is affecting life on the planet. Using humor and some great clips featuring Les Knight of VHEMT.org, and Cris Korda of the Church of Euthanasia, Paley brings light to a topic that gets little attention in the traditional media.
Breeding in Captivity is a feature-length film produced and shot in Tasmania that is currently in Post-Production. The trailer has been created to show to Investors, Distributors and Sales Agents. An Assembly edit has been completed and we now seek Australian and International distribution. Sometimes the loneliest place in the world is lying in bed next to the person you love. Synopsis Owen and Alice Hargreaves never forget they are married, but sometimes forget they are in love. Routine and responsibility, stalled careers and school fees, zumba and missionary sex have slowly beaten them into a caged submission and they are now both on the edge. In the wake of a neighbourhood tragedy Owen hits the road for what should be a routine work trip, leaving Alice at home to deal with the afterma...
It is now mid-March. In the middle of the floodplain forest, in one of many periodic and permanent pools, common frogs breeding period begins. The adults congregate in the pools, where the males compete for females. The courtship ritual involves croaking, and a successful male grasps the female under the forelegs.
Promo from VFX - (Visual Effects & Productions LLC) P.O.Box 49265 Dubai UAE http://www.wildlife-film.com/companies/producers.html Our objective at VFX has always been to house the best talent armed with cutting edge equipment. We offer every aspect of video production from production through post utilizing our 4000 sq. ft. studio. In house facilities include 100KW of lighting, grip, jibs, dollies, a Redone, Epic, and a Scarlet, besides 3 HD cameras. Post facilities include two 4K/2K/HD-edit suites, and a digital sound studio. We have been filming wildlife in the Middle East since 1993, since 2003 on HD, and from 2008 on the Redone and thus have one of the most extensive wildlife footage libraries, both topside and underwater, in the region. We would love to collaborate with all who ...
In 1987, red wolves were released back into the wild in northeastern North Carolina at Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge. The endangered red wolves had been pulled out of the wild and entered into a captive breeding program in an attempt to save the species. So far the program has been a success with about 130 red wolves in northeastern North Carolina. These wolves, who are scared of and avoid humans, have a long way to go before they are fully restored and will need to be managed for some time to make sure they do not become extinct. This short film provides some insight into the captive breeding program to restore the red wolf population, species diversity and genetic diversity within the red wolf population through the voices of Kim Wheeler, executive director of the Red Wolf Coa...
In our never-ending quest to show you how local food is raised and brought to market, I'm going to take you on a little tour inside a rabbit farm - John Fazio's Rabbit Farm. Yes, he's the same farmer who raises ducks for big name chefs in New York City. But, you should note, he was known for his prized rabbits even before he started raising ducks. And he delivers them fresh, never frozen to NYC kitchens no more than a day or two after "processing" - offering a service that is really hard to find for local chefs. So, I wanted to share with you the short tour John Fazio gave me. It was never meant to be a video story, but I just couldn't pass up the education. I don't think most people have ever seen a commercial rabbit operation. I hadn't. And all I can tell you is that it's interesting, ...
Animals Mating collection #1 - Cow mating Breeding cattle in the farm ◄I❤U► Thank You For Watching ◄I❤U► ►Please like, share and Subscribe now to be viewed videos de animales best and newest animal videos. ►Help Me To Reach 100 Subscribe : https://goo.gl/aRxbr2
ARK BREEDING HATCHERY! NEW SABERTOOTH MUTATION! ARK Survival Scorched Earth W/ TagBackTV - Today We finally fix our breeding problem and make a Hatchery for our dinos! 🔥 SUBSCRIBE 🔥 https://goo.gl/GhxwJG | Don't Forget To Turn on Notifications!! Gaming Evolved Members & Series 🌟 https://goo.gl/VL0uql Includes Rates/Mods too 🌟 🔥 Want more Ark Survival Breeding and colour mutation Videos?! https://youtu.be/eweoxVx2iog?list=PLdtfOMa5CM3UPiiMlkWfkKx3fXZmWdF5U Server Hosting Provided By LogicServers - http://logicservers.co.uk/?promo=gamingevolved Get a server today and use promo code "gamingevolved" for 15% off! Check out These Videos! 🌟Thylacoleo VS Deathworm! https://youtu.be/i04JxsX-IJE 🌟Ark Pyramid Build! https://youtu.be/7BX2Ei_TG7U 🌟Huge Formata Army! https://youtu.be/sKR3LO88eo...
Bò tơ mới tập nhảy , khá sung nhưng kỹ năng còn khá yếu . Đang rèn luyện để bò đi nhảy nọc chuyên nghiệp. Bò nọc ở Đức Hoà - Long An. Số lượng bò nọc rất đa dạng có đủ kích cở cho khách hàng lựa chọn, lớn nhỏ tuỳ thích. Phục vụ nhiệt tình. Lh: 0908742278. ► Hãy ĐĂNG KÝ và nhấn SUBSCRIBE để là người xem clip mới nhất đầu tiên . Cảm ơn bạn đã xem video của tôi. ► Breeding cattle ,Drop bulls in Vietnam. Welcome to Nọc Bò channel ! We often upload such videos providing large amounts of knowledge about mating with cows. This channel is for those who want to be educated about cow mating. This channel is all about mating and animal husbandry so if you are interested in this topic. Along with some other entertainment videos Also a great collection of funny animal videos! Please Sign Up! Please S...
Wish you a great relaxing time 😍 ◄I❤U► Thank You For Watching ◄I❤U► ►Please like, share and Subscribe now to be viewed videos de animales best and newest animal videos. ►Help Me To Reach 10.000 SubScriber : https://goo.gl/klMrXg ►Music : Pay Day ------------------------------------------------------------ Người Nông Dân
Pokemon Sun and Moon Breeding Guide! How to breed Pokemon in Pokemon Sun and Moon! This Pokemon Sun and Moon Breeding guide shows how to get perfect IV Pokemon and Hidden abilities through breeding. Also how to breed Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sun and Moon / Shiny Pokemon Guide for Sun and Moon. Breeding Pokemon in sun and moon is a bit different so check out this pokemon breeding guide! Pokemon Breeding Guide Serebii / Pokemon Sun and Moon Breeding http://www.serebii.net/games/breed.shtml Poke Pelago for Pokemon Sun and Moon Breeding http://www.serebii.net/sunmoon/pokepelago.shtml Pokemon Sun and Moon Guide http://serebii.net/sunmoon/ Pokemon Sun and Moon IV Guide / Shiny Pokemon Sun and Moon Guide http://www.serebii.net/sunmoon/sosbattle.shtml Verlisify Pokemon Sun and Moon Subreddit https...
Only listen with headphones. And at work. Art out of context.
In a world first, zookeeper Rohan Cleave captured the amazing hatching process of a critically endangered Lord Howe Island Stick Insect at Melbourne Zoo. The eggs incubate for over 6 months and until now the hatching process has never been witnessed. If you didn't see it you wouldn't believe it could fit in that egg! Find out more at www.zoo.org.au/melbourne/animals/lord-howe-island-stick-insect
A short film by Nina Paley that explores the topic of human population growth and how it is affecting life on the planet. Using humor and some great clips featuring Les Knight of VHEMT.org, and Cris Korda of the Church of Euthanasia, Paley brings light to a topic that gets little attention in the traditional media.
Breeding in Captivity is a feature-length film produced and shot in Tasmania that is currently in Post-Production. The trailer has been created to show to Investors, Distributors and Sales Agents. An Assembly edit has been completed and we now seek Australian and International distribution. Sometimes the loneliest place in the world is lying in bed next to the person you love. Synopsis Owen and Alice Hargreaves never forget they are married, but sometimes forget they are in love. Routine and responsibility, stalled careers and school fees, zumba and missionary sex have slowly beaten them into a caged submission and they are now both on the edge. In the wake of a neighbourhood tragedy Owen hits the road for what should be a routine work trip, leaving Alice at home to deal with the afterma...
It is now mid-March. In the middle of the floodplain forest, in one of many periodic and permanent pools, common frogs breeding period begins. The adults congregate in the pools, where the males compete for females. The courtship ritual involves croaking, and a successful male grasps the female under the forelegs.
Promo from VFX - (Visual Effects & Productions LLC) P.O.Box 49265 Dubai UAE http://www.wildlife-film.com/companies/producers.html Our objective at VFX has always been to house the best talent armed with cutting edge equipment. We offer every aspect of video production from production through post utilizing our 4000 sq. ft. studio. In house facilities include 100KW of lighting, grip, jibs, dollies, a Redone, Epic, and a Scarlet, besides 3 HD cameras. Post facilities include two 4K/2K/HD-edit suites, and a digital sound studio. We have been filming wildlife in the Middle East since 1993, since 2003 on HD, and from 2008 on the Redone and thus have one of the most extensive wildlife footage libraries, both topside and underwater, in the region. We would love to collaborate with all who ...
In 1987, red wolves were released back into the wild in northeastern North Carolina at Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge. The endangered red wolves had been pulled out of the wild and entered into a captive breeding program in an attempt to save the species. So far the program has been a success with about 130 red wolves in northeastern North Carolina. These wolves, who are scared of and avoid humans, have a long way to go before they are fully restored and will need to be managed for some time to make sure they do not become extinct. This short film provides some insight into the captive breeding program to restore the red wolf population, species diversity and genetic diversity within the red wolf population through the voices of Kim Wheeler, executive director of the Red Wolf Coa...
In our never-ending quest to show you how local food is raised and brought to market, I'm going to take you on a little tour inside a rabbit farm - John Fazio's Rabbit Farm. Yes, he's the same farmer who raises ducks for big name chefs in New York City. But, you should note, he was known for his prized rabbits even before he started raising ducks. And he delivers them fresh, never frozen to NYC kitchens no more than a day or two after "processing" - offering a service that is really hard to find for local chefs. So, I wanted to share with you the short tour John Fazio gave me. It was never meant to be a video story, but I just couldn't pass up the education. I don't think most people have ever seen a commercial rabbit operation. I hadn't. And all I can tell you is that it's interesting, ...
Breeds of buffaloes
Sexual Selection: To Breed or Not to Breed
Into a new place, pulling myself back
Tasting smoke and blood and burning in my lungs
I'm lying on my left side, I don't know if I can move
But I can hear myself breathing, I can hear myself breathing
Then into a new place - this is where I die
And all the noise is gone and there is only calm
Deep beneath the city waiting for the fire
Any second now
But the fireball never comes and so we turn back to ourselves
I can hear us all breathing, I can hear us all breathing
In the pitch black tunnels with all the weight above
I can hear us all breathing, I can hear us all breathing
Then into a new place shouting men with torches and tools
Stumbling from the wreckage in a starlight of shattered glass
The wounded and the shell-shocked, the blackened and the burned
I can hear us all breathing, I can hear us all breathing
Climbing ever upwards like the rising of the dead
I can hear us all breathing, I can hear us all breathing
I can hear myself breathing, I can hear myself breathing