Baked creme caramel cheesecake

Adam Liaw
This retro dessert combines creme caramel and baked cheesecake.
This retro dessert combines creme caramel and baked cheesecake. Photo: William Meppem

This is a mash-up of two favourite desserts from my childhood – Mum's creme caramel and her baked sour cream cheesecake.


1½ cups wholemeal digestive biscuits, finely crumbled

¼ cup finely chopped walnuts

125g butter, melted

500g cream cheese, softened

3 eggs, lightly beaten

125g castor sugar

1 tsp vanilla extract

2 tbsp cornflour

150g sour cream

Caramel topping

1 cup sugar

½ tsp vanilla extract


1. Heat your oven to 150C. Combine the biscuit crumbs, walnuts and butter together in a bowl and mix well. Press this mix into the base and the sides of a 23cm spring-form cake tin.

2. Using a hand mixer, beat the cream cheese, eggs, sugar, vanilla extract, cornflour and sour cream until the mixture is smooth. Pour into the cake tin, leaving a gap of about ¾cm between the top of the mixture and the top of the sides of the biscuit base. Bake for 50 minutes, then turn off the oven. Allow to cool in the oven for 2 hours without opening the door. Remove and refrigerate for at least 1 hour, but preferably overnight.

3. While the cheesecake is cold, transfer it to a serving plate.

4. To make the caramel topping, place the sugar in a small saucepan over a high heat and bring to a dark caramel. Add one-third of a cup of water and stir until the mixture is a thick liquid. Stir through the vanilla and pour over the cheesecake. Allow to stand for 10-15 minutes before serving.