Theresa May's manifesto – Politics Weekly podcast

Anushka Asthana is joined by Rowena Mason, John Crace and the FT’s George Parker at the Conservative manifesto launch. Plus: Peter Walker reports from Clacton-on-Sea where Ukip are defending their only seat in parliament

Theresa May at her party's general election manifesto launch in Halifax, Yorkshire
Photograph: SilverHub/REX/Shutterstock

Theresa May launched the Conservative manifesto in Halifax, speaking of country and community, and rejecting “untrammelled free markets” in her pitch to the values of swing voters. But details of how her party planned to manage the country’s finances were scarce.

Earlier in the week, Labour published its manifesto alongside a pamphlet detailing the costs and funding sources for its proposed policies including increased spending on public services and the gradual renationalisation of key industries.

Joining Anushka Asthana this week are deputy political editor Rowena Mason, sketchwriter John Crace and the FT’s political editor George Parker.

Plus: Peter Walker visits the Essex town of Clacton-on-Sea where Ukip is attempting to defend its only parliamentary seat from the Tories. With Douglas Carswell out of the picture, could Clacton go blue once more?

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