17 May 2017

Ford to cut as many as 20,000 jobs worldwide

By Jerry White, 17 May 2017

The job cuts explode the myth propagated by the Trump administration and the news media about the US economy reaching “full employment.”

Trump White House in disarray amidst charges it sought to block FBI investigation into Flynn

By Patrick Martin, 17 May 2017

The New York Times report which broke the allegation is based on material supplied by high-ranking FBI officials.

Media claims Trump revealed classified information to Russian visitors

Trump’s firing of Comey: A breakdown of constitutional government

More on the Trump presidency »

Whistleblower Chelsea Manning to be released from prison today

By Genevieve Leigh, 17 May 2017

Manning has served seven years in prison, frequently under brutal conditions, for leaking evidence to WikiLeaks exposing US war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Los Angeles International Airport launches private terminal for the ultra-wealthy

By Marc Wells, 17 May 2017

The $22-million facility resembles a heavily guarded fortress and provides members’ with a private, highly secured and paparazzi-free environment where a team of eight people caters to their every need.

Georgia carries out its first execution of 2017

By Kate Randall, 17 May 2017

J.W. Ledford Jr.’s lethal injection began at 1:17 a.m. Wednesday after the US Supreme Court denied a stay of execution.

Erdogan’s White House visit papers over US-Turkish tensions

By Bill Van Auken, 17 May 2017

While the Turkish leader publicly condemned the US arming of Syrian Kurdish fighters, there appeared no prospect that he would shift the Pentagon’s policy.

Macron delays announcement of French ministerial cabinet

By Alex Lantier, 17 May 2017

The cabinet is to be announced Wednesday, with a delay of 24 hours, after verification of future ministers’ tax status and potential conflicts of interest.

Mélenchon repeats offer to serve as the prime minister of France under Macron

By Kumaran Ira, 17 May 2017

At a convention to launch a campaign for the upcoming legislative elections, Mélenchon asserted that his Unsubmissive France movement will be able to “govern the country.”

French President Macron names right-wing PM, meets Merkel to plan austerity and war

French auto parts workers at GM&S; threaten to blow up plant to block closure

More on the French presidential election »

UK: Labour’s shadow foreign secretary spells out Corbyn’s pro-war “journey”

By Laura Tiernan, 17 May 2017

The Labour shadow foreign secretary used her appearance Sunday on the BBC’s “Andrew Marr Show” to declare that party leader Jeremy Corbyn had repudiated his previous opposition to NATO.

Sánchez aims to save Spain’s Socialist Party from collapse

By Alejandro López, 17 May 2017

The faction backing Sánchez represents sections of the ruling class seeking to preserve the PSOE from being destroyed, like its social democratic counterparts in Greece and France.

VW trade union boss pockets €750,000 per year

By Dietmar Henning, 17 May 2017

It has just been revealed that the salary of Bernd Osterloh, chairman of the joint works council of the Volkswagen Group, totals around €750,000 per year.

Sri Lanka: IMF orders government to speed up austerity measures

By Saman Gunadasa, 17 May 2017

The IMF has delayed a scheduled loan payment until the Sirisena-Wickremesinghe government fully implements the bank’s austerity demands.

New Zealand: Police suppressed video recorded in Pike River mine

By Tom Peters, 17 May 2017

Families of the 29 men who died in the 2010 Pike River Coal mine disaster spoke to the WSWS about their outrage that footage showing it is possible to re-enter the mine was withheld for six years.

New in Turkish

1 Mayıs 2017: Göçmenlere ve sığınmacılara yönelik zulme karşı çıkın

Julie Hyland, 17 Mayıs 2017

30 Nisan’da düzenlenen 2017 Uluslararası Çevrimiçi 1 Mayıs Toplantısı’nda Britanya’daki Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi Ulusal Sekreter Yardımcısı Julie Hyland tarafından yapılan konuşma.

New in Italian

Decisione della Corte Costituzionale scatena spinta verso nuove elezioni

Marianne Arens, 15 maggio 2017

Il governo, sotto pressione dell’UE e con urgente bisogno di tempo per poter avere la crisi bancaria sotto controllo, è opposto a un’elezione anticipata.

La pseudo-sinistra fonda il partito Sinistra Italiana

Marianne Arens, 15 maggio 2017

Sinistra Italiana è stato fondato dal SEL di Nichi Vendola. Il suo ruolo è quello di difendere il dominio borghese, l’Unione Europea e l’euro, confrontati con la loro più profonda crisi.

Commissariamento Alitalia intensifica tensioni sociali

Marianne Arens, 15 maggio 2017

Due terzi dei piloti Alitalia, assistenti di volo e equipaggio di terra hanno votato contro i tagli di lavoro e di salario previsti da un piano di ristrutturazione.

New in Russian

Из архива русской революции
Седьмая (Апрельская) Всероссийская конференция большевиков: Резолюция о войне

17 мая 2017 г.

Резолюция о войне, текст которой был написан Лениным, была принята большинством голосов при 7 воздержавшихся на Седьмой (Апрельской) Всероссийской конференции большевиков, состоявшейся в Петрограде 7-12 мая (24-29 апреля по ст. ст.) 1917 года.

Из архива русской революции
Седьмая (Апрельская) Всероссийская конференция большевиков: Резолюция об отношении к временному правительству

17 мая 2017 г.

Резолюция об отношении к Временному правительству, текст которой был написан Лениным, была принята большинством голосов при 8 воздержавшихся и 3 против на Седьмой (Апрельской) Всероссийской конференции большевиков, состоявшейся в Петрограде 7-12 мая (24-29 апреля по ст. ст.) 1917 года.

Эта неделя в русской революции
8-14 мая: Большевики созывают Всероссийскую конференцию на фоне правительственного кризиса

17 мая 2017 г.

Конференция большевиков происходит в тот момент, когда Временное правительство, потрясенное публикацией телеграммы к союзным империалистическим правительствам, обращается к лидерам меньшевиков и эсеров в Совете с призывом сформировать коалиционное правительство.

New in French

Les médias prétendent que Trump a révélé des informations classées à des visiteurs russes

Par Patrick Martin, 17 mai 2017

Le reportage du Washington Post a suscité une série d'affirmations dans les médias selon lesquelles Trump partageait des « secrets d'État » avec Moscou.

L’attaque mondiale au ransomware et les crimes des agences américaines d’espionnage

Par Andre Damon, 17 mai 2017

Les armes cybernétiques crées par la NSA ne visent pas que les cibles géopolitiques de l’impérialisme américain, mais les populations des Etats-Unis et le monde entier.

En Allemagne, l’enthousiasme pour Macron commence à s’effriter

Par Peter Schwarz, 17 mai 2017

L’enthousiasme autour d’Emmanuel Macron n’a pas duré longtemps en Allemagne. Ses exigences pour plus de flexibilité financière de la part de l’Union européenne se heurtent à un refus vigoureux des milieux gouvernementaux et économiques.

La Chine lance officiellement son initiative internationale Belt and Road

Par Nick Beams, 17 mai 2017

En lançant l'initiative, le président chinois Xi Jinping a souligné la nécessité d'une « coopération gagnant-gagnant », mais il existe des tensions importantes dans le cadre du projet.

New in German

Lehren aus der NRW-Wahl

Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 17. Mai 2017

Der Aufbau der Sozialistischen Gleichheitspartei ist die dringendste Aufgabe, die sich aus dem Bankrott der Sozialdemokratie und der Gewerkschaften ergibt.

Macrons Deutschland-Besuch im Zeichen von Austerität und Krieg

Von Alex Lantier, 17. Mai 2017

Merkels warmer Empfang für den neuen französischen Präsidenten zeigt, was seine Politik bereithält: Sie ist Teil der europaweiten sozialen Konterrevolution.

Globaler Cyberangriff
„Ransomware” und die Verbrechen der amerikanischen Geheimdienste

Von Andre Damon, 17. Mai 2017

Die Cyberwaffen der NSA richten sich nicht nur gegen die geopolitischen Rivalen des US-Imperialismus, sondern auch gegen die Bevölkerung der USA und der ganzen Welt.

China startet „One Belt, One Road“-Initiative

Von Nick Beams, 17. Mai 2017

Das Projekt einer neuen Seidenstraße wird in den Augen Präsident Xi Jinpings für alle von Vorteil sein. Doch in Wirklichkeit sind die internationalen Spannungen mit Händen zu greifen.

Diese Woche in der Russischen Revolution
15.–21. Mai: Trotzki trifft in Petrograd ein

17. Mai 2017

Trotzkis Ankunft verleiht dem Kampf Lenins und der Bolschewiki gegen die Sowjetmehrheit der Kollaborateure, Vaterlandsverteidiger und Opportunisten einen starken neuen Impuls.

New in Urdu

خطے کی کشیدہ صورتحال کے دوران افغانستان اور پاکستان کے درمیان سرحدی جھڑپیں

8. Mai 2017

جمعہ کے روز افغانستان اور پاکستان کے درمیان سرحدی تنازعے پر جھڑپوں میں تقریباً 12افراد ہلاک اوربہت سے لوگ زخمی بھی ہو ئے

Other Languages


The working class must intervene with its own program in the political crisis in Washington

17 May 2017

A conflict is unfolding across the United States of a very different character than the crisis gripping Washington—a conflict between the working class and the capitalist class.

Earlier Perspectives »


International Socialist Organization lines up behind Democrats’ anti-Russian campaign against Trump

By Barry Grey, 17 May 2017

The ISO’s article on the firing of Comey articulates the interests of the social layers for which ISO speaks—wealthy, complacent and corrupt sections of the upper-middle class that are separated by an enormous class chasm from the working class.

Jörg Baberowski insists that Hitler was “not vicious”

By Peter Schwarz, 16 May 2017

Neo-Nazi network in German army larger than previously thought

The global ransomware attack and the crimes of the US spy agencies

By Andre Damon, 16 May 2017

The Flint Water Crisis

Water bill deadline looms for 8,000 Flint households

By James Brewer, 17 May 2017

Despite the fact that the water is still not safe to drink three years after the city began pumping foul, improperly treated water from the Flint River into homes, authorities are forcing residents to pay up or face eviction.

Three years after the lead poisoning of Flint, residents face water shutoffs, home foreclosures

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »


Australian university student protests
A socialist perspective to fight the government assault on education and the drive to war

By the IYSSE (Australia), 17 May 2017

The National Union of Students called protests today to confine the growing anger of students to impotent protest appeals to the Labor Party, the Greens and the populist “cross-bench” parties in the Senate.

NYU involved in Department of Defense supercomputer project
No to militarism and surveillance! NYU must reveal all ties to military and spy agencies!

By Isaac Oseas—IYSSE candidate for NYU GSAS Student Senator, 16 May 2017

New York University accidentally exposed their involvement in a project to develop a code-breaking computer for the Department of Defense.

No to war and militarism! Oppose political censorship at NYU! For equality and socialism!
Vote Isaac Oseas for NYU Student Senate

New York University Student Activities Board rejects IYSSE appeal on club status: An act of political censorship

More on the fight for democratic rights at NYU »

Student parliament demands Humboldt University rescind support of Baberowski

Demonstrators in Cologne support IYSSE fight for freedom of expression at Humboldt University

Open letter from the IYSSE to the president of Humboldt University in Berlin

More on the fight for historical truth »

Workers Struggles

Teachers criticise anti-democratic character of AEU delegates’ meetings

By our reporters, 17 May 2017

“I think people voted without understanding the nitty-gritty of the agreement.”

Vote “NO” to the EBA!
Australian Education Union pushes through industrial agreement at delegates’ meetings

16 May 2017

Free the Maruti Suzuki workers!

In wake of frame-up convictions of Maruti Suzuki workers
India’s finance minister meets with Maruti Suzuki chairman

By Shannon Jones, 12 May 2017

“There is an air of worker rebellion in India and China”
A conversation with Professor Immanuel Ness on the Maruti Suzuki workers

By Jerry White, 4 May 2017

The frame-up of the Maruti Suzuki workers—Part 4: The police and company conspire against the workers

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »


Production at Washington, DC’s Shakespeare Theatre Company
Liesl Tommy’s Macbeth: An “updated” version, with pluses and minuses, of Shakespeare's tragedy

By Nick Barrickman, 16 May 2017

Season 6 of HBO’s Girls: Ending with a whimper

Citizens Band, Something Wild, The Silence of the Lambs, Philadelphia …
Jonathan Demme (1944-2017): A talented filmmaker and a victim of stagnant times

Socialist Equality Party

Australia: SEP meetings discuss international socialist program required to prevent war

By our reporters, 16 May 2017

SEP and IYSSE speakers explained that militarism and war were a product of the contradictions of the capitalist nation-state system.

SEP (Sri Lanka) calls for workers’ inquiry into Meethotamulla garbage dump disaster

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
May 15-21: Trotsky arrives in Petrograd

15 May 2017

Trotsky’s arrival is electrifying, providing a tremendous boost to the struggle being waged by Lenin and the Bolsheviks against the collaborationist, defensist, and opportunist forces that are currently in the Soviet’s majority.

From the archives of the Russian Revolution
Seventh All-Russian Bolshevik Conference: Resolution on the war

15 May 2017

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »

The ICFI's International May Day Online Rally

India: ICFI supporters hold May Day meeting in Bangalore

By our correspondents, 12 May 2017

The event was part of the Trotskyist movement’s commemoration of the centenary of the October 1917 Revolution.

May Day 2017: Lessons of history and the fight for socialism

By David North, 1 May 2017

Watch the video »

A political appraisal of the ICFI’s 2017 International May Day Online Rally

SEP Sri Lankan May Day meeting discusses threat of world war and lessons of Russian Revolution