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Federal budget 2015: The government's something special may not save Australia

Small businesses were at the centre of the 2015 budget.

Small businesses were at the centre of the 2015 budget. Photo: Louise Kennerley

The Abbott government knew it had something special on its hands.

Its second budget would put small business at its centre, with a surprise tax package that would shock the business community.

It had high hopes for how it would be received.

The government's powerful Expenditure Review Committee knew the dollar figure of one of the key elements of its tax package - a huge $20,000 limit for immediate asset write-offs for small businesses - would have 'cut through' in Australia's lounge rooms.

It was double the size of what the most confident lobby group had sought.

This was the conversation stopper for its second budget the government wanted. It got it.

Their small business policy set off a sharp rally in perpetually-weak retail stocks the next morning, and within 48 hours all manner of retailers and manufacturers were war-gaming how to exploit it.

So how does it work? For the next two years, under the federal government's plan, Australia's small businesses will now be able to claim an immediate tax deduction for every item they purchased up to $20,000 (at the moment, the threshold sits at just $1000). They will also get a fringe benefits tax lift on mobile electronics.

The measures are a deliberate hit of adrenaline for the economy.

"Car and vans, kitchens or machinery ... anything under $20,000 is immediately 100 per cent tax deductible from tonight," Treasurer Joe Hockey told Parliament.

The government will also cut the tax rate from 30 per cent to 28.5 per cent for small incorporated businesses with an annual turnover of less than $2 million, "the lowest small business tax rate in more than 50 years."

For unincorporated businesses, it will provide a 5 per cent tax discount, capped at $1000 per individual, giving them a tax cut broadly in line with the 1.5 percentage point tax cut for incorporated businesses.

The combined effect of two of those measures - the $20,000 tax deduction and the 28.5 per cent tax rate - would mean a small business with $50,000 profit could save roughly $5,700 a year.

Surely that would lift the animal spirits of business owners and encourage them to start investing again? Maybe they would even think about hiring an extra worker or two?



"This is about growing the economy," Mr Hockey said. "We want people to spend. We want them to go out and have a go."

But will the policy work?

The Institute of Public Accountants thinks it will.

"This initiative will have major flow-on effects for the broader economy," its chief executive Andrew Conway cheered the next day.

"More cash to invest in the economy makes this initiative a win-win-win proposition."

But the budget is placing a lot of emphasis on small businesses as the country's economic saviour.

Next morning, economists and public policy experts began to raise troubling questions.


Economy in a funk

Australia's economy is in a funk.

Unemployment has been stuck between 6.1 per cent and 6.3 per cent since the Abbott government's first budget.

Wages have been growing at their slowest annual pace on record - in the first three months of this year, they slowed across every state and territory, across the public and private sectors, and across all 18 industries.

The Reserve Bank has cut the official cash rate to a record-low 2 per cent, and is insisting it may cut again.

And mining investment is falling precipitously. The federal budget is forecasting mining investment to contract by a huge 25.2 per cent this financial year, and by an even bigger 30.5 per cent in 2016/17.

The economy needs non-mining investment to pick up the slack, and quickly.

Again in the budget papers, Treasury assumes that non-mining investment will jump from its currently very low annual growth rate of 2 per cent, to a much larger 7.5 per cent in just a couple of years' time, solving some of the problem.

But it assumes that key economic variables - including non-mining investment - will mechanistically return to their trend rates of growth in a few years' time because history and economic theory suggest that that should happen.

Inside the budget lock-up on Tuesday night, officials were telling journalists that Australia is at that point in its economic cycle where there is a lot of spare productive capacity lying idle, and even though the economy is growing at a low 2.5 per cent a year at the moment, we can assume it will pick up and hit 3.5 per cent by 2017/18, and then keep growing at that pace for another four years, through to 2021/22.

If that happens, the economy will naturally 'soak up' all of its spare productive capacity, they said, and the unemployment rate will drop back towards 5 per cent.

Sound convincing? That kind of thinking can surprise non-economists. But it's how the Treasury and Reserve Bank and chief economists all think. They accept that their model for the economy has to have some assumptions that will prove wrong, because it's impossible to predict the future, but they make those assumptions anyway.

The vital question is, how realistic are those assumptions in the first place? 

At the moment, it's hard to see how non-mining investment and economic growth will shoot up so strongly, particularly when consumers and businesses lack so much confidence.

That's the big puzzle the Abbott government is trying to solve. 

And that's why it has put so much emphasis on small business in its budget: it wants small business to become the driver of the Australia's economic recovery.

Economists are sceptical.

"I'm not sure the company tax cut will make any difference at all," Bank of America Merrill Lynch chief economist Saul Eslake tells Fairfax Media.

"It is possible that the accelerated write-offs for small asset purchases will induce a surge in spending. You could characterise it as a small, short-term stimulus to the economy at a time when it's likely to be growing below trend, but I wouldn't put it any more strongly than that."

"But the policy won't help non-mining investment to pick up. Most business investment is done by big business, not small business, and big businesses aren't getting this tax cut. And the Reserve Bank's liaison has pointed out repeatedly that the main factor holding back non-mining business investment is a lack of confidence and an inability on the part of businesses to see where extra demand for their product will come from."


Policy will need ironing out

In Canberra, one is constantly reminded that policy design and policy impact are different beasts.

Academics, lobby groups, and accountants say the design of this policy will need some ironing out because it will inevitably encourage some small business owners to try to rort the system.

Michael Croker, the head of tax at Chartered Accountants, says the current system is already vulnerable to being rorted so lifting the threshold to $20,000 would turbo-charge the incentive to do so.

The Australian Taxation Office is aware of this. By Friday morning, it was already warning business owners that it would be watching them once the policy was enacted.

Former Reserve Bank board member Professor Warwick McKibbin also points out that the cut in the company tax rate to 28.5 per cent could lead to problems.

It will, he argues, create a wedge between the 30 per cent corporate tax rate for larger companies and the lower rate for smaller companies.

"That will lead to inefficiencies," he said.

"If you're a firm just above the $2 million turnover threshold, you'll be investing in clever accountants to do all sorts of calculations to get you under the line." 

And the Council of Small Business Australia's chief executive, Peter Strong, said he would be keeping an eye on big landlords so they don't exploit the changes by charging their tenants more rent.

Tax cut may boost economic growth

The biggest policy impact question - the one that macro-economists are most interested in - is what kind of impact it will have on Australia's economic growth.

The Grattan Institute's director, John Daley, is another that believes it won't have much impact at all.

He says the small business tax cut (1.5 percentage points) and the instant asset write off (up to $20,000) may - with very generous assumptions - boost economic growth by 0.2 percentage points in the policy's second year of operation, in 2016/17.

That equates to just $3.6 billion of economic activity, in a $1.6 trillion economy. 

And the economic impact of the policy in the first year of operation would be so small, at just 0.06 per cent of GDP, that it would be almost negligible.

"I should stress that this is making very generous assumptions. The actual GDP impact may be much smaller," Mr Daley said.

Ultimately, small business is small beer in the scheme of an economy. But small businesses are not small beer in the electorate. The whole package will cost the Abbott government $5.5 billion, with the 100 per cent asset write-off being paid for by borrowings.

This may not matter to politicians. Good policy and good politics are often not the same thing.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten knows the attraction of the policy for voters.

In his budget reply speech, he told the government that Labor would support it. But he upped the stakes by saying he would cut the small business tax rate to 25 per cent.

"I invite you to work with me on a fair and fiscally responsible plan to reduce the tax rate for Australian small business from 30 to 25 per cent," he said to Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

"Not a 1.5 per cent cut, a 5 per cent cut. That's the future. That's confidence."

Mr Daley says Mr Shorten's proposed tax cut would cost roughly three times as much as the government's planned 1.5 percentage point cut, costing roughly $3.5 billion a year in foregone revenue.

On budget night, Canberra's senior journalists saw that the government's small business package would be a political winner.

The same sentiment was shared across the media - the budget looked like it was designed to revive the Abbott government's fortunes and warm the hearts of the Coalition's base in small business.

But would it help the economy to revive?

Prof McKibbin says the "big problem" with Australia's economy is being caused by a lack of investment, and this budget will do little to fix it.

"That lack of investment is caused by a high degree of uncertainty," he says. 

"There's concern about what's happening in the world economy, and a concern about the Australian economy and its adjustment to the terms of trade shock, and the question is, did the whole budget reduce the uncertainty faced by businesses in the economy?" he said.

"My assessment of that is - no it didn't - because it basically backed off major reform.

The second question is, will the tax offset for small businesses be sufficient to offset that? 

"And that we don't know. But I guess we'll find out."


"Over the next 12 months."

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