Hundreds of US citizens arrested in joint immigration-police roundup

By Niles Niemuth, 13 May 2017

Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents working with local law enforcement agencies have arrested more than 1,300 people since March.

Trump threatens Comey over leaked account of White House dinner

By Barry Grey, 13 May 2017

The obvious attempt to intimidate Comey has emboldened those claiming that Trump’s firing of the FBI director is an obstruction of justice.

Washington’s political crisis over the Comey firing: A harbinger of revolutionary upheavals

UK Labour Party adopts pro-business, militarist election manifesto

By Robert Stevens, 13 May 2017

Labour’s manifesto has been agreed by the party’s leading figures, including the nominally left Corbyn and his right-wing critics, because it contains all the main demands of the Blairites.

What is in the UK Labour Party’s manifesto?

By Robert Stevens, 13 May 2017

Germany resurrects conscription

By Johannes Stern, 13 May 2017

German politicians and the media have responded to the exposure of a neo-Nazi terrorist cell in the army by calling for the reintroduction of military conscription.

Defence Minister Von der Leyen downplays size of right-wing terrorist cell in German army

Worldwide ransomware attack linked to hacked NSA cyberwarfare arsenal

By Kevin Reed, 13 May 2017

The outbreak is connected to the public release in April by the hacking group calling itself Shadow Brokers of a trove of NSA and CIA cyberwarfare documents and computer code.

A new stage in the US health care counterrevolution

Former Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship released from prison

By Samuel Davidson, 13 May 2017

Don Blankenship is free after one-year in prison over the deaths of 29 coal miners in an explosion at the Upper Big Branch mine in 2010.

Veterans Affairs to close more than 1,110 facilities

By Kevin Martinez, 13 May 2017

VA Secretary David Shulkin told Congress the proposal is aimed at privatizing veterans’ health care.

BC Liberals cling to power after election ends in dead heat

By Roger Jordan, 13 May 2017

The NDP, having suppressed working-class opposition to BC’s right-wing Liberal government, lost support in Tuesday’s election.

Australian Labor’s budget reply and the fear of political unrest

By James Cogan, 13 May 2017

Shorten’s reply to the budget was a populist attempt to revive illusions that Labor is the “lesser evil.”

Library jobs cut in New Zealand’s biggest city

By Sam Price, 13 May 2017

Just months after the election of former Labour Party leader Phil Goff as mayor, Auckland city is slashing library staff numbers.

New in Russian

Нападение на немецкий футбольный клуб было предположительно мотивировано корыстью

Дитмар Хеннинг, 13 мая 2017 г.

Нападение в Дортмунде было жестоким и бесчеловечным, однако, в конечном счете, оно является продуктом жестокой и бесчеловечной социальной системы.

New in Spanish

La crisis política en Washington por el despido de Comey: El preludio de alzamientos revolucionarios

Por Joseph Kishore, 13 mayo 2017

La crisis política que asedia al gobierno de Trump tiene consecuencias e implicaciones de gran alcance tanto para EE.UU. como para el resto del mundo.

Día Internacional del Trabajador del 2017
Militarismo, reacción social y autoritarismo en Estados Unidos

Por Kristina Betinis, 13 mayo 2017

El auge del veneno del chauvinismo nacional es una expresión condenatoria de la bancarrota del sistema del Estado nación con el que el capitalismo está inseparablemente atado.

New in Turkish

ABD-Türkiye gerilimleri YPG’yi silahlandırma planı üzerinden artıyor

Bill Van Auken, 13 Mayıs 2017

ABD’nin, Başkan Donald Trump’ın Suriyeli Kürt milis gücü Halk Savunma Birlikleri’ni (YPG) doğrudan silahlandırma yetkisi verdiğini duyurması, Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan hükümetinden öfkeli protestolara yol açtı.

1 Mayıs 2017: Kuzey Doğu Asya’da nükleer savaş tehlikesi

Peter Symonds, 13 Mayıs 2017

Dünya Sosyalist Web Sitesi’nin Avustralya editörü Peter Symonds’un 30 Nisan’da düzenlenen 2017 Uluslararası Çevrimiçi 1 Mayıs Toplantısı’nda yaptığı konuşma.

1 Mayıs 2017: Latin Amerika’da sosyalist enternasyonalizm uğruna mücadele

Bill Van Auken, 13 Mayıs 2017

30 Nisan’da düzenlenen 2017 Uluslararası Çevrimiçi 1 Mayıs Toplantısı’nda Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi’nden (ABD) Bill Van Auken tarafından yapılan konuşma.

New in French

Les candidats législatifs du président Macron : la réaction sociale montre ses dents

Par Alex Lantier, 13 mai 2017

Plus de six électeurs sur 10 ont déclaré qu’ils ne veulent pas que Macron obtienne une majorité à l’Assemblée nationale en raison de ses politiques de guerre et de lutte contre la classe ouvrière.

La crise à Washington sur le renvoi de Comey : signe avant-coureur de bouleversements révolutionnaires

Par Joseph Kishore, 13 mai 2017

La crise politique qui s’abat sur le gouvernement Trump a des conséquences et implications considérables pour les États-Unis et le monde entier

Trump et ses collaborateurs défendent le renvoi du directeur du FBI, les contradictions s’accentuent

Par Patrick Martin, 13 mai 2017

Les contradictions des explications de la Maison Blanche de pourquoi et comment fut prise la décision de licencier le directeur du FBI James Comey sont des signes d’une crise politique grandissante.

Des inondations au Québec et en Ontario forcent l'évacuation de milliers de personnes

Par Laurent Lafrance, 13 mai 2017

Les météorologues et les experts s'entendent tous pour dire que les dernières inondations sont la conséquence de quantité de pluies anormales, de la fonte des neiges et du réchauffement climatique.

Le ministre allemand de l’intérieur propose une « culture allemande qui nous définit » anti-immigrés et raciste

Par Verena Nees, 13 mai 2017

Le ministre allemand de l’Intérieur, Thomas De Maizière, a récemment publié une déclaration dans le journal Bild am Sonntag sur la question d’une « culture allemande qui nous définit », qui promouvait sans vergogne la bigoterie et l’exceptionnalisme allemand.

New in German

Politische Krise um Comeys Entlassung: Ein Vorbote revolutionärer Umwälzungen

Von Joseph Kishore, 13. Mai 2017

Die politische Krise der Trump-Regierung hat weitreichende Folgen für die Vereinigten Staaten und die ganze Welt.

Deutsche Begeisterung für Macron lässt nach

Von Peter Schwarz, 13. Mai 2017

Die Begeisterung über Emmanuel Macron hat in Deutschland nicht lange angehalten. Seine Forderung nach mehr finanziellem Spielraum von der Europäischen Union stößt in deutschen Regierungs- und Wirtschaftskreisen auf heftige Ablehnung.

Die Bedeutung der NRW-Wahl

Von Dietmar Henning, 13. Mai 2017

Die morgige Wahl ist deshalb so bedeutsam, weil sie in einer außergewöhnlich zugespitzten wirtschaftlichen und politischen Krise stattfindet.

Wahlliste des designierten französischen Präsidenten Macron: Die soziale Reaktion fletscht die Zähne

Von Alex Lantier, 13. Mai 2017

Mehr als 60 Prozent der Wähler haben erklärt, dass sie eine Mehrheit für Macron in der Nationalversammlung ablehnen, weil er für ein Kriegsprogramm steht und gegen die Arbeiter vorgehen wird.

Unmut steigt bei Amazon – auch gegen Verdi

Von Marianne Arens, 13. Mai 2017

Ein gnadenlos durchgetakteter Arbeitsrhythmus und ein Gruppenbonus für Gesundheit steigern die Wut der Amazon-Beschäftigten. Die Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft Verdi bemüht sich, die Kontrolle über die explosive Situation zu bewahren.

Milliardär Jeff Bezos im Goldrausch
Amazon-Chef verdient über Nacht 3,3 Milliarden Dollar

Von Evan Blake und Eric London, 13. Mai 2017

Durch die Ausbeutung der 341.000 Amazon-Arbeiter hat Jeff Bezos im vergangenen Jahr 22,4 Milliarden Dollar gescheffelt.

Erster Mai 2017
Verteidigt die 13 Maruti-Suzuki-Arbeiter in Indien!

Von Keith Jones, 13. Mai 2017

13 Arbeiter des indischen Autoherstellers Maruti Suzuki aus einem Montagewerk bei Neu-Delhi sind zu Unrecht zu lebenslangen Gefängnisstrafen verurteilt worden. An der Justizverschwörung waren neben der Konzernleitung auch die Polizei und die großen indischen Parteien beteiligt.

New in Urdu

خطے کی کشیدہ صورتحال کے دوران افغانستان اور پاکستان کے درمیان سرحدی جھڑپیں

8. Mai 2017

جمعہ کے روز افغانستان اور پاکستان کے درمیان سرحدی تنازعے پر جھڑپوں میں تقریباً 12افراد ہلاک اوربہت سے لوگ زخمی بھی ہو ئے

New in Norwegian

Syriza-regjeringen i Hellas samtykker i ytterligere innstrammingstiltak

John Vassilopoulos, 6. Mai 2017

En avtale om å gjennomføre ytterligere 3,6 milliarder euro i nedskjæringer har blitt oppnådd mellom regjeringen i Hellas, ledet av partiet Syriza, og tjenestemenn fra EU og Det internasjonale pengfondet.

Atomeksperter snakker om farene ved krig mellom USA og Russland

Bryan Dyne und Barry Gray, 15. April 2017

Hvor nær er den nåværende situasjonen til en situasjon der det kommer til et sammenstøt og en militær opptrapping mellom USA og Russland som fører til atomkrig? Hvor mange mennesker vil dø i en slik konflikt? For å kaste lys over dette spørsmålet, snakket WSWS separat med to eksperter, Steven Starr og Greg Mello, om farene ved atomkrig.

Other Languages


The political and social roots of the Democratic Party’s anti-Russia hysteria

13 May 2017

The crisis surrounding the firing of FBI Director James Comey has been seized on by the Democratic Party and much of the media to escalate their anti-Russian campaign.

Earlier Perspectives »


British ruling elite celebrates falling life expectancy as boon for pension fund deficits

By Jean Shaoul, 13 May 2017

A sharp reduction in life expectancy is boosting the “financial health” of UK companies involved in “defined benefit” pension schemes.

Berkshire Hathaway billionaire: “The amount of waste from overtreatment of the dying is just disgusting”

Life expectancy study shows 20-year gap between richest and poorest US counties

French President-elect Macron’s legislative slate: Social reaction bares its teeth

By Alex Lantier, 12 May 2017

Over six in 10 voters have said that they do not want Macron to obtain a majority in the National Assembly, due to his warmongering and anti-working class policies.

Mélenchon-Communist Party alliance for French legislative elections collapses

What way forward in the struggle against Macron?

More on the French presidential election »

The Nation blames white workers for Trump's election
Once again on race and the 2016 elections

By Eric London, 12 May 2017

Guardian journalist Paul Mason calls for a “left” alliance with “free market elite”

By Robert Stevens, 12 May 2017

New evidence of UAW vote-rigging in 2015 Ford contract
Part Two

By Eric London, 11 May 2017

New evidence of UAW vote-rigging in 2015 Ford contract
Part One


Citizens Band, Something Wild, The Silence of the Lambs, Philadelphia …
Jonathan Demme (1944-2017): A talented filmmaker and a victim of stagnant times

By David Walsh, 13 May 2017

American filmmaker Jonathan Demme died April 26 in New York City from complications stemming from esophageal cancer and heart disease. He was 73.

Stranger Things, Season One: Government spying and the supernatural in the 1980s

By Matthew MacEgan, 12 May 2017

Risk: Laura Poitras’ confused, superficial documentary about Julian Assange and WikiLeaks

By David Walsh and Joanne Laurier, 11 May 2017

Workers Struggles

Strikes and protests in India and Pakistan
Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

13 May 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

After Australian journalists’ strike
The political issues facing Fairfax workers

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 11 May 2017


No to war and militarism! Oppose political censorship at NYU! For equality and socialism!
Vote Isaac Oseas for NYU Student Senate

By Isaac Oseas—IYSSE candidate for NYU GSAS Student Senator, 12 May 2017

The IYSSE at NYU is running a candidate for NYU Student Senate to build a socialist, anti-war movement on campus and defend academic freedom.

New York University Student Activities Board rejects IYSSE appeal on club status: An act of political censorship

More on the fight for democratic rights at NYU »

Student parliament demands Humboldt University rescind support of Baberowski

By our correspondents, 29 April 2017

Demonstrators in Cologne support IYSSE fight for freedom of expression at Humboldt University

Open letter from the IYSSE to the president of Humboldt University in Berlin

More on the fight for historical truth »

Free the Maruti Suzuki workers!

In wake of frame-up convictions of Maruti Suzuki workers
India’s finance minister meets with Maruti Suzuki chairman

By Shannon Jones, 12 May 2017

The tour was aimed at reassuring Japanese investors that India is committed to enforcing a low-wage regime.

“There is an air of worker rebellion in India and China”
A conversation with Professor Immanuel Ness on the Maruti Suzuki workers

By Jerry White, 4 May 2017

The frame-up of the Maruti Suzuki workers—Part 4: The police and company conspire against the workers

By Eric London and Keith Jones, 26 April 2017

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »

The ICFI's International May Day Online Rally

India: ICFI supporters hold May Day meeting in Bangalore

By our correspondents, 12 May 2017

The event was part of the Trotskyist movement’s commemoration of the centenary of the October 1917 Revolution.

May Day 2017: Lessons of history and the fight for socialism

By David North, 1 May 2017

Watch the video »

A political appraisal of the ICFI’s 2017 International May Day Online Rally

SEP Sri Lankan May Day meeting discusses threat of world war and lessons of Russian Revolution

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
May 8-14: Bolsheviks convene all-Russian conference amid government crisis

8 May 2017

The Bolshevik congress takes place as the Provisional Government, staggering from the publication of a leaked telegram to the Allied imperialist governments, appeals to the Menshevik and Socialist Revolutionary leaders of the Soviet to form a coalition government.

Lecture on the centenary of the Russian Revolution
Lenin’s Return to Russia and the April Theses

By James Cogan, 8 May 2017

We are publishing here the text of a lecture delivered on Saturday, May 6, by James Cogan, national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia). The audio for the lecture is embedded in the text.

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »

Book Review

The Last Day of Oppression and the First Day of the Same: The Politics and Economics of the New Latin American Left
The pseudo-left’s appraisal of the “pink tide”: A recipe for further betrayals

By Eric London, 9 May 2017

Socialist Equality Party

SEP (Sri Lanka) calls for workers’ inquiry into Meethotamulla garbage dump disaster

By the Socialist Equality Party, 9 May 2017

SEP (Australia) and IYSSE public meetings
Stop the drive to world war! For peace, equality and socialism!

22 April 2017