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We should stop mistaking confidence for anything but self-belief

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What a hue and cry there was this week when it was discovered Melbourne University students had been conducting workshops on how to encourage all students to contribute equally in class. The words used – "how privilege manifests itself in tutorials" – were of course hot red rags to those culture warriors who think the dominance of white men in public life is simply due to merit.

Perhaps, a report from the workshop session found, it was time not to just tell women to pipe up and stop second guessing themselves, but to ask white men whether they are talking over people or self-aggrandising .

"Men should learn how to speak like women," the report found, "(and) not speak with absolute confidence when they are in fact not sure or expressing an opinion."

This was, predictably, slammed as a "direct assault on masculinity".

The fact women have less confidence than men is well documented and globally proven. On TV, in print, in Parliament, I see evidence of it every day. Male chutzpah is the high-octane fuel much of the media relies on.

Part of this is the fact that, around the world, men think they are more intelligent than women. We're not just imagining it – they really do. A study of 12 countries, including Australia, Britain, and the US, published in the British Journal of Psychology, supports this. Researchers Sophie von Stumm, Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic and Adrian Furnham found "male hubris and female humility in self estimates of intelligence" were not affected by differences in actual cognitive ability. In every single country, men considered themselves smarter than women. (Men scored themselves higher not only in spatial and logical reasoning, but also verbal ability, which women consistently do better in.)


I know dozens of smart, professional women who pump themselves up before work challenges – speeches, court appearances, board presentations – by repeating one simple sentence, made a mantra since writer Sarah Hagi sent it out on Twitter to help women struggling with imposter syndrome. "Carry yourself with the confidence of a mediocre white man."

It's strangely cheering when nervous to remind yourself that those with far less ability are often far more assured. It's also a reminder of how intently women listen to their own self-doubt, while so many blokes have an irrepressible self-certainty that they never question.

One colleague tells me she is given advice along the same lines when told to: "Act like a Sydney Grammar boy."

But what if we are ignoring a large part of the problem? Perhaps it is not that women should learn to be more confident, but we should all learn to be more sceptical of what confidence actually brings. It's not competence. It's not effectiveness. It doesn't necessarily make people better leaders or employers, and yet the world stage would amply demonstrate that under-qualified, over-confident men routinely grasp leadership positions over better qualified rivals.

Repeated studies show confidence is the single advantage men have over women when it comes to leadership qualities. Yet time and again we are shown that arrogance makes for weaker, more precarious leaders. What if humility is a good thing?

If you are anything like me, you may have spent a decent amount of time lately pondering why there are so many charlatans strutting the world stage, and why braggadocio is touted as populist victory? Or, why so many people of average ability and average intelligence – get elected to run our Parliaments, or promoted to run our major institutions?

Here the work of Columbia University professor Chamorro-Premuzic is particularly useful. In a series of articles on leadership in the Harvard Business Review, he argues that when it comes to leadership potential, studies show the difference between men and women, is pretty much non-existent. Some research has shown women are slightly more effective leaders, though, he writes, "this may be because the standards for appointing women to leadership positions are higher than those for appointing men, which creates a surplus of incompetent men in leadership positions". He concludes: "The solution is not to get women to act more like men, but to select leaders based on their actual competence."

And, in short, to stop mistaking confidence for anything but self-belief.

Which is exactly what the students at University of Melbourne are trying to challenge: the valuing of hubris over humility, even at university. 

A recent University of Melbourne study of business leadership – the largest in 20 years with 2500 senior workplace managers and 4500 employees – found executive managers are over-confident in their ability to lead, and were not conscious of a "perception gap" between how they see themselves and how their employees see them. Over-estimation of ones' self is not always the greatest professional asset.

In short: don't mistake cockiness for competence, or bravado for brilliance.

Women still need to buck up and interrogate or ignore self-doubt, which holds so many back. But perhaps we need to focus not just on the deficit of competent women in our public, political ranks, but on the surplus of incompetent men.

Julia Baird hosts The Drum on ABCTV.

Twitter: @bairdjulia