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Queensland MPs polled to find out how many used ride-sharing apps

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Only 13 of Queensland's 89 state MPs will admit to having booked a ride-sharing service, such as Uber.

An additional nine MPs said they had used it, but stressed it was a rare occasion and only as passengers when somebody else booked the service.

The Fairfax Media survey came as Parliament prepares to debate the second stage of ride-sharing legislation, which would impose further restrictions for Uber drivers and include a $237.26 licence fee.

One of those to admit to using ride-sharing was Katter's Australian Party MP Robbie Katter, who said he wanted to try it out.

In 2016, KAP introduced a private member's bill, including higher penalties for ride-sharing drivers and giving transport inspectors more powers to detect offenders, with plans for more legislation in 2017.

Fairfax Media polled all of Queensland's 89 state MPs, asking if they had ever used a ride-sharing service, such as Uber.


The answer was "no" for 35 members of Parliament.

Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey, whose portfolio now has responsibility for the issue, said he had used ride-sharing.

​Opposition Transport spokesman Andrew Powell said he had not used Uber in Queensland, but had used it a few times in Canberra as research to understand the issue.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk's answer was "no", while Opposition Leader Tim Nicholls did not answer the question.

Ride-sharing was legalised in Queensland in September 2016, but the issue continues to be in the spotlight, with the taxi and limousine industry decrying its impact on small business owners and drivers.

Labor MPs were more likely to admit they had used ride-sharing, but more also answered the question to say they had not used ride-sharing.

Some LNP MPs declined to answer the question, instead referring Fairfax Media to the party's ride-sharing policy.

Those who were contacted but did not want to comment or answer the question have been marked as "did not answer".

The remaining 24 MPs did not respond to the poll, and have been listed as "did not respond".

Griffith University political scientist Paul Williams said politicians may be reluctant to answer the question because they believed it could be used against them.

"We live in a media sensitive world of gotcha politics, people trying to catch each other out for point scoring and also because the electorate has such low regard for politicians, politicians try to build themselves up to more than they are to sell their product," Dr Williams said.

"They wouldn't want to be seen to be contributing to the problem of the demise of the taxi industry."

Dr Williams said the ride-sharing issue probably would not "make or break" the election, but it would be on the radar.

However, he said despite people's passion for supporting taxi drivers, the public would likely book an Uber if it was cheaper or more convenient.

On the philosophical question of whether politicians should experience ride-sharing before legislating on it, Dr Williams said it was a "good question".

"It's a fairly easily accessed and fairly innocuous issue, there's not a reason not to," he said.

"We're not talking about experimenting with drugs or anything like that."

Dr Williams said it went back to the concept of whether a politician was a representative or a delegate.

"Representative means the electorate gives you a mandate... the delegate - you're there to do what the electorate tells you to do," he said.

"This idea of perhaps you shouldn't do something that you haven't tried yourself or at least that you're not hooked into how the electorate feels, the electoral sentiment would probably strike more of the delegate view of members of Parliament and less the representatives.

"It's a deeply political and philosophical question."

Dr Williams said some members of the public may baulk at a politician who legislated on ride-sharing without having used it.

"A lot of the public would say that was unacceptable," he said.

Some MPs may have had less of a chance to use Uber, as their electorates did not have the service, or they have government-supplied drivers.

An Uber spokesman said there were more than 700,000 Queenslanders who used Uber.

​"We'd be delighted to welcome any of Queensland's 89 members of Parliament to the app at any time," the spokesman said.

Comment was sought from Taxi Council Queensland.