
La unua de majo en la "Tria Regno"

La historio de la uzo de la Maja Tago per le Nazi regno.

Exploitation in one click? Grassroots unions start international delivery service campaign #deliverunion

#deliverunion - riders unite!

Deliveroo and Foodora are two very young start-ups that are rapidly expanding on a global level through their high amount of start-up funds. They spark doubts whether digital capitalism brings an end to work – as some have been claiming. But in fact, the ones who bike the streets for the new internet delivery services have to go many miles through the traffic each day and are regularly put into dangerous situations. Through the #deliverunion campaign, the cyclists are now raising their voices.

Against the mainstream: Nazi privatization in 1930s Germany

An article about the wave of privatisations carried out by the Nazi party in the 1930s.

Timeline of the German and Herero, Nama War and Genocide

The 1904-1907 Herero and Nama revolt and genocide was the first use of concentration camps by the Germans.

Herero Revolt 1904-1907

Execution of Hereros, 1907

A short account of the Herero revolt against the German empire in what is now Namibia.

The colonial development of concentration camps

The practice of concentrating civilians in guarded camps or centres, specifically as part of a counter-guerrilla military strategy during wartime, long pre-dated and outlasted the Second World War. In the light of fresh research this article looks comparatively at the function of the camps in four different colonial arenas between 1868 and 1908.

The Reichstag fire

Reichstag fire

A slightly abridged version of a detailed investigation into the Reichstag fire by Fritz Tobias, an anti-fascist German who discovered to his surprise that widely-believed Communist Party claims the fire was set by the Nazis were false. Published in 1963.

A half-blind communist with a sharp eye for the future. Marinus van der Lubbe (1909-1934) and his Reichstag Fire

Marinus' mugshot, 1931

Interesting history of Marinus van der Lubbe, the young communist building worker who burned down the Reichstag, and was falsely denounced as a Nazi agent by the Communist Party, by Joep de Visser.

Opposition and resistance in Nazi Germany

Group of Edelweiss Pirates being executed, Cologne 10 November 1944

Pamphlet offering a snapshot of some elements of the resistance to Nazism in Germany before and during World War II. It is not a comprehensive account and has some important omissions, discussed in the comments below.

The politics and culture of FC St. Pauli: from leftism, through anti-establishment, to commercialization

An article on the politics and history of St.Pauli F.C. by Petra Daniel and Christos Kassimeris.