Mike Pence is a raging homophobe

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Former GOP Sen. and Gov. George Allen says Mike Pence should mentions gays at the VP debate. Fat chance.

BREAKING: Pentagon drops ban on transgender troops

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“I am announcing today that we are ending the ban on trangender-Americans in the United States military,”

FDR was a homophobe, and I’m not sure I care

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I got into a discussion on Twitter with some Tea Party Millennials who were livid that I praised FDR.

Martin O’Malley calls for clearing military records of those discharged due to sexual orientation

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13,000 gay and lesbian members of the armed forces were discharged for violating Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

Don’t Tell Me to Wait

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Kerry Eleveld’s out with a new book on the LGBT movement’s relationship with President Obama. Read it.

The USA Freedom Act, DADT and legislative process in the 21st Century

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The 21st Century, along with public opinion, is moving faster than our current legislative bodies can handle.
mike huckabee

Mike Huckabee ignores James Madison, tells Christians to avoid military until Obama is gone

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Contrary to popular belief, our military is supposed to be indifferent to religious faith.

Colbert on Gohmert’s claim that gay soldiers give each other too many massages

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GOP Cong. Louie Gohmert says gays troops are giving each other too many massages.

Is Bill Clinton redeemed?

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Former President Clinton has been invited to address the annual HRC gay rights dinner.

Gay 79 y.o. Marine dies 2 weeks after discharge finally changed to “honorable”

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A sad, yet uplifting, story about Hal Faulkner, a 79 year old gay Marine who found justice after nearly 60 years.

A look back on the 3-year anniversary of DADT’s repeal

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The repeal of DADT was a huge step forward, but the full mission, 3 years later, has yet to be accomplished.

Did Rick Perry cave on gay National Guard benefits? No one seems to know for sure.

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Initially it looked as though Texas refused to process benefits, now it appears they may have caved.

Air Force Academy to hold gay-bias presser with veracity-compromised Capt. Michelle Reinstatler

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Reinstatler claimed in a press release that no cadets expressed concerns about anti-gay bias, when many did.
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