I'm Brazilian, I've always loved music and since I was little I buy and I listen to rock.
During the 70's I met a magazine called Pop, which I christened German Pop, since it was of Germanic origin, I did not understand what was written in the great majority, but it was there that I met the groups that I publish here on the blog today. Rock made in Germany is one of my favorites, but my taste is very eclectic.

Sou brasileira, sempre amei música e desde muito pequena compro e ouço rock. Durante os anos 70 conheci uma revista chamada Pop, que batizei de Pop Alemã, uma vez que era de origem germânica, eu não entendia o que estava escrito na sua grande maioria, mas foi ali que conheci os grupos que hoje publico aqui no blog. O rock feito da Alemanha é um dos meus favoritos, mas meu gosto é muito eclético.

quinta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2017

Floh de Cologne - Fliessbandbaby's Beat-Show (1970)

- Hansi Franchi / drums
- Dieter Klemm / vocals
- Markus Schmidt / guitar, keyboards
- Dick Stadtler / bass
- Gerd Wollschon / vocals

1. Fließband
2. Fließbandbaby, manchmal träum ich
3. Komm mit mir ins Wegschmeißwunderland
4. Sei ruhig, Fließbandbaby
5. Ford Capri
6. Hey Johnny
7. Arbeit macht freitag
8. Wenn Springer mal rülpst
9. Armer junger Krupp
10. Die oberen Zehntausend
11. Fließbandbaby, wir sind wieder wer
12. Mädchen mach die Beine breit
13. Fließbandbaby, du sitzt im Gefängnis 


9 comentários:

e6gMan disse...

Thank you so much for this and ALL of the FdC. I figured you had them. So many cool bands for me to check out. Thanks again.

e6gMan disse...

Thank you so much!

Dedé disse...

Ótimo post, como sempre, Márcia!

John disse...

When they actually play music, the drummer for this band is superb! Es ist traurig, dass ich nicht viel Deutsch kennen...

Márcia Tunes disse...

e6gMan thanks to you for the suggestion, sometimes I do not know what to publish!

Márcia Tunes disse...

Oi Dedé, que bom! Enjoy!!!!

Márcia Tunes disse...

John the group was formed in 1966 by a group of anarchist students, all from the University of Cologne. His first album, Vietnam, released in 1968, is a fierce criticism of the war in Vietnam. All the group's albums are critical to the political scene of the time.

John disse...

Yes, they were not only a political/theatrical band but they were also quite funny (although I still don't know what they're saying, the humor comes through)... check out their video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iLTtVgXhbY . It's also on a fantastic playlist I found on youtube, "Krautrock Night"... almost 2 hours of pure Kosmische enoyment from WDR TV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tGErdfSMYk . Highest recommendation!!

e6gMan disse...

Márcia Tunes,
Here's the link that brought me here.
I love Krautrock, so I searched for more.
Of course, you have a lot more bands I am looking forward to checking out. Thanks again!