
What? Anarchists in Egypt!

A short account of the anarchist movement, primarily of Italian migrants, in Egypt before 1916, by Costantino Paonessa.

Andrea Salsedo of Pantelleria

Andrea Salsedo of Pantelleria

A short account of the life of Italian anarchist Andrea Salsedo, who was killed in 1920 by a "fall" from a police station window in New York.

Little girls

An account written in 1895 by Zo d'Axa of the 1891 trial of two teenage anarchist girls, Maria Roda, 15, and Ernesta Quartirola, accused of encouraging attacks on the police during an anarchist demonstration.

Andrea, Virgilia d', 1890-1933

Virgilia d'Andrea: anarchist, anti-fascist, teacher, poet

A short biography of Virgilia d'Andrei, an Italian anarchist teacher, anti-fascist and poet.

Italy 1980-81: After Marx, jail! The attempted destruction of a communist movement - Red Notes

A person in mime makeup, black and white

Red Notes' pamphlet charting the repression of Italy's 1970s extraparliamentary communist movement, when thousands of radical workers and intellectuals were swept into the country's jails.

On recent events around SiCobas in Italy


Two articles by Battaglia Comunista translated from Italian analysing two stories which demonstrate some of the limitations of base (rank and file) unionism. The first concerns the split in SiCobas which has seen the formation of Solcobas and the second on a classic sting targetting of Aldo Milani, chief spokesperson for SiCobas.

Repression worsens against activists fighting TAP gas pipeline in Italy

Grassroots organisation the AltreMenti Valle Peligna collective reports that repression is becoming increasingly harsh as activists fight against the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) in Puglia.

“我们在黑格尔的脸上吐痰”—— 1970年代意大利的工人主义女权运动

Italian feminists


Bordiga: Early political views

Amadeo Bordiga

Three part series on the pre-1917 political views of this Italian thinker who later became the first leader of the Italian Communist Party and then a Left Communist critic of the state capitalist regime in Russia (from Socialist Standard, January, March and February 2017)

Base unions in Italy to strike against destructive “good schools” law

A nationwide strike called by base unions against implementation of Law 107, better known as the “good school” law, is set to happen tomorrow, Friday 17th, writes Patrizia of Umanita Nova.