22 May 2017

Trump’s speech in Riyadh signals US escalation against Iran

By Bill Van Auken, 22 May 2017

Riddled with hypocrisy, clichés and absurdities, Trump’s speech, before an assembly of monarchs and despots in Saudi Arabia, spelled out an agenda of escalating US militarism.

Trump approves new Pentagon strategy to “annihilate” ISIS

US airstrike targets pro-Assad forces in Syria

The working class must intervene with its own program in the political crisis in Washington

More on the Trump presidency »

Report accuses Pentagon of running multi-billion dollar slush fund for military operations

By Jordan Shilton, 22 May 2017

The use of such a fund demonstrates the increasing ability of the military-intelligence apparatus to act outside of Congressional accountability.

Iran’s president wins reelection

By Keith Jones, 22 May 2017

While Rouhani cast himself as the candidate of peace and moderation, he favors slashing social spending and a rapprochement with the imperialist powers.

UN Security Council to meet again after North Korea missile test

By James Cogan, 22 May 2017

The test followed actions by the US and its allies that would only have heightened the North Korean regime’s fears about an imminent military assault.

Japanese government exploits Korean crisis to whip up war scares

UK Conservative manifesto outlines stepped up austerity and militarism

By Robert Stevens, 22 May 2017

The commitment to Britain’s exit from the European Union is a pledge to proceed with intensified attacks on the working class.

UK government seeks additional surveillance powers, including overriding encryption

Visiting Mali, French President Macron appeals for army’s support

By Francis Dubois, 22 May 2017

Macron hailed the army at a military base in Gao, and confirmed its magnified role via the Socialist Party’s state of emergency laws.

French media, political parties hush up PS government’s coup plan

French government prepared coup if Le Pen won presidential election

More on the French presidential election »

Informant Claude Hermant implicates French state in Charlie Hebdo attacks

By Anthony Torres, 22 May 2017

The case shatters the official narrative that terror attacks in France, Belgium and Germany since 2015 have been the work of isolated Islamists.

Trump triggers renegotiation of NAFTA

By Roger Jordan, 22 May 2017

The Trump administration is aggressively pursuing its “America first” agenda, renegotiating the agreement as economic protectionism grows around the world.

“It is time we all stood up”
AT&T; workers call for broader fight as CWA ends weekend strike

By our reporting teams, 22 May 2017

AT&T; workers are determined to recoup past concessions, handed to the world’s largest company by the Communications Workers of America.

CWA begins three-day strike at AT&T; as US telecom workers press for real fight

West Virginia coal miner killed at pit run by environmental fund

By Naomi Spencer, 22 May 2017

A West Virginia coal miner was killed May 18, bringing to seven the number of fatal coal mine accidents in the US this year.

Union conceals district’s takeaway demands from Detroit teachers

By Phyllis Steele, 22 May 2017

So egregious were the school board’s demands that the Detroit Federation of Teachers executive board could not bring it back to rank-and-file educators.

Michigan partnership agreements only a temporary reprieve in statewide school closure threats

Trump administration education budget proposes $10.6 billion in cuts

Vulture capitalists fight over pickings from bankrupt Puerto Rico

By Rafael Azul, 22 May 2017

The country is already one of the most socially unequal US territories, with half the population under the poverty line and the official rate of unemployment at 11.5 percent.

Political tensions in Albania destabilise the Balkans

By Markus Salzmann, 22 May 2017

Two decades after the breakup of Yugoslavia by the US and Europe, warnings of a new war in the region are mounting.

Trade splits emerge at APEC meeting

By Nick Beams, 22 May 2017

Held over the weekend, the meeting of trade ministers from the 21 members of APEC abandoned any commitment to resist protectionism.

Another undercover report of super-exploitation in China’s iPhone factories

By Robert Campion, 22 May 2017

A student exposes some of the horrendous working conditions enforced by the Beijing regime, on behalf of conglomerates such as Apple.

Australia: Teachers explain why the AEU-government deal should be rejected

By our reporters, 22 May 2017

“The union has become the policeman to enforce agreements that sell our conditions down the drain.”

Australian budget fallout deepens political crisis

New in Spanish

La crisis política y la decadente democracia estadounidense

Por Andre Damon, 22 mayo 2017

Algunos sectores de la élite política ya están llamando al ejército a intervenir en la creciente lucha entre facciones en Washington.

Chelsea Manning sale de la cárcel mientras se recrudecen los ataques contra los derechos democráticos en EE.UU.

Por Bill Van Auken, 22 mayo 2017

La encarcelación de siete años a manos del ejército estadounidense constituye la sentencia más draconiana que ha sido cumplida por filtrar documentos clasificados.

Los mercados de Brasil se desploman en medio de acusaciones de corrupción contra el presidente

Por Bill Van Auken, 22 mayo 2017

La peor caída en los precios de las acciones desde el colapso financiero mundial del 2008 fue impulsada por temores de que el gobierno no podrá continuar los ataques a las pensiones y las leyes laborales.

Tres mueren en custodia de ICE en una semana, dos por suicidio

Por Genevieve Leigh, 22 mayo 2017

Ocho personas han muerto bajo custodia del Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas desde octubre, mientras que el gobierno de Trump detuvo a 41.000 inmigrantes en los primeros tres meses del 2017.

Día Internacional del Trabajador del 2017
Opongámonos a la persecución de inmigrantes y refugiados

Por Julie Hyland, 22 mayo 2017

El auge del veneno del chauvinismo nacional es una expresión condenatoria de la bancarrota del sistema del Estado nación con el que el capitalismo está inseparablemente atado.

New in French

L’enquête suédoise sur Julian Assange était un coup monté dès le début

Par David Walsh, 22 mai 2017

Toute l’affaire visait à dévaloriser et paralyser WikiLeaks et à créer les conditions pour faciliter l’extradition ou l’enlèvement d’Assange vers les États-Unis, où une condamnation mort ou à perpétuité l’attends.

En visite au Mali, Macron recherche l‘appui de l‘armée

Par Francis Dubois, 22 mai 2017

Lors de sa visite à la base militaire de Gao, Macron a encensé l‘armée et confirmé la place prépondérante que lui avait accordé le gouvernement PS avec l‘état d‘urgence.

L'indic Claude Hermant implique l'Etat dans l'attentat contre Charlie Hebdo

Par Anthony Torres, 22 mai 2017

Ce dossier fait voler en éclats le narratif officiel, selon lequel des islamistes ont préparé seuls les attentats en France, en Belgique et en Allemagne depuis 2015.

Trump approuve la nouvelle stratégie du Pentagone d’« anéantir » l’État islamique

Par Niles Niemuth, 22 mai 2017

Le secrétaire de la Défense, James Mattis, a annoncé le plan, qui impliquerait une escalade de la poussée vers la domination américaine du Moyen-Orient, alors que Trump préparait son premier voyage à l’étranger, en commençant par l’Arabie saoudite.

Un responsable de Trump « personne d’intérêt » dans l’enquête du FBI sur les liens Maison Blanche-Russie

Par Barry Grey, 22 mai 2017

Le Washington Post a rapporté vendredi que l’enquête du conseil spécial du FBI sur les liens entre Trump et la Russie vise les intervenants actuels et passés de Trump.

Plus de la moitié des jeunes en Europe participerait à un «soulèvement de masse»

Par Andre Damon, 22 mai 2017

Un sondage a révélé que les jeunes s'opposent fortement à la guerre, appuient l'égalité sociale, compatissent avec les réfugiés et... participeraient à un soulèvement.

Le professeur Mario Kessler publie une critique des idées de droite du professeur Baberowski

Par Christoph Vandreier, 22 mai 2017

Le quotidien Tagesspiegel a publié dimanche une tribune libre où le professeur Kessler écrit que le professeur Baberowski de l’université Humboldt fait montre d’un « manque de sensibilité élémentaire » à l’égard des victimes des nazis.

New in Turkish

Chelsea Manning demokratik haklara yönelik artan saldırıların ortasında serbest bırakıldı

Bill Van Auken, 22 Mayıs 2017

Manning’in ABD ordusunun elinde hapiste ve eziyet içinde geçen 7 yılı, ABD’de gizli belgeleri sızdıranlara bu güne kadar verilmiş en ağır cezayı temsil ediyordu.

Fransız hükümeti, Le Pen’in cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimini kazanması durumunda darbe yapmaya

Alex Lantier, 22 Mayıs 2017

L’Obs dergisinde yayınlanan bir rapora göre, Sosyalist Parti hükümetinin üst düzey üyeleri, Marine Le Pen’in cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimlerinin 7 Mayıs’taki ilk turunu kazanması durumunda bir darbe girişimine hazırlanmışlar.

İran artan jeopolitik çalkantının ortasında cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimlerini düzenliyor

Keith Jones, 22 Mayıs 2017

İranlılar, Ortadoğu’da ve ötesinde artan jeopolitik gerilim koşullarında, 19 Mayıs Cuma günü, dört yılda bir yapılan cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimlerinde oy kullanacaklar.

New in German

Schwedens Ermittlungen gegen Assange: Ein politisches Komplott von Anfang an

Von David Walsh, 22. Mai 2017

Die ganze Affäre zielte darauf ab, WikiLeaks zu diskreditieren. Julian Assange sollte an die USA ausgeliefert werden, wo ihm bis heute die Todesstrafe oder lebenslange Haft droht.

Französische Medien und Parteien vertuschen Putschplan der PS-Regierung

Von Alex Lantier, 22. Mai 2017

Am letzten Donnerstag enthüllte das Nachrichtenmagazin L’Obs, dass die scheidende PS-Regierung einen Staatsstreich für den Fall geplant hatte, dass Marine Le Pen vom Front National die Präsidentschaftswahl am 7. Mai gewinnt.

New in Urdu

سری لنکا کے وزیر اعظم نے امریکی اتحادیوں کے ساتھ تعلقات کو مزید تقویت دی ہے

11 May 2017

اسکے باوجو د کہ سری لنکا کو چین کی سرمایہ کاری کی اشد ضرورت ہے لیکن وہ ابھی تک ایشیاء میں امریکی قیادت میں فوجی اقدامات کا اتحادی ہے

Other Languages


Washington Post and New York Times urge pullback on calls for Trump impeachment

22 May 2017

The two newspapers have served as the main mouthpieces for opposition to Trump within the military-intelligence apparatus.

Earlier Perspectives »

Socialist Equality Party

The class issues in the UK snap election
Statement of the Socialist Equality Party (Britain)

22 May 2017

The following is a statement by the Socialist Equality Party in Britain on the central issues facing the working class in the June 8 general election.

Socialist Equality Party (UK) public meetings
The class issues in Britain’s snap election: Austerity, dictatorship and war

19 May 2017

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
May 22-28: Global class struggle intensifies

22 May 2017

The revolution in Russia gives the signal to workers everywhere, but the gathering revolt is met with repression by the capitalist state and treachery by parties and unions claiming to represent workers.

From the archives of the Revolution
Speech on Comrade Uritsky’s report on the attitude to the Provisional Government

By Leon Trotsky, 20 May 2017

This is a new translation of a speech delivered by Trotsky before the Citywide Conference of United Social-Democrats on May 20, 1917 (May 7 O.S.).

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »


Haymarket Books’ #Resist: The International Socialist Organization props up the Democratic Party in Chicago

By Jessica Goldstein, 22 May 2017

Michelle Alexander and Naomi Klein discussed reforming the Democratic Party and their support for Bernie Sanders at a public discussion hosted by the ISO’s Keeanga-Yahmatta Taylor.

Sweden’s investigation into Julian Assange was a political frame-up from the outset

By David Walsh, 20 May 2017

Veteran drives through crowd in Times Square: The war comes home

By Eric London, 20 May 2017

The political issues behind the removal of Confederate monuments in New Orleans

By Tom Hall, 20 May 2017

The decision by Mayor Mitch Landrieu to remove the statues is a tactical move aimed at bolstering the tattered reputation of the Democratic Party.

“A declaration of hostility towards the principles of humanity”
Professor Mario Kessler publishes comment criticizing views of right-wing professor Jörg Baberowski

By Christoph Vandreier, 19 May 2017

International Socialist Organization lines up behind Democrats’ anti-Russian campaign against Trump


Singer-musician Chris Cornell (1964-2017) dies at 52

By Adam Soroka, 22 May 2017

Cornell (born July 20, 1964 in Seattle, Washington) will be best remembered as the lead vocalist of the Seattle metal band Soundgarden. His vocals combined an R&B; sensibility with a dynamic, multi-octave range.

ABC’s Designated Survivor: The US government in crisis, onscreen and off

By Carlos Delgado, 20 May 2017

Free the Maruti Suzuki workers!

Sri Lankan plantation workers support campaign to release framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers

By M. Thevarajah, 20 May 2017

The frame-up of the Maruti Suzuki workers—Part 5: Judge Goyal mangles the law to sustain the legal vendetta

By Eric London and Keith Jones, 18 May 2017

“There is an air of worker rebellion in India and China”
A conversation with Professor Immanuel Ness on the Maruti Suzuki workers

By Jerry White, 4 May 2017

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »

Workers Struggles

“It’s sheer slavery”
Amazon warehouse worker in Manchester UK “enterprise zone” speaks of intolerable working conditions

By our reporters, 19 May 2017

Billionaire Bezos’s cash bonanza
Amazon CEO makes $3.3 billion in a few hours

Vote “NO” to the EBA!
Australian Education Union pushes through industrial agreement at delegates’ meetings

By our reporters, 16 May 2017

Australia: Contract teacher voices opposition to the AEU-government agreement

Australian teachers support campaign against AEU-government deal

SEP and Victorian Teachers and ES Staff Forum
The political issues in the fight against the AEU-Labor government EBA

The Flint water crisis

“We’re being punished for not being able to pay the city for the poison”
Flint residents speak out on water crisis

By Jerry White, 19 May 2017

Watch: Flint family threatened for refusing to pay for poisoned water

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the WSWS on Facebook, for more videos like this!

Flint workers denounce foreclosure threat over water bills

By Jerry White, 18 May 2017

Water bill deadline looms for 8,000 Flint households

Three years after the lead poisoning of Flint, residents face water shutoffs, home foreclosures

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »


New dating of Homo naledi fossil alters its position in the human evolutionary tree

By Philip Guelpa, 19 May 2017


The politics of New York University’s Board of Trustees: The case of Laurence Fink and John Paulson

By Sandy English, 18 May 2017

NYU involved in Department of Defense supercomputer project
No to militarism and surveillance! NYU must reveal all ties to military and spy agencies!

No to war and militarism! Oppose political censorship at NYU! For equality and socialism!
Vote Isaac Oseas for NYU Student Senate

New York University Student Activities Board rejects IYSSE appeal on club status: An act of political censorship

More on the fight for democratic rights at NYU »

Student parliament demands Humboldt University rescind support of Baberowski

Demonstrators in Cologne support IYSSE fight for freedom of expression at Humboldt University

Open letter from the IYSSE to the president of Humboldt University in Berlin

More on the fight for historical truth »

Book Reviews

Human rights propaganda in support of imperialist war
The Return of History, Conflict, Migration and Geopolitics in the 21st Century

The ICFI's International May Day Online Rally

India: ICFI supporters hold May Day meeting in Bangalore

By our correspondents, 12 May 2017

The event was part of the Trotskyist movement’s commemoration of the centenary of the October 1917 Revolution.

May Day 2017: Lessons of history and the fight for socialism

By David North, 1 May 2017

Watch the video »

A political appraisal of the ICFI’s 2017 International May Day Online Rally

SEP Sri Lankan May Day meeting discusses threat of world war and lessons of Russian Revolution