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Crowdfunding is a force for good, but it's not like going shopping

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It's been an interesting week in media.

I can barely take my eyes off the political events across the Pacific, where daily scoops from mainstream media are proving the worth of journalism over and over.

In Australia, a Senate inquiry into public interest journalism is under way, while two separate private equity firms have bid for Fairfax, the publisher of this newspaper and my employer. All this comes at a time of cost cutting at both Fairfax and our main local rival, News Corp.

Amid all that intrigue was some truly excellent news, as Crinkling News, Australia's national newspaper for kids, achieved its funding goal of $200,000 on crowdfunding site IndieGoGo.

I myself pledged $150 for a six-month subscription to Crinkling News for my six-year-old twins. The usual rate is $108 for six months, so the extra funds were a donation.

Crinkling News is a 16-page weekly newspaper aimed at seven to 14-year-olds. It also a website, but I'm keen to get my kids' hands on the printed version.


It might seem counterintuitive to have a print newspaper for our digitally savvy Generation Z kids. After all, most Millennials (Gen Y) don't even read the news in print, and plenty of Gen Xers prefer to get their news online, too.

But let's face it, most kids already get enough screen time and don't need to be encouraged to consume more. It's too easy to bounce from a digital news app into a game or videos.

I love the idea of helping kids become informed about the world in an age-appropriate way and see tremendous value in an edited, curated product in this era of fake news and conspiracy theories.

I also love that Crinkling offers the opportunity to be a child reporter with help from professional editors.

At six, my pair are on the young side of the Crinkling audience, but I'm happy to give it a go now to make sure it's still around in a year or two.

Crinkling already has tens of thousands of subscribers and a working business model but its seed funding was about to run out and it needed a bit longer to become fully sustainable. The crowdfunding campaign helped it both secure the money it needs and raise its profile.

Crinkling's success demonstrates why I love crowdfunding. At its best, it democratises the financing of good ideas.

Crowdfunding has been around for about a decade – IndieGoGo launched in 2007, Kickstarter in 2009, Australian business Pozible in 2010, Start Some Good in 2011. There are other platforms, too.

Each site has its own flavour and rules but the basic premise is the same: a creator comes up with a project, pitches it to the public and and people have the opportunity to back it by pledging money.

There are also sites such as Patreon that let supporters pay a regular subscription to creators to sustain their work. Many artists, musicians, writers and independent journalists use Patreon.

But while crowdfunding is not new, people are continually finding creative ways to use it, and it continues to be mostly a force for good.

Sometimes it's personal life funding, or creative projects or worthy causes. Other times, it's commercial.

In the old days to get an idea off the ground you either needed to secure a government grant, or someone – either the owner or an investor – had to take on substantial financial risk.

Most creative or socially minded projects don't have enough potential commercial return to attract investors, and creators themselves have limited means to take on unpaid work.

Usually projects are structured with rewards for different tiers of support – in my case with Crinkling News, it was the subscription to the paper.

The reward structure is key when it comes to commercial projects, because the rewards are usually the actual products.

Before crowdfunding, the general public still effectively voted on product ideas because in their role as consumers they either purchased the item or didn't. But they couldn't make that choice until after the producer had already taken on a whole lot of risk by manufacturing it.

Using crowdfunding as a pre-order channel is a more efficient way of deciding what gets made than the entrepreneur's gut feeling. It's effectively a real-world consumer focus group.

Often the project structure is all or nothing, meaning that if it's not fully funded the money is returned to supporters and the creator gets nothing. This is designed to ensure the creator doesn't become committed to doing something without having sufficient funding to follow through.

The problem with crowdfunding is it relies heavily on trust, and that's risky if you are supporting the project mainly to get the promised reward.

It's not like going shopping. Backing a crowdfunding project may not have the same legal status as pre-ordering a product directly through the company, and there have been some spectacular failures. One of the best known cases is ZionEyez (now Zeyez), which promised streaming HD video built-in to glasses for $US199 back in 2011.

As Forbes reports, it aimed to raise $US55,000 through Kickstarter, smashed its goal with $US343,415 in funds committed, but then struggled to deliver. Consumers who pre-ordered through the website eventually got a refund, but Kickstarter backers did not.

ASIC's MoneySmart website advises that the main motivation for pledging funds should be to help the project succeed.

MoneySmart suggests that you read the terms and conditions of the crowdfunding site carefully, and check out the credentials of the project creator. For example, have they used crowdfunding before, have they been involved in successful projects in the past, and if so did they deliver the gift as promised?

Rewards or warm fuzzies are all very well, but the next frontier in crowdfunding is crowd-sourced equity funding, where backers get ownership in the company. It's like venture capital for retail investors.

This already exists in many other countries, and in March the Senate passed legislation to enable it in Australia.

Retail investors will from September be able to buy up to $10,000 of equity in their favourite business ideas. To begin with this will only be possible for unlisted public companies with annual turnover or gross assets of up to $25 million, and they'll be limited to raising $5 million a year.

But the budget earlier this month contains proposals to open it up to proprietary companies, a structure used by the vast majority of Australian businesses.

As it's a financial product, the regulation will be much more stringent than with rewards-based crowdfunding, with penalties for scammers. But investors need to remember that, even with the best intentions of founders, most new businesses fail. 

The prospect of investing in a hot new start-up is an exciting one, but with greater potential rewards comes much higher risk.

Caitlin Fitzsimmons is the editor of Money and a regular columnist. She raised $US500 through Kickstarter in 2009 for a travel writing project, and is the happy supporter of many crowdfunding projects over the past decade. She has written extensively about crowdfunding and equity models in her previous role at BRW and AFR. You can find her on Facebook and Twitter.