Dr. Mark Thoma, MD
Mark Thoma, MD, is a physician who did his residency in internal medicine. Mark has a long history of social activism, and was an early technogeek, and science junkie, after evolving through his nerd phase. Favorite quote: “The most exciting phrase to hear in science... is not 'Eureka!' (I found it!) but 'That's funny.'” - Isaac Asimov

Researchers discover the location of the “Christmas spirit” in the human brain

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No word yet on the neuroscience of humbug.

Using cancer cells to kill cancer cells

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A report on some more promising cancer research.

Antioxidants aid cancer cells in metastasizing, research shows

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New research shows that antioxidants shield cancer cells immediately after they leave the tumor in metastasis.

Corn syrup and artificial sweeteners are even worse for you than you thought

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Soda isn’t just bad for you; it’s one of the worst things people regularly consume.

This virus could be used to treat HIV

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The latest in potential outside-the-box treatments for HIV.

Government shutdowns, sequesters and medical research

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When Congress can’t fund itself, medical research takes a huge hit. We can’t let that happen.

A few updates on HIV research

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A number of new clinical trials are showing promise in hopes of treating the disease and preventing its spread.

3D-printed pills are a thing, and could make treatment easier

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3D-printed pills could allow doctors to set customized dosages, reducing the risk of side effects.
birth control pills

Non-steroidals carry increased risk for heart attacks, strokes and death

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The FDA has issued new warnings against a battery of anti-inflammatory drugs.

We’re a step closer toward curing a disease caused by brain-eating amoebas

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Brain eating amoebas are a small but serious problem. Now we’re a step closer to a cure.

You probably don’t use sunscreen, and you should

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Americans are bad at using sunscreen, which puts them at risk for skin cancer.

Study: Most marijuana edibles have mislabeled potency

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An alarmingly low percentage of edible marijuana contains the advertised amount of THC.

The Veterans Administration needs more doctors

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Problems with the VA’s medical system are exacerbated when they can’t hire enough people.
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