Jon Green
Jon Green graduated from Kenyon College with a B.A. in Political Science and high honors in Political Cognition. He worked as a field organizer for Congressman Tom Perriello in 2010 and a Regional Field Director for President Obama's re-election campaign in 2012. Jon writes on a number of topics, but pays especially close attention to elections, religion and political cognition. Follow him on Twitter at @_Jon_Green, and on Google+. .

On leaving the blogosphere for academia

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Today is my last day running AMERICAblog. Here’s why I’m ready to move on.

Wisconsin county clerk says that weekend voting gives “too much access” to ballot

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These folks aren’t very good at masking their contempt for voters.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz could be out as DNC chair before the convention

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For many Sanders supporters, DWS is the personification of a rigged primary system.

What’s up with this maybe-scandal in Virginia?

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Did Terry McAuliffe solicit campaign contributions from a foreign donor? Maybe not, but what a story!

Evangelical leader’s fundraising pitch for Trump: He points to the sky for Jesus

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Donald Trump hearts Jesus because he points to the sky when he talks, according to Evangelical grifters.

Breitbart laments close loss of neo-Nazi presidential candidate in Austria

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And they wonder why Facebook doesn’t consider them a legitimate news source.

Congressman Matt Salmon’s oddly specific budgetary hit list

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This man is on a mission in his final year in office to be as trivial and possible.

Meanwhile, in Congress…

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Infrastructure? Broadband access? Health care? Nope. Congressman Matt Salmon wants to defund yoga.

Connecticut Secretary of State to implement automatic voter registration through unique agreement with the DMV

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This could and should serve as a model for other states.

Former Wisconsin GOP staffer testifies that voter ID law was passed to win elections

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Let’s dispel with this fiction that Wisconsin Republicans didn’t know what they were doing.

Donald Trump qualifies for a tax break he claims he’s too rich to take

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If Trump is really worth TEN BILLION DOLLARS, then why is he taking tax breaks for people making less than $500k?

An update to our style guide

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Per Republicans, Clinton’s opponent this November apparently isn’t Donald Trump. We’re responding accordingly.

Ted Cruz (R – The Moon) leaves door open for restarting presidential bid

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Get over yourself, dude.
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