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Elon Musk, I owe you an apology

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Elon Musk, I owe you an apology. For years I've been suspicious about your plan to fill the world's roads with self-driving cars. I've sneered at the motives behind you and your company Tesla, dismissed you as just another multi-billionaire burdened by an overnight social conscience and laughed – hysterically – when you said we may eventually outlaw people driving cars "because it's too dangerous ... you can't have a person driving a two-tonne death machine".

Like, really?

Well, I'm sorry. You were right all along. I'm ready to hand my keys over to you now. But Elon, what's the hold up? Why is it taking you so long to get autonomous vehicles up to speed and on our roads? Take my car if it helps.

There are some days I'm almost too scared to use it.

I used to love driving. The more the better. There was something about the sense of being in control, of steering a heavy metal beast filled with thousands of parts at speed on a bitumen road. What an invention. Think about where civilisation would be without the automobile. And now I'm doing more than 1200 kilometres a week I should be ecstatic. But over the last six months I've come to realise there is a significant safety issue in the modern car that only a wide-scale switch to self-driving cars can remedy.

I'm no mechanic or engineer. But I've managed to isolate the problem to a dysfunctional apparatus located directly in front of the steering wheel. Frankly, Sydney's drivers are bloody awful. The worst in the nation by a long way.


They're not just incompetent and unable to follow basic rules. They are also an untrustworthy mob of unpredictable hoons, a discourteous rabble who not only show no empathy for other road users, but are openly hostile to any other vehicle within 50 metres.

It wasn't always like this. When cars were less safe, people were more courteous. Even a decade ago it was commonplace that if you allowed another vehicle into your lane, the driver would acknowledge your charity and thank you by raising their hand or giving you an appreciative toot of the horn.

Not now. Sydney's streets resemble a 19th-century asylum, demented souls screaming at shadows, hurling obscenities and gesturing wildly at passers-by. That is, when they're not stopped at a light that long earlier turned green, texting or updating their Facebook status while kilometres of traffic sit behind them.

But it's not just the sheer lack of civility or common decency at play here.

There's gross negligence, an incompetence that is almost breathtaking when you consider the lives at stake. Consider one hour last weekend. Mother's Day, late afternoon: Guy in his 50s in an old Datsun weaves past on a two-lane road. No indicators. Slows to 30km/h, speeds up to 70, then back to 30.

Brakes for no reason. No indicator. Is he drunk? Exhausted? On medication?

A few minutes later, another idiot reverses out of a driveway at top speed into oncoming traffic, spins his back wheels until they're smoking and then takes off with his right hand raised triumphantly out the window, middle finger extended.

We put learner drivers through an exhausting 120-hour training regime to win the right to use our roads. Yet we allow others clearly unfit to drive – some mentally impaired or just lacking the required maturity – to possess an unlimited licence that is never checked or re-tested until their eyesight fades. The death toll on our roads has been cut by two thirds since the early 1970s. The miracle is that it's so low.

So many bad drivers. We all are – because we're human. I drive too often after just a few hours of sleep. I'm easily distracted, my motor functioning hampered, my judgment surely lacking. I've worked hard lately at being more patient. I'm no longer using the horn as a conversational tool. I'm driving slower – not because of the constant congestion but because I just feel safer.

But let's face it. I'm as mediocre as anyone else. Give the job to a computer.

This week, a US-based think tank issued a report predicting that within the next 12 years, most consumers will no longer own a car. RethinkX said once driverless cars were given full regulatory approval it would only be a matter of years before almost all journeys in the US would be carried out by on-demand self-driving electric vehicles owned by large fleet companies rather than individuals.

I'm not sure I can wait another dozen years. Elon, get cracking. Work out the insurance issues, make sure your algorithms are flawless and get the rest of us off Sydney's highways to hell.

Garry Linnell is co-presenter of The Breakfast Show on 954 Talking Lifestyle