Alastair Campbell

Transatlantic exchanges that helped take the West to war

In Sir John Chilcot’s diplomatic shorthand, they are the “difficult documents”. For the rest of us – those looking to brand Tony Blair and George Bush as war criminals, or those who believe the pair saved Iraq from the excesses of Saddam and the world from a potential WMD catastrophe – they are the communications that will reveal how close Washington and Whitehall were in the run-up to the 2003 war.

Trending: The 'oof' word – when charity gets nasty

Forget the antics of Joey Barton, the toughest footballers these days are to be found playing in charity games. It's something that Gordon Ramsay discovered at the weekend, after he was floored by Teddy Sheringham during the Soccer Aid event at Old Trafford.

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Diary: Guido Fawkes evidence may backfire on Leveson Inquiry

Having run his inquiry into media ethics thus far without a pratfall, Lord Justice Leveson has created an opportunity to make a complete ass of himself next week by getting heavy with Paul Staines, who blogs under the alias Guido Fawkes.