Shoeshine: Measuring Mark Adamson’s performance at Fletcher Building

Fletcher executives paid more than $500,000 a year have risen more than 50% while those earning between $100,000 and $500,000 have increased by a third.

Auckland mayor warns transport gridlock will feature in election race

Phil Goff is warning political parties in the upcoming election Auckland voters want answers to their transport woes.

NZ Rise co-chair and Catalyst IT director Don Christie

Government’s Amazon deal blows locals on IaaS supplier panel out of the water – NZ Rise

Buy-local advocate sees new deal undermining an existing Crown supplier panel, which includes Spark's Revera and Datacom; criticises Internal Affairs for not putting deal out to tender. 

Rear View: The best of NBR's week

Fri 2 Jun

A look at the highlights of the news week. For links to the featured articles click on the headline above.

Simon Moutter cans proposed corporate-backed VC fund

Only two other companies apart from Spark committed investment to the proposed Reactor Fund.

OPEN MIC: Trump drops Paris climate deal

Fri 2 Jun 18

Welcome to NBR's weekly Friday afternoon Open Mic thread!

SmartPay chief executive Bradley Gerdis says a 37% revenue increase across the Tasman helped in the turnaround.

Smartpay looks to build on turnaround result with new cloud product

10-fold profit increase for payment terminal company.

Trump's Beltway: US to abandon Paris climate deal and laptop ban postponed

Also, Clinton blames US insiders for Russia hacks and US-backed forces close in on ISIS capital.

PRIVACY NEEDED: Tim Gallagher says people should be mindful of reducing their digital foot print

Kiwi raises $8m for encryption start-up

Large movie studios and Angela Merkel’s mobile phone are what led Christchurch entrepreneur Tim Gallagher to start encrypted messaging app SafeSwiss.

Inside the Lions tour with Andrew Mehrtens

Thu 1 Jun

Inside the Lions tour #2 from NBR Radio on Vimeo.

Inside the Lions tour #2 from NBR Radio on Vimeo.

NBR View talks with former All Black and Robert Walters ambassador Andrew Mehrtens for his prediction on the game plan needed to beat the Lions.

Weekly Hit: Budget script better than National dared imagine

Steven Joyce owes both Bill English and Andrew Little for the success of his first budget.

Budget 2017: What about the rest of us?

Fri 2 Jun

Following a panel discussion Finance Minister Steven Joyce took questions from the floor on the relativity of pay.
Click on the headline for the full video.

Ben Kepes
Powerhouse chief executive Stephen Hampson says he welcomes the competition


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Trump pulls US out of Paris climate deal

Did Trump make the right decision in pulling the US out of the Paris climate change accords?


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A further shift by government services into cloud delivery of services.


Trump pulls US out of Paris climate deal


US President Donald Trump says "we're getting out."