WA News

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Perth company fined $56,000 for destroying native habitat

A Perth company has been ordered to pay $56,000 for illegally clearing 18 hectares of an important habitat for native wildlife from a Mandurah site between 2011 and 2012.

The Southregal Pty Ltd was found to have unlawfully cleared the Bouvard property, which had been home to peppermint trees up to four metres in height, 12 mammal, 21 reptile and 46 bird species.

It was also a prominent foraging a breeding habitat for the endangered Carnaby's Black Cockatoo and the Western Ringtail Possum.

Site inspections after the clearing located a dead Western Ringtail Possum and South West Carpet Python.

Department of Environmental Regulation acting director Dan Volaric said the fine sent a "strong message" about illegal clearing in WA.

"This was a serious offence, with the clearing spanning nearly twice the size of Elizabeth Quay," he said.


"We would like to remind Western Australians that any clearing activities must be conducted under a DER-approved Clearing Permit or an exemption."

Under the Environmental Protection Act 1986, unlawful clearing refers to clearing that has occurred without the authority of a clearing permit or exemption.

It includes the removal, killing, destruction or causing other substantial damage to native vegetation, and also refers to the severing or ringbarking of trunks and stems, flooding, draining, grazing and burning.

The Department of Environmental Regulation first issued the company with a vegetation conservation notice in 2012. The notice requires the company to repair any damage caused by the clearing, and re-establish and maintain the vegetation to its pre-clearing condition.

The notice is currently active and ongoing.