Field Trip to the
Apple Store

Inspiring collaboration and
creativity with Apple products.

Our store.
Their time to shine.

Take your students or fellow teachers on a Field Trip to the Apple Store for an unforgettable learning experience. Students will create amazing work right on the spot. They’ll take their imaginations to new heights using Apple products to produce immersive, creative projects. Field Trip makes sure students and teachers walk away knowing that whatever they dream is possible through education, creativity and dedication.

Request a Field Trip at a store near you today.

Create amazing

Your students can use the equipment in our stores to apply their own theories by conducting experiments and solving problems; bring their own stories to life in new, interactive ways and even learn how to embrace and inspire social change.

An experience for
teachers, too.

We’ve opened up our Field Trip
program to educators, too. So grab your peers for your own Field Trip. We’ll show you how to use Apple products for a transformational experience in the classroom and have a blast in the process.

Choose a Field Trip.
Any Field Trip.

Every classroom is different. Apple Field Trips can be, too. Teachers can tailor their trip to complement the education the kids are already getting in their classrooms. Field Trip themes and topics include the following:

Discovery and Experimentation

Students can learn the value of conducting experiments and overcoming challenges, testing their theories along the way.

Interactive Storytelling

Combining literacy and creative skills, students can bring stories to life that spark their imaginations.

Digital Marketing

Using persuasion and design skills, students can create digital projects to inspire change and action in areas like sustainability and health.

Multisensory Learning

Working with the Skoog music and sound cube, students with disabilities can make music and create stories using their own recorded dialogue.

Content for the Classroom

Teachers can discover how iPad, together with content from the App Store, iBooks Store and iTunes U, can be used to enhance classroom learning.

* The Field Trip program is for teachers, students and youth-oriented groups who register on a first-come, first-served basis. Field Trips are confirmed only when the booker receives a “Field Trip to the Apple Store Confirmation” email. Final details for a Field Trip, including date, time and location, are at the discretion of the Apple Store and are subject to change or cancellation without notice.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Who can take part in a Field Trip?

Field Trips are open to K-12 students and teachers. Each Field Trip can accommodate up to 25 students. Click the link to request a Field Trip, and an Apple Specialist will call back to confirm with you.

How long is a Field Trip?

Field Trips last 60 to 90 minutes. Please arrive 15 minutes early to allow for setup. To schedule more time, contact a Specialist at your local Apple Store. To cancel, please contact your Apple Store at least three days in advance.

When can I schedule a Field Trip?

We offer Field Trips year-round at the Apple Store. Registration is now open for weekday events at select stores.

What can I expect on a Field Trip?

Field Trips are designed to let students create original projects in the store that complement their existing classroom projects. Students will take home a new view of just how innovative they can be with Apple products. And teachers will leave with invigorated students and new ideas for how to inspire them in the classroom. Each student must provide a copy of Apple’s Permission Statement for Minors, signed by their parent or legal guardian, prior to attending a Field Trip.

* The Field Trip program is for teachers, students and youth-oriented groups who register on a first-come, first-served basis. Field Trips are confirmed only when the booker receives a “Field Trip to the Apple Store Confirmation” email. Final details for a Field Trip, including date, time and location, are at the discretion of the Apple Store and are subject to change or cancellation without notice.