John Aravosis
Follow me on Twitter: @aravosis | @americablog | @americabloggay | Facebook | Instagram | Google+ | LinkedIn. John Aravosis is the Executive Editor of AMERICAblog, which he founded in 2004. He has a joint law degree (JD) and masters in Foreign Service from Georgetown; and has worked in the US Senate, World Bank, Children's Defense Fund, the United Nations Development Programme, and as a stringer for the Economist. He is a frequent TV pundit, having appeared on the O'Reilly Factor, Hardball, World News Tonight, Nightline, AM Joy & Reliable Sources, among others. John lives in New York City, and is the cofounder of Bio, .

nato summit

New French president Macron shakes Trump’s hand last at NATO

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During Donald Trump’s first meeting with NATO allies at the summit in Brussels this week, Trump finally met new French president Emmanuel Macron. But he had to wait a bit. In ...
hillary wellesley wellesley

Hillary compares Trump to Nixon in Wellesley commencent

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Hillary Clinton is giving the commencement address at her alma mater, Wellesely College, as I write this. In a portion of her speech reminiscing on her days in college, Hillary talks ...
sheriff clarke

Sheriff Clarke ordered 6 deputies to harass plane passenger and verbal exchange

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Newly-released text messages show Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke directing six sheriff deputies to stop and harass an American Airlines passenger for having had a verbal altercation ...

GOP US House candidate Gianforte still hasn’t apologized 24 hours after assaulting reporter

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It’s been nearly 24 hours since GOP US House candidate from Montana, Greg Gianforte, brutally assaulted Ben Jacobs, a reporter with the Guardian newspaper, in front of three witnesses while ...

Trump shoves NATO leader to get better spot in photo

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Donald Trump today shoved a fellow NATO leader in order to position himself better for a group photo. Sadly, I’m not making this up. And here’s the video: Did Trump just ...
Greg gianforte

GOP US House candidate, Montanan Greg Gianforte, caught on tape violently assaulting reporter

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Update: A crew from Fox News witnessed the entire attack. Their description is gruesome: During that conversation, another man — who we now know is Ben Jacobs of The Guardian — ...

CBO: 23 million lose insurance under House GOP health bill

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The Congressional Budget Office analysis of the Republican health care bill passed recently by the US House of Representatives, shows that 23 million people will lose health insurance ...
Loose Lips

Trump divulged secret location of US nuclear subs to Philippine president

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A recently released transcript of Donald Trump’s April 29 phone call with Philippine strongman Rodrigo Duterte shows that Trump told Duterte that the US had moved two nuclear ...
Wilbur Ross

Trump Commerce Secretary brags about lack of protests in Saudi Arabia, where it’s illegal

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Donald Trump’s Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross, bragged this morning on CNBC about how there wasn’t a single protester throughout their entire trip in Saudi Arabia. “There ...

Melania angrily slaps Trump’s hand away in Israel

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Melania Trump angrily slapped away her husband’s hand when getting off Air Force once in Israel today. In the video below, you can clearly see Trump reach out for Melania’s ...

Notre Dame grads walk out of VP Pence’s commencement speech

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A large group of graduates walked out of Vice President Mike Pence’s commencement speech today at Notre Dame University. Pence’s politics is extreme religious right, which ...

Trump just curtsied to the Saudi King

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Fox News is crowing today that unlike President Obama, Donald Trump did not “bow” to the Saudi King. And Fox is right. Trump didn’t bow. He curtsied. Did Trump ...

Trump told Russians Comey was fired to lessen pressure of Russia probe. Trump called Comey a “nutjob.”

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Donald Trump admitted to the Russians earlier this month that he fired FBI Director Comey because of the pressure the Russia probe was putting on him, according to the NYT. In an effort ...
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