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Grief Support Community
Grief Support Community

LegacyConnect's posts

"The pain passes, but the #beauty remains". - Pierre Auguste Renoir (1841-1919)

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When life is overwhelming, friends and neighbors want to help. And it's OK to accept their offer to cook you a meal or help run an errand.

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Writing a sympathy note shows you care. It can be simple, short and sweet, and still mean the world to the bereaved.

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The truth about grief is that it's different for everyone who experiences it, and there's no set path you follow when you grieve. Have you been confronted with myths about grief?

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We don't delete loved ones from our hearts when they die... and sometimes we take comfort in keeping them in our contact lists, too.

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Even if you've been out of touch for many years, news of an ex-spouse's death can be shocking. Here's some advice on how to handle it.

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On Veterans Day, we're learning more about who is eligible for burial in a military cemetery.

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Writing an obituary can be overwhelming. Our guide can help.

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When you pick up the phone or put pen to paper, your simple gesture can have such a big impact on the recipient.

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If you've been invited to sit Shiva for a family member or friend, and you're not familiar with the Jewish mourning ritual, here's what to expect.
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