Daily habits of the Rich List 2017: Graham Turner uses exercise to take a 'break away from work'

When Flight Centre MD Graham Turner was 12 he wanted to be a vet or an agricultural scientist. "One thing I didn't want ...
When Flight Centre MD Graham Turner was 12 he wanted to be a vet or an agricultural scientist. "One thing I didn't want to be was an apple orchardist."

Our annual Rich List is out this month in The AFR Magazine, so we spoke to five Rich Listers about what made them successful.

Works: Co-founder and managing director, Flight Centre Travel Group.

Lives: Brisbane.

Education: Bachelor of veterinary science, University of Queensland.


Life philosophy: Business is business. It's not everything, just a very interesting part of life. I can't imagine retiring before 90. Our board may have other ideas. Also, if you're not relaxed running a business, leave it to others.

Strength: Most things don't worry me. I can look at the long term and accept short-term setbacks as temporary. Caveat: it only took me 44 years in business to learn that.

Weakness: Taking too long to make tough decisions, but I do eventually make them.

One thing you attribute your success to: Growing up on an apple orchard 10 miles west of Stanthorpe, Queensland, working in the family business from an early age. I went to a one-teacher school for eight years; one teacher for 40 kids across six classes. You were forced to teach yourself to learn, no matter how good the teacher was.

When I was 12 I wanted to be: A vet or agricultural scientist. One thing I didn't want to be was an apple orchardist.

Biggest influence on your career: My dad was a progressive, innovative, small-business person and he invited my opinions even from a young age. I suspect my opinions were crap, but what's interesting is he made me think.

What money means to you: Jude and I are environmentalists; having spare cash helps us do positive things for wildlife. We eat out a bit and own some great small hotels. Possessions don't matter hugely to me.

Person you've most admired this year: You've got to hand it to Donald Trump with that ridiculous-looking hairdo. Even wearing it in public, let alone saying and doing the most outrageous things with a straight face. 

Charity you most believe in: The Turner Family Foundation. Our focus is preserving and propagating Australian wildlife and their habitats. It's frustrating as governments, business, people talk about rehabilitating but, in the end, give it a low priority. Our descendants will regret our lack of foresight.

Best place to unwind: Mountain biking on back trails.

Jude Turner 

(nee Stent - yes my English ancestor invented the compound that is now used in the medical stent)

Works: Founder of Spicer's Retreats, a portfolio of nine retreats and The Scenic Rim Trail; 230 employees. 

Education: Glennie school in Toowoomba, where I repeated pre-school (as a form of child care), while my mother taught there. Then Warwick Presbyterian Girls College, from Grade 3 to 12. My mother was the art teacher there. Finally, Kelvin Grove Teachers College to study Art and Geography.

Daily habits: Coffee and same three newspapers as Skroo, also at Kin & Co - but at 6.30am, 30 minutes after Skroo gets there. I don't get up as early as him. Walk a couple of days a week and bike ride to lunch most weekends. We never watch TV, but I'm afraid we drink most days from about 7pm. Skroo calls white wine an AFD [alcohol free day]. As in, if you're not drinking red, it doesn't count. The Two Hands Gnarly Dudes Shiraz is one of our favourites. Our daughter even called her dog Gnarly. 

Life philosophy: 'Less is more' and 'do unto others as you would have them do to you'.

Greatest personal strength: I'm people smart and love seeing others succeed. This isn't surprising given I prefer a support role. I also like change - but not when it involves people.

Biggest weakness: I'm a collector (hoarder) and slow to throw anything away or move on …… as my cleaning lady of 35 years can attest, and also now my young PA who's trying to help me get organised.

One thing you attribute to your success would be: A good Protestant work ethic, which I learned from my mum, who passed away ten years ago aged 86. She was a Methodist - and Irish. As the youngest of four kids, I learned early to take responsibility for myself.

When I was 12, I wanted to be: An Art teacher. Mum thought it was the best profession for a girl incase you ended up having to support a family like she did - given that dad was a lot older than her and tended to work part-time.

Biggest influence on your career: Clearly my mother. She also taught me to accept responsibility for my actions. It's what I respect most in my team members.

First great buy: My first painting - a William Dargie, a famous Australian landscape painter. It's titled "Barges on the Thames" and from memory it was about $3500 - about 20 years ago. 

What money means to you: Responsibility to do the right thing with it. 

Person you most admire so far this year: Quite a few of my female friends. I'm constantly amazed at how women are so well-rounded and cope with so much. Men get the recognition for being focussed. But what really makes the world go round is women, who seem to be able to handle everything thrown at them. 

Charity you most believe in: Commitment to the preservation of the environment. Also in charities that support education and helping young people achieve and feel successful (my mum's influence yet again).

Best place you go to unwind: Our 7pm nightly glass of wine on the verandah at home in Brisbane. Noosa is where we really unwind. 

The Financial Review Rich List is published on May 26, in The Australian Financial Review Magazine and online at afr.com. For more than three decades, the BRW Rich List has been the definitive ranking of Australia's top wealth creators. After moving to the AFR Magazine three years ago, it now will appear as the Financial Review Rich List.
