Labour hits new campaign poll high as Jeremy Corbyn launches manifesto

Labour still trails the Conservatives by a large margin

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The Independent Online

Jeremy Corbyn's party has hit a new campaign high in the polls – but still lags Theresa May's Conservatives by 14 per cent, a new poll says.

Labour closed the gap by three points in a Panelbase poll released on Tuesday, putting them on 33 per cent with the Tories on 47 per cent.

The change, which is within the margin of error of the previous poll, appears to suggest the Labour vote is continuing to gradually trend upwards.

But with a huge Conservative lead and just three weeks to go until the general election Labour faces an uphill struggle.

Two polls at the weekend put Labour on 32 per cent, a figure that was also at the time a campaign high, though others have the party lower.

Ed Miliband won 30.4 per cent of the UK vote share at the 2015 general election, though opinion polls in the UK show the poll share for Great Britain only, excluding Northern Ireland from their calculations.

Mr Corbyn launched the party's manifesto in Bradford on Tuesday, unveiling plans for tax rises for the richest 5 per cent of the population to fund spending pledges and the nationalisation of utilities and railways.

The poll, which was conducted before the launch of Labour's manifesto, had top line voting intention figures with the Tories on 47 per cent down 1, Labour on 33 per cent up three, the Lib Dems on 7 per cent down one, and Ukip on 5 per cent unchanged.
