Digital makeover seduces reluctant welding heir Norm Chouaifaity

Norman Chouaifaity, left with father Louis and mother Anne, resisted calls to work at the family welding firm for years ...
Norman Chouaifaity, left with father Louis and mother Anne, resisted calls to work at the family welding firm for years but is now trying to digitise its processes. Louise Kennerley

For years, Norm Chouaifaity resisted the idea that he might one day take over the welding firm started in western Sydney by his father Louis in 1981. 

Louis, a welder and boilermaker who trained in Lebanon's French technical college and migrated to Australia in 1968, turns 70 this year. He had often told Norm, "you should be an engineer because it would be really good for the business". 

But Norm, 30, felt he wasn't the type. In the 19 years he had observed L&A; Pressure Welding not much had changed – but the collapse of the oil and gas boom shaved a couple of million dollars off revenues.

"It was, 'this is what we've always done, the industry might be shrinking but we'll find work, it'll be OK'," 30 year old Norm tells The Australian Financial Review

Manufacturing has an image problem in Australia, says Jens Goennemann, managing director Advance Manufacturing Growth Centre
Manufacturing has an image problem in Australia, says Jens Goennemann, managing director Advance Manufacturing Growth Centre Louise Kennerley

Small and medium manufacturing firms across Australia face a looming succession problem as founders come to the end of their working lives and their children seek alternative careers. 

Image problem

"It's a bit of a perception and image problem of manufacturing," says Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre chief Jens Goennemann. The problem doesn't exist in Germany, where firms like Siemens and Bosch are charging into digital manufacturing, or Industrie 4.0. Goennemann believes Aussie manufacturers must follow suit. 

Norm Chouaifaity, with a business degree and a welding certificate, felt manufacturing could be better than its dirty and dangerous image. He had taken leave from the family firm to explore other industries.

"The ones that appealed to me most were tech startup labs. They were looking for managers," Norm says.

L&A Pressure Welding innovation director Norm Chouaifaity tries on a DarqUi augmented reality hard hat at Manufacturing ...
L&A; Pressure Welding innovation director Norm Chouaifaity tries on a DarqUi augmented reality hard hat at Manufacturing Week in Melbourne in May 2017. The hard hat enables workers to access product lifecycle software and information. Supplied

But he changed his mind about a year ago when L&A;'s general manager David Fox called at his house. Fox had been chatting with John Cook of the NSW Business Chamber, who helped small manufacturers future proof themselves by going digital and introduced them to Don Wright at Western Sydney University's Launchpad. 

Fox thought they could help L&A;, which became a foundation member of the AMGC.


That sounded more positive than the typical cry from the shrinking metal fabrication industry that "the government needs to do something". 

Siemens employees show German President Angela Merkel their Industrie 4.0 processes.
Siemens employees show German President Angela Merkel their Industrie 4.0 processes. Lennart Preiss

"For me it was, 'alright, as long as I am not dragged into the day to day business of it, I'll be part of it," Norm says. He became L&A;'s innovation director. 

They were introduced to PTC, a Massachusetts industrial software group, and started a project to digitise the welding process and supply chain so that they can pre-empt failures, minimise outages and extend the lifetime of valuable equipment. 

PTC writes product lifecycle sofware, which uses sensors to manage equipment more sustainably and efficiently in aerospace, defence, auto, consumer goods, electronics, tech, manufacturing and medical devices. 

"We saw that the idea was tangible because it's happening (in other industries)," Norm says. "It's probably the first time that we are pushing it in our industry." 

As well as pushing their digitised welding supply chain and equipment, Norm and Fox wanted a ten-year plan scary enough to make them work really hard at it. Now they're aiming at becoming a hub for local university, TAFE and school students.

L&A; is building a prototype to show customers the full repertoire of their digital supply chain – including forecasting failures – without damaging any physical plant, so customers can "get their heads around what it is and how it works." 

Augmented reality

The next stage is "augmented reality". Norm tried on a DarqUi hard hat at Manufacturing Week in Melbourne last week that accesses the PTC software and information so that customers can use it "in the field".

He says there is a lot of excitement among the customers but they won't bring the product to market before they can support it. 

It might have been quicker to use a software integrator, he says, but they wouldn't have seen as clearly that "it's not just one innovation but creating a new vision for the manufacturing as a whole".

After initial wariness, Louis Chouaifaity and older employees at L&A; are on board. "That's a really big thing, having their support. It means it's not seen as a rogue project." 

Louis Chouaifaity wants the business to keep going.

"I don't need to be here any more but at the moment times for manufacturing are pretty tough and hopefully the business will keep going for the young people we have got working here," he says.

"Of course, when I know the business starts to be in good hands I will walk away."