Solidarity for workers' power journal

Libcom's issues of Solidarity for workers' power

A complete archive of the excellent journal Solidarity for workers' power produced by the UK libertarian socialist group Solidarity in eight volumes from 1960 until 1977. In particular it contains lots of coverage of the wildcat strikes which swept British workplaces through the 1960s.

Originally called Agitator for the first few issues, Solidarity was published first by the London group, then by the North London group of the organisation, but effectively functioned as the national journal.

An index of the publication from issue 1.01 up to 7.02 can be found here for reference.

The bulk of our collection of this journal was purchased by in September 2013. To help us continue our work and cover our costs please consider making us a small donation. Also we would love to have at least some of the articles from the journal online in text format. So if you can help us OCR them please contact us let us know in the comments below (we can provide you with OCR software).
Some PDF issues have been taken from

Posted By

Sep 8 2013 14:09


Solidarity for workers' power journal

Attached files


Dec 16 2013 13:42

Bump, because we have now finished scanning and uploading everything we have. We should be getting hold of some of the missing copies early in the New Year and will get them uploaded ASAP. If we are still missing anything else we will make an appeal for help from our readers.

Also, a lot of the content in this journal is really excellent. So we would like to have as much of it is possible online in text format as well as PDF. So if anyone could help us OCR these scans into text format please let us know by e-mail, private message or in the comments below. We can provide any necessary software and training.

Also, help indexing them properly would be much appreciated (this is very easy job, it just means writing down the titles of each article in each issue so it is easily searchable), so if you can help please let us know!

Dec 16 2013 15:38

Really excellent stuff. I've linked it on FB.

Dec 17 2013 00:44

I posted a link to Solidarity's 1972 index in the Pamphlets thread but I see it's expired. I'll stick it in the library. It covers the London journal up to issue 7:2.

Edit : ok it's up here as a PDF and as tables.

Dec 18 2013 06:01

Thanks heaps for putting these up. Just thought I should point out some missing pages in Issue 6.01, pages 12-16, from "The New Proletariat" article. Maybe they were missing from the journal in the first place.


Dec 18 2013 18:46
Malcy wrote:
Thanks heaps for putting these up. Just thought I should point out some missing pages in Issue 6.01, pages 12-16, from "The New Proletariat" article. Maybe they were missing from the journal in the first place.


thanks for pointing it out. Have had a look and we do have those pages so will re-scan them

Dec 22 2013 01:01

cool. thanks

Jan 19 2014 12:55

This archive is very nearly complete now.

So if anyone has any of the issues we are still missing please get in touch!

Here are the ones we are still missing:
Volume 1: 1, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12
volume 2: 4, 6
volume 3: 3, 4

Jan 19 2014 17:19

I've got some of these :
1:1 1:3 2:4 2:6 3:4

Jan 19 2014 23:30
lurdan wrote:
I've got some of these :
1:1 1:3 2:4 2:6 3:4

amazing! Any chance you could put those in your queue of stuff to scan? We will owe you a pint or three!!

Aug 23 2017 20:56

Hi all, I've completed the archive with the exception of Vol 3, Issue 4. The link to this issue is currently broken on I've sent them an email to let them know.

Aug 25 2017 23:02
W0rkers wrote:
Hi all, I've completed the archive with the exception of Vol 3, Issue 4. The link to this issue is currently broken on I've sent them an email to let them know.

that's amazing thanks so much!

The missing issue, I guessed there was just a typo with the URL, so switching "41" for "4" I found it and have uploaded, meaning this archive is now complete. Thanks to everyone who has helped with it!