The Atom Optics Laboratory at the University of Queensland explores applications of ultracold degenerate atomic systems. These include problems of fundamental physics interest, utilising ultracold atoms to produce emulations of other quantum systems and classical/quantum phase transitions.

We are in the later stages of developing a Bose-Einstein condensate apparatus utilising Rubidium (87Rb) and Potassium (41K) atoms to form a dual bosonic BEC. This apparatus centres around a custom-built all glass ultra-high vacuum chamber, allowing a high degree of optical access and facilitating high resolution imaging. Manipulation of the atomic ensemble through the use of configurable dipole potentials and magnetic fields yield the high degree of control necessary for emulation experiments.

Hybrid quantum systems in which atoms are coupled to opto-mechanical resonators, are also being developed in collaboration with the group of A/Prof Warwick Bowen. Using our in-house expertise in pulling fibre tapers, a cold atom trap can be constructed. As the cold atoms interact strongly with the light propagating along the fibre, this light can then be utilised for external coupling of the atoms to other systems.

Additionally, our group explores the applications of ultracold atoms to precision sensing, focusing on the measurement of rotation.

We are actively seeking postgraduate and honours students! Please Tyler Neely for more information or visit the website.

Last updated 29 March 2016
Last reviewed 7 July 2015

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