Recent Articles

Weekend Edition
May 12, 2017
Friday - Sunday
Jeffrey St. Clair
Comeytose in Washington
Paul Street
The Audacity of Sleaze: Profiles in Corruption
Anthony DiMaggio
From Bad to Worse: Forecasting the Effects of Republican Health Care Reform
Howard Lisnoff
Comey: a New Hero of the Left?
Andrew Levine
Deplorability Now
Mike Whitney
The Russian Hacking Fiasco
Vijay Prashad
The Demise of Diplomacy
Rob Hager
The Comey Non-Crisis
Ron Jacobs
McMaster’s Civilized War for Civilization
Robert Joseph Mastronardi
How the Sanders Phenomenon Unleashed a Socialist Movement
Elizabeth Wirtz – Mark Schuller
French Election a Step for Justice for Refugees, But Entrenched Inequalities Remain
Daniel Read
No Guarantees: Theresa May’s “Snap Election” Ploy Cannot Hide a Shameful Legacy
Ralph Nader
The Losing Warfare State
Christopher Ketcham – Travis Kelly
The Cloud Panopticon: Google, Cloud Computing and the Surveillance-Industrial-Complex
Justin Mikulka - Steve Horn
Secretly Approved in Alaska, Will LNG Trains Soon Appear in Rest of US?
Jacob Dorman
Concealed Carry on Campus: Why I Resigned From the University of Kansas
David Rosen
The Sexual State of the Nation: Less Sex, Higher Anxiety
Ramzy Baroud
New Charter: Should Hamas Rewrite the Past?
Brian Cloughley
Surging Corruption in Afghanistan
Pete Dolack
When Housing is a Commodity Instead of a Human Right
Pepe Escobar
The Decline of the West Revisited
Ebony Slaughter-Johnson
American Justice Now Seems Like a Joke
Christopher Brauchli
Trump’s Coming War on Cancer Patients
Jill Richardson
The Coming Crisis for the World’s Farmers
Musa Al-Gharbi
Why Trump Could Win in 2020
Herbert Dyer, Jr.
Black People and the Legacy of Barack Obama
Dean Baker
The Democrats and the Deficit
Peter Koenig
Review: Michael Hudson’s “‘J’ is for Junk Economics”
Robert Fantina
Tulsi Gabbard: the New Democratic ‘Savior’
Michael Barker
Malcolm X and the Perils of Philanthropy
Andre Vltchek
Lebanon: Hedonism and War
Patrick Bond
At the World Economic Forum-Africa, Germany Pitched a Dubious New G20 Corporate Strategy
Joseph Natoli
What the Present Reveals: Possibilities
John Grant
US Values, Moral Accommodation and Remembering Vietnam
Jack Random
The Meaning of Mendacity
Robert Koehler
‘Classified’ America
Kevin Proescholdt
Mountain Bikers Seek to Gut Wilderness Act
Sarah Anderson
If Washington Won’t Rein in Corporate Greed, Your State Just Might
Missy Comley Beattie
History’s Actors
Binoy Kampmark
Blasphemy as Weapon: Undermining Ahok
Lee Ballinger
On the Jefferson Davis Presidential Library
Louis Proyect
Andrzej Wajda, Art and the Struggle for Freedom
Charles R. Larson
Review: Ivanka Trump’s “Women Who Work”
David Yearsley
Ryan Rocks
May 11, 2017
Sam Husseini
In Search of an Empire Without an Emperor: Dynamics Behind the Comey Firing
Katie Fite
The City and the War Machine: Crosshairs on People and Public Lands
Jack Justice
A Hillbilly’s Response to JD Vance
William Hawes
Rewilding America
Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
From Capital to the Capitol
Patrick Cockburn
Arming the Kurds: Trump’s Syrian Gambit
David Swanson
Impeach Trump for Right Reasons
Yonatan Mendel
The Media and Netanyahu
Andrew Kahn
The Politics of Power
Frank Scott
Double Standards R Us
Binoy Kampmark
Coral Sea Mythology: Malcolm Turnbull’s Fictions


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