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School cleaners protest makes for a messy start to ALP state conference

Underpaid school cleaners have confronted Premier Daniel Andrews at Labor's state conference, accusing the government of turning a blind eye to "wage theft" that has plagued the workforce for years

In an embarrassing look for the government, cleaners at the conference unfurled a large banner featuring a mock-up of a new number plate slogan, emblazoned with the words: "Victoria – The Wage Theft State."

Delegates also held up similar signs during Mr Andrews' speech – which centred on his latest push to protect local workers – moments before the conference voted in favour of an urgency resolution demanding that the Premier take action.

Unions representing timber workers, the disability sector and the transport industry also used the conference to call on the government to protect their respective sectors.

 "We have become the wage theft state on the watch of Premier Andrews," said United Voice state secretary Jess Walsh.

"Cleaners in almost all of our state school cleaners are having their wages stolen by shonky backyard operators. When they speak up, they are often bullied, abused and intimidated. Cleaning companies like these have no place in our state schools. The system is broken."


The exploitation of school cleaners has been a problem for years, but reignited this month after a union audit found that eight in 10 Victorian cleaners are paid below the award wage, with the total wage theft bill estimated to be around $10 million – money that could have otherwise been provided to cleaning staff.

The issue is also particularly potent because of Labor's rhetoric when it comes to supporting workers and its emphasis on Victoria being "the education state".

Inside the conference, Premier Daniel Andrews used his speech to make an election pitch to protect Victoria's manufacturing industry by ensuring more jobs and contracts are sourced locally.

Setting the scene for the next wave of industry and policy reform, Mr Andrews announced that he would personally chair a new Victorian Jobs Partnership taskforce to support the manufacturing sector, address skills gaps and encourage more women into construction and engineering roles.

The taskforce will bring together key union figures, as well as academics, government officials and industry groups. A major summit will be held in coming months to thrash out fresh policies, with new initiatives to be in place by the end of the year.

"Creating more jobs doesn't make sense if we don't have the right people with the right skills to fill them,"  he said. "We'll ensure that even more projects and even more materials are being made in Victoria, by Victorians."

In other developments at state conference on Saturday:

  • The CFMEU put forward an urgency resolution calling on the government to give certainty to the town of Heyfield by immediately finalising its promised purchase of the local timber mill and guaranteeing every job;
  • Disability workers and families rallied against plans to privatise disability services, with the Health and Community Services Union set to step up its campaign in marginal seats ahead of next year's election; and
  • Delegates prepared for another debate about ALP rules amid ongoing concerns about branch stacking.

Asked about underpaid cleaners being ripped off, Minister Martin Foley said the government would work with anyone who had evidence of dodgy cleaning contacts, to crack down on "shonky operators."

"Workers quite rightly want to see minimum award rates apply, we want to make sure that happens too," he said

Mr Andrews also used his speech to talk up the government's plan to split the fire services, saying it would provide Victorians with "the modern and reliable service they deserve". Opposition leader Bill Shorten will attend the conference on Sunday.