
London Eye: Tia sets the bar high after pregnant pause

It could be the mother of all Olympic comebacks. When Tia Hellebaut announced she was pregnant in December 2008 – four months after her historic victory in the women's high jump final at the Beijing Olympics – she said she had fulfilled everything she had ever wanted to in track and field and would be hanging up her spikes to concentrate on motherhood.

Cities of the World, By Braun and Hogenberg

This wonderful book reproduces all 363 colour plates from the Civitates Orbis Terrarum, which the Cologne-born Catholic cleric and cartographer Georg Braun edited over a period of more than 40 years in the late 16th and early 17th centuries.

24-hour room service: Hotel Matelote, Antwerp

In a city as self-consciously chic and sleek as Antwerp, the term "boutique hotel" holds even more of a fervent grip on the popular imagination. Where other tourist destinations might be able to offer a certain level of boutiquerie simply with the introduction of a shearling rug or some chrome taps, a hostelry set in the heartland of fashionable minimalism has a bit more to live up to.

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48 Hours In: Antwerp

Diamonds, Rubens, waffles and contemporary fashion – indulge in a winter visit to this cosmopolitan Belgian city

Antwerp: The fine art of fashion

Capital of diamonds, city of Rubens, vibrant centre of fashion: Antwerp has a dazzling variety of attractions. To shop for some of the world's most fabulous jewellery head to Appelmansstraat and Hoveniersstraat near the Central Station. Diamonds here are cheaper than in Britain – there's a good selection at the huge gem store, Diamondland, at Appelmansstraat 33.