- published: 14 Apr 2010
- views: 4368261
CDI, CDi, CD-i, or .cdi may refer to:
Hotel Mario is a computer puzzle game developed by Fantasy Factory and published by Philips Interactive Media and Nintendo for the Philips CD-i in 1994. The primary character of the game is Mario, who must find Princess Toadstool by going through seven Koopa hotels in the Mushroom Kingdom. Every hotel is divided into multiple stages, and the objective is to close all doors on each stage. Defeating a Koopaling on the hotel's final stage takes the player to the following building.
After Nintendo decided not to have Sony create an add-on for the Super Famicom/Super NES, they gave Philips permission to use their characters in games for Philips' CD-i.
The games resulting from the license were widely criticized, with Hotel Mario being regarded as one of the worst Mario-centered games, due to the animation of the shutting doors, the unresponsive controls and especially known for the cutscenes that used full motion video.
Controlling Mario, or his brother Luigi in two-player mode, the player has to complete all stages of the seven hotels in the game. The first six hotels contain 10 stages, and the last contains 15 stages. Progressing from one stage to the next requires the player to shut every door shown in stage, without exceeding a given time limit. The purpose of closing the doors to progress is not explained. Elevators, which operate differently depending on the hotel, enable the player to go between the five floors of the stage. The faster a stage is cleared, the more points will be given to the player. Every stage has its own title screen via which the game can be saved. The screens are also used to enter previously played hotel stages and the map of the Mushroom Kingdom, which allows the player to access any visited hotel.
Angry Video Game Nerd (abbreviated as AVGN, and formerly known as Angry Nintendo Nerd) is an American comedy retrogaming web series, created by and starring James Rolfe. The series centers on Rolfe's nameless character, referred to simply as "The Nerd", who is a short-tempered and foul-mouthed video game fanatic who delivers commentary and sketches on retro video games he considers to be of poor quality. The show would later encompass reviews of gaming consoles, peripherals, and short lectures about video game history and culture.
A starting independent filmmaker, Rolfe's earliest videos of the Nerd character was intended as a joke privately shown to his friends. With collaboration from his friend Mike Matei, Rolfe put the Angry Nintendo Nerd videos on his website, Cinemassacre.com, in 2004. In 2006, Matei persuaded Rolfe to put his work on YouTube, where it got popular. In 2007, the series became a program on ScrewAttack and GameTrailers, where it was renamed Angry Video Game Nerd to prevent trademark issues with Nintendo, and to allow Rolfe to also review games from non-Nintendo consoles.
A video game is an electronic game that involves human interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device such as a TV screen or computer monitor. The word video in video game traditionally referred to a raster display device, but it now implies any type of display device that can produce two- or three-dimensional images. Video games are sometimes believed to be a form of art, but this designation is controversial.
The electronic systems used to play video games are known as platforms; examples of these are personal computers and video game consoles. These platforms range from large mainframe computers to small handheld computing devices. Specialized video games such as arcade games, while common in the 1980s, have gradually declined in use due to the widespread availability of home video game devices (e.g., PlayStation 4 and Xbox One) and video games on desktop and laptop computers and smartphones.
The input device used for games, the game controller, varies across platforms. Common controllers include gamepads, mouses, keyboards, joysticks, the touchscreens of mobile devices and buttons. In addition to video and (in most cases) audio feedback, some games include haptic, vibration or force feedback peripherals.
CD-I (Part 1) Hotel Mario - Angry Video Game Nerd - Episode 59
O que é CDI? E como entender as tabelas malditas!
Link The Faces of Evil (CDI) - PBG
🔴 O Que é CDI? Taxa CDI? Investir em CDI? - Entenda de forma SIMPLES como funciona!
CDI Capacitor Discharge Ignition Circuit Demo
Zelda CDI all Cutscenes (Full Screen)
Zelda's Adventure (CDI) - PBG
How to test motorcycle CDI box, ignition coil
Philips CD-i (CDI) - Fourth VideoGame Generation Recap - Adam Koralik
Probador de chispa de bujia utilizando CDI de 6 puntas - Motocicletas
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=JamesNintendoNerd Watch all Angry Video Game Nerd episodes https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2B009153AC977F90 Angry Video Game Nerd (Episode 59) CD-I Part 1 - Hotel Mario The CD-I was released in 1991 by Phillips. They were originally working with Nintendo to produce a CD based add-on for the Super Nintendo, but when that didn't happen, the console known as the CD-I was born. It was a massive failure, and the whole project lost the company nearly a billion dollars. Interestingly enough, after their deal fell through with Nintendo, they were still contractually allowed to use their characters for their system. In part one of the three-part CD-I series, the Nerd takes a look at console's only Mario title: Hotel Mario. A...
Ninguém investe em CDI, sabia? CDI não é investimento! Nesse vídeo eu te ensino do jeito mais romântico e didático do mundo a entender as tabelas doidas de investimentos e ainda ensino o que é CDI e o que ele tem a ver com os namorados e namoradas alheios. Loucura? Você não viu nada! Tia Cocota e Sidinelson que se cuidem! Compartilhe e assine o Canal! O seu dinheiro agradece. * Assine o Canal!* e saiba como economizar e multiplicar o seu dinheiro o ano todo! Pra mais dicas de enriquecimento lícito, consumo consciente, pechinchas e economia simplificada acesse a home: www.mepoupenaweb.com Instagram: instagram.com/nathaliaarcuri_oficial facebook: facebook.com.br/mepoupenaweb SNAP: Nathaliaarcuri Twitter: @Arcuri_N Tem mais dúvida? Comente aqui ou mande email! dúvidas: contato@mep...
If you're new, Subscribe! → http://bit.ly/1CaGyoO Exclusive Zelda Month Shirt! → http://bit.ly/HT8Efd Uhhh oooooh... It's thaaaat game! ---------- Thanks to SpaceHamster + BrutalMoose! - http://www.youtube.com/SpaceHamsterGames - http://www.youtube.com/brutalmoose - Some music used from Kevin MacLeod of incompetech.com! ---------- Check out my Gameplay/Let's Play channel! - http://www.youtube.com/pbggameplay http://www.facebook.com/PeanutButterGamer http://twitter.com/peanutbuttergmr
Você sabe O que É CDI? Você já ouviu alguma vez na sua vida alguém dizendo que vai Investir em CDI? É .. no vídeo de hoje, eu vou te mostrar que uma Mercedes e um Monza tem tudo a ver com o CDI! (e de bônus, você vai aprender tudo sobre o rendimento do CDI). Vamos lá! Conteúdo: - O Que é CDI? Taxa CDI? Investir em CDI? Rendimento CDI? CDI? - Quantas Perguntas! - Alguém já te ofereceu um investimento de 90% do CDI? Fique tranquilo, você vai entender como o CDI funciona; - O CDI é muito parecido com uma mercedes e com o Monza. Você sabe que uma Mercedes é um carro muito acima da média, pois tem uma noção do mercado de carros. Nos investimentos, você precisa buscar investimentos acima do CDI!; - Se você investir ganhando 8% ao ano, e o CDI estiver em 10%, você está então ganhando 80% do CDI....
Thanks to Pixel Empire! 15% off with code "PBGamer"! ► http://www.thepixelempire.com/ Watch the Wind Waker DidYouKnowGaming I voiced! ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWmdGcQffrg&list;=PL26D7E5A7D29CCAB3 If you're new, Subscribe! ► http://bit.ly/1CaGyoO Check out ProJared's D&December;! ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMnDNWIkpZ4 PeanutButterGamer finishes the third and final Legend of Zelda CDI game, Zelda's Adventure! http://normalboots.com/ ---------- Follow me! http://www.facebook.com/PeanutButterGamer http://twitter.com/peanutbuttergmr http://peanutbuttergamer.tumblr.com/ http://instagram.com/peanutbuttergmr/ ---------- Zelda Month assets by Nico Vliek - https://twitter.com/WhaddupNico PBG theme: "Insert Title Here" by wilidacious on NewGrounds Audio Portal!
http://www.figureitoutproductions.com https://www.facebook.com/FigureItOutProductions This is a discussion topic video about the fourth generation of videogame consoles. This will be part eight of my nine part mini-series. Here we will discuss the Philips CD-i (or CDI) and the infamous SNES CD story that surrounds it, it is the fifth entry in to the fourth generation of game consoles.
En respuesta a sus comentarios decidimos hacer un probador de chispa de bujia utilizando un CDI de 6 puntas y otros componentes eléctricos de nuestra motocicleta. Los componentes que usamos son; un CDI (corriente directa), una bobina de ignición, bobina captora o de pulsos, una batería, una bujía y caimanes para hacer las conexiones. Esto no solo nos sirve para probar la chispa, si no también para probar las bobinas de ignición, el mismo CDI o incluso la bobina captora. Moto Servicios de San Miguel Página Web: http://motoserviciosdesanmiguel.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MotoServSanMiguel/ San Miguel de Allende, Gto. México
Watching me fall
Into the flames
Of a broken soul tonight
No stone overturned
This graveyard of mine
Allows me no peace
Sleep as day dies
Sleepwalk with the dead
Wander aimlessly through the night
Love and regret
Course through my veins
As I slowly fade away
Please let me sleep
Just one last night
Before I must wake
And I walk with these ghosts
And I walk with these ghosts
And I walk with these ghosts...
Sleep as night falls
Sleepwalk with the dead
Hope keeps me alive