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Thousands of flu cases prompt call for Queenslanders to get vaccinated

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With the number of laboratory-confirmed flu cases already well ahead of the number confirmed by the same time last year, Queensland Health said it was a good reminder for people to get their flu shots.

From January 1 to May 14 in 2016, there were 3367 confirmed flu cases in Queensland. In the same period this year there have been 440 more cases including 527 public hospital admissions, including 47 admissions to ICU.

Queensland Health communicable diseases branch acting executive director Dr Heidi Carroll said now is the best time to get vaccinated ahead of peak flu season in August and September.

"Now is really the right time to be going out there and getting vaccinated because we now are coming into the winter season," she said.

"It takes up to about two weeks for the vaccine to start working to its maximum potential so if you were getting vaccinated now and it takes two weeks that's bringing us into June, into the winter season already."

The vaccine is recommended and free for more vulnerable members of the community, including pregnant women and people aged over 75, but Dr Carroll said everyone over the age of six months should think about getting the flu shot.


"We just want people to be mindful that not only is it protecting themselves from getting sick, but it's protecting those vulnerable in the community as well," she said.

For those who say they always get sick after getting a flu shot, Dr Carroll said it was possible to get another virus at the same time (this year's vaccine covers four different flu strains), but the vaccine would still help.


"Some people coincidentally are getting sick because they're picking up another virus, they might be picking up a cold, and flu vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting a cold," she said.

"There will be people who genuinely have got the flu ... But you'll find usually with those people it's a much milder illness than it would be if they weren't vaccinated.

"Some people get very very sick with the flu and need to go to hospital, usually those people who have been vaccinated don't end up in hospital."

Dr Carroll said it was important to practice good hygiene during flu season, including covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, washing hands regularly, and staying home if you're sick, as it can be hard to tell the difference between a common cold and influenza.

"Cold and the flu symptoms often can mimic each other, they have both got runny eyes, headaches, fevers, so lots of the time people think they get the flu when they actually haven't," Dr Carroll said.

And if you think you do have the flu and not just a cold?

"Stay at home, rest up, make sure you're staying hydrated, if you're worried about your health then see a GP," Dr Carroll said.