Privacy Policy

3 November, 2011

Before using the Website (that is, any site operated by Independent Digital News and Media Limited) it is your responsibility to read the Privacy Policy. You can notify us in the manner set out below if you do not want us to share information about you with third parties.
Independent Digital News and Media Limited is hereinafter referred to in this Privacy Policy as IDNM. Please note that IDNM may revise this Privacy Policy at any time by posting an update on its website. Please ensure that you check this website from time to time to review the current privacy policy against any preferences you may have indicated. This Privacy Policy was last updated on the date indicated above.
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• Independent Syndication: A guide to our services
• Search the news archive for more stories
The basic principles
By accessing and using the Website you are agreeing to be legally bound by the Legal Terms and Policies and this Privacy Policy. You should therefore also read the Legal Terms and Policies before using the Website.
IDNM is determined to protect your privacy. It is very important to us that you should be able to use and enjoy the Website without having to compromise your privacy unacceptably.
Knowing something about our users is, however, necessary to ensure that our service is continually improved. We need to build an accurate picture of the needs and wishes of our users, and to be able to communicate with you. That enables us to offer a service that is relevant and truly interactive, which is what our users expect. It also helps us to maintain the greatest possible free-to-user access to the Website.
Behavioural advertising: technology now also enables interest based advertising which allows advertisers to customize adverts to your particular interests and is referred to below.
We answer your important questions
"What information do you collect about me?"
We automatically collect some data about our users' browsing actions and patterns. This is aggregate data and does not identify any individual.
We may also ask you to provide personal information on a voluntary basis in order to get a clearer picture of our users. It is then entirely up to you whether you are happy to give us this information.
In the course of entering competitions, promotions and other offers you will be asked to give some details about yourself. You may also choose to e-mail us or make contact with us in other ways. Such contact gives us information about you.
If you have any financial dealings, for instance if you make purchases with our trading partners on co-branded sites, or if you place an order through The Independent Shop, the information you submit will be disclosed to us and to relevant third parties, for example suppliers of goods and services and our web service providers.
"For what purposes do you collect and use my information?"
We use aggregate audience details (where no individual is identifiable) to help us improve our understanding of our users and their preferences. We may use it to assist us in arranging relevant advertising, commercial opportunities and competitions, as well as ensuring the best editorial coverage. It also helps us develop the Website and audit its use.
The information about you as an identifiable individual, including contact details, may be used in the following ways:
* to conduct market research and other surveys.
* to create and draw to your attention editorial material and commercial opportunities that may be of interest to you.
* to be shared with advertisers, trading partners and other commercial entities with whom we have or might have an association. We may also be able to share the information that they obtain about their users.
* to respond to any enquiry you make.
"How private are my details?"
Apart from other companies in the IDNM group, we only share personal information about you with third parties whom we have selected carefully and with whom we have, or may have, a commercial relationship. IDNM complies with the relevant legal requirements and takes all reasonable care to ensure that your information is secure and private and is only seen by responsible third parties. However we cannot be held responsible for the actions of any third party who receives or obtains access to the information, or for any breach of security. We may also disclose your information if required to do so to comply with any laws, regulations, legal proceedings or governmental request - but this will be subject in each case to the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998.
If you tell us that you do not want us to use your details, by emailing a request to, then data about your use of the Website would then only form part of aggregated statistics and would not be related to you as an individual.
You can ask to see the information we have about you by emailing a request to
Use of cookies on a website
The basic principles
A cookie is a text-only string of information that a website transfers to the cookie file of the browser of your computer's hard disk so that the website can remember who you are. A cookie will typically contain the name of the domain from which the cookie has come, the "lifetime" of the cookie, and a value, usually a randomly generated unique number.
Two types of cookies are used on the Website: Session Cookies which are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your browser until you leave the Website. Persistent Cookies which remain in the cookie file of your browser for much longer (though how long will depend on the lifetime of each specific cookie). Cookies can help a website to arrange content to match your preferred interests more quickly. Most major websites use cookies. Cookies cannot be used by themselves to identify you.
How we collect cookies on the Website and what information we collect
Session Cookies: To allow you to carry information across pages of the Website and avoid having to re-enter information. Persistent Cookies: To help us recognise you as a unique visitor (just a number) when you return to the Website and to allow us to tailor content, advertisements and the presentation of the Website to match your preferences. To compile anonymous, aggregated statistics that allow us to understand how users use the Website and to help us improve the structure of the Website. We cannot identify you personally in this way.
Third Party Cookies
Third parties serve cookies via the Website. These are used for the following purposes: To serve advertisements on the Website and track whether these advertisements are clicked on by users; To control how often you are shown a particular advertisement; To count the number of anonymous users of the Website, and; To provide security within transactions.
Interest Based Advertising
Interest based advertisements on our site are provided by our advertising partner. Our advertising partner will serve ads that it believes are most likely to be of interest to you, based on certain information about your visit to this and other websites. This information is collected and used without reference to other data which could identify you in the real world, in that it does not include your name, street address, e-mail address or telephone number. In order to do this, our advertising partner may need to place a cookie (a small text file) on your computer. You have the right to exercise control over the way we collect and use information about your online activities in this way and you are entitled to opt-out of receiving this type of interest based advertising.
For more information about this type of interest based advertising, about cookies, and about how to turn this feature off, please visit Please note that the effectiveness of any opt-out for interest based advertising may be impacted by deleting all cookies on your browser.
See below for instructions on controlling cookies in the most recent version of Internet Explorer (users of other browsers should contact their operators for instructions).
Windows Internet Explorer
Select Tools Internet Options then Privacy Tab then Advanced
Check Override automatic cookie handling
Click Accept, Block or Prompt then OK twice
Please visit for details
Please refer to the 'Help' function of your particular browser for further information.
By using your browser settings to disable cookies you may prevent the Site from operating fully.
Use of Web Beacons
Some of our web pages may contain electronic images know as web beacons (sometimes known as clear gifs) that allow us to count users who have visited these pages. Web beacons collect only limited information which including a cookie number, time and date of a page view, and a description of the page on which the web beacon resides. We may also carry web beacons placed by third party advertisers. These beacons do not carry any personally identifiable information and are only used to track the effectiveness of a particular campaign.
Disabling/Enabling Cookies
You have the ability to accept or decline cookies by modifying the settings in your browser. However, you may not be able to use all the interactive features of the Website if cookies are disabled.
International transfer of personal data
As you will know, the internet does not recognise national boundaries. Services on the net are accessible globally so collection and transmission of personal data is not always confined to one country. You should be aware that by using the Website and those of our partners or any site we link through to, your personal data may be processed in or transferred to other countries, the USA for example, and you agree to your personal data being transferred or processed in this way.
"What do I do if I am not happy for you to share information about me with others?"
You may not wish us to share personal details about you with third parties outside IDNM, or to use your information in the other ways we have described in this Privacy Policy. You can e-mail at any time to let us know of any objections you may have to how we use or disclose your data in the ways set out in this Privacy Policy. Your personal details may in any event be shared with third party organisations we have contracted to provide services to us, on an agency basis, which include processing data. We may also have to release information (which could include the contents of e-mail communications between any persons) because of a legal requirement on us or pursuant to a court order.
Further information
If you want further information, or wish to communicate with us about this Privacy Policy and your wishes about your personal information, please e-mail us at
Company and data protection information
The data controller of data on the Website is Independent Digital News and Media Limited, registered in England and Wales under company number 732 0345, whose registered office is at 2 Derry Street, London, W8 5HF, UK. VAT number GB 995 5180 73. Any queries or notices under the Data Protection Act should be addressed to the IT Director at the above address.
This newspaper adheres to the system of self-regulation overseen by the Press Complaints Commission. The PCC takes complaints about the editorial content of publications under the Editor’s Code of Practice, a copy of which can be found at