- published: 14 Apr 2017
- views: 6499
ITB may refer to:
The Bandung Institute of Technology or Institute of Technology, Bandung (Indonesian: Institut Teknologi Bandung, abbreviated as ITB) is a state, coeducational research university located in Bandung, Indonesia. Established in 1920, ITB is the oldest technology-oriented university in Indonesia.
ITB was considered the top choice among Indonesia's high school students in 2006 and has been credited as one of the most "prestigious" universities in Indonesia, together with University of Indonesia, and Gadjah Mada University.Sukarno, the first president of the Republic of Indonesia, earned his engineering degree in civil engineering from ITB. More than that, B. J. Habibie, the third president of Indonesia also graduated with engineering degree in mechanical engineering from ITB.
The university cultivates professional and social activities by supporting its students' unions, the student government councils that exist in every department. Each students' union has its own distinctly designed jacket that, among other traditions, serves as part of its member identity. There are also a number of student activity units/clubs supporting ITB student interests in rounding out their educational experience. It is not uncommon that the students and alumni are identified by the clubs to which they belong (or used to belong) at ITB, in addition to their class year and major.
[VLOG #2] Perjalanan Sekolah Kami hingga masuk SNMPTN ITB | Institut Teknologi Bandung (+ TIPS)
[Tips Kuliah] SHARING SALAH JURUSAN di ITB - Lulus alhamdulillah normal 4 tahun
Keliling kampus - ITB
Wow! Anak 14 Tahun Masuk ITB, Lolos SBMPTN 2017
Top 3 Treatments For Iliotibial Band (ITB) Syndrome
26 ITB Engines That Sound INSANE
Halo semuanya kali ini aku Alifah Ratu Saelynda mau berduet lagi dengan Ricky Aditiya Fandi hehe. Sebelumnya let us introduce ourself, kami berdua ini Alumni Teknik Perminyakan ITB angkatan 2012. Kami lulus dari ITB pada Oktober 2016 lalu. Rencananya vlog sharing tentang ITB dan Kerja akan kami bagi jadi 3: 1. Video yang kalian tonton ini (bercerita tentang 2 background kami yang berbeda dari segi daerah dan prestasi, namun kami bisa masuk ITB lewat SNMPTN Undangan) 2. Video bagaimana caranya kami bisa survive untuk lulus dan bergelar ST dari ITB dalam waktu 4 tahun padahal aku (Ratu) merupakan mahasiswa yang merasa salah jurusan 3. Sharing tentang hal-hal apa saja yang kita ketahui mengenai dunia pekerjaan sebagai alumni ITB, khususnya sebagai alumni Teknik Perminyakan dalam menghadapi ...
Bakal ada lanjutan video mengenai kehidupan sesudah lulus kuliah soon yaa (bakalan ft. Ricky Aditiya Fandi lagi) Tonton juga vlog aku mengenai sharing cara aku buat masuk ITB dari pas masa SMA di https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANsYQ927BtI&t;=142s How to contact me: 1. https://www.instagram.com/alifahratu/ 2. http://ask.fm/alifahratu 3. saelyndaratu@gmail.com 4. ID Line: @ysr9420d (pakai @ ya) CAMERA: Canon EOS M10 EDITING: Filmora Wondershare Semoga video nya bermanfaat, jangan lupa LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE yaa... HAPPY WATCHING ❤
Andovi da Lopez & Jovial da Lopez menanyakan ke mahasiswa Institut Teknologi Bandung tentang Universitas Indonesia. Terima kasih kepada mereka yang telah di interview: @platinomulya platino @kharismmhmmd kharis @farhanadesfilaa Farhana D @krishnad m Krishna dwika m @adityazufar @atsilamalik Atsila malik @chacaik_189 Sabil @raflyalk Rafli @mariasita22 Maria @rggprndn Rangga @unay Una @Kziapatricia @ganessa1 Gabby Vanessa @vippassi @yspprtm @lydiapsrb Lydia @sharenealivia Sharene @irenamenda Iren @jessicanancyw_ Jessica @wnd.lim Winda @n...
Video Dokumentasi Resmi INTEGRASI ITB 2016 17-20 Agustus 2016 Institut Teknologi Bandung Background Music: I'm Alive - Michael Franti Video By Divisi Dokumentasi INTEGRASI ITB 2016 Liga Film Mahasiswa ITB Footage by Noortieni Khairulisa, Ahmad Naufal W., Alvin Trianto A., Anindityo N. Arifiandi, Byanmara, Fasya Amasani S., Fattreza Ihsan, Febri Nur Fitrianto, Grace Nathania, Ilham Muchtar Rijal, Kemas Dzaky A. F., M. Feizal Deradjat, M. Khalid, Marestu Rizki, Nugraha, Nur Tashya Noviana, Pradnya Astari, R. Firman R. Z., Rafi Maulana, Raiza Azkaril H., Reza Fathkhan M., Wyona Pramono. Edited by Maudy Gabrielle MA'15 Thanks To Tuhan YME Noortieni Khairulisa AR'14 Kania Salmaa IL'14 Wyona Pramono BI'13 Harsya Indra P. MS'13 Indra Karno A. KI'13 dan seluruh pihak yang telah ikut berkontr...
SBMPTN menjadi ajang serap bakat nasional, termasuk ke ITB Bandung. Kata jenius mungkin layak disematkan kepada Izzan. Musa Izzanardi Wijanarko, seorang anak yang baru berusia 14 tahun, berhasil lulus seleksi bersama masuk perguruan tinggi tahun 2017 atau SBMPTN. Izzan diterima di Institut Teknologi Bandung atau populer dengan ITB Bandung, padahal selama ini Izzan tidak pernah mengenyam sekolah formal. Ikuti berita terbaru di tahun 2017 dengan kemasan internasional berbahasa Indonesia, dan jangan ketinggalan breaking news 2017 dengan berita terakhir dan live report CNN Indonesia di www.cnnindonesia.com dan channel CNN Indonesia di Transvision.
From http://famouspt.com/ "Famous" Physical Therapists, Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck, demonstrate the top 3 effective treatments for Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITB) Make sure to like us on FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/Physical-Therapy-317002538489676/timeline/ and to follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/PtFamous Our book “Three Simple Steps To Treat Back Pain” is available on Kindle http://www.amazon.com/Three-Simple-Steps-Treat-Back-ebook/dp/B00BPU4O5G/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid;=1444092626&sr;=8-1&keywords;=3+simple+steps+to+treat+back+pain
There's just something magical about the sound of an all-motor engine with ITBs. Pure N/A power, a 9000rpm scream of an ITB I4, I6 or V8 gives shivers like nothing else. ITB V12s are on a whole other level. Subscribe for frequent uploads! Facebook Page : http://www.facebook.com/TheMiltos21 Intro/Outro Music : Ship Wrek & Zookeepers - Ark [NCS Release] Contact Email : miltoskaigamw@gmail.com Music Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xlDwukxjnA Google+ : https://plus.google.com/+SlashCarCompilations --- Add Me on Google+ To help get my Channel Verified ✔ Thank you! ------------------------- Subscribe for weekly uploads!----------------------------- The Intro & Outro are made entirely by me and you are not allowed under any circumstances to use it as your own. Connect with NCS: Snap...
took the slow car out today; now that it runs... better try to break it! instagram: reilly.ae86 song: home - resonance
Rendy Story - Masuk Kedokteran UGM dan FTTM ITB? (+Tips SBMPTN) Video ini tentang gimana perjalanan gua bisa keterima kedokteran UGM dan FTTM ITB sekaligus dan di video ini gua juga ngasih tau kalian 10+ tips buat persiapan menghadapi SBMPTN. Hope you guys enjoy this video. If you found this video valuable, give it a like. If you know someone who needs to see it, share it. Leave a comment below with your thoughts. Add it to a playlist if you want to watch it later. Feel free to share this video: https://youtu.be/ZYrQWh1JSkI Be a socialistic! Instagram : @rendystywn https://www.instagram.com/rendystywn Snapchat : rendystywn E-mail : rendysetyawan@outlook.com
Feel too good to go to work today
I need a little more time so I can stay this way
Let's go for a ride on the circle line
Couldn't you use a day in the sunshine
Mustn't let your bank payments get behind
The bills may pile up, I just brush them off my mind
I can't let debt collectors bother me
Because I feel too good
I feel so good that you just can't bring me down
I can't remember when I felt so high
My mind is on vacation and I don't know why
Wouldn't you like to go for a country drive
Doesn't it make you feel good to be alive
Luncheon by the roadside will do just fine
I left the water running
It just must have slipped my mind
Can't let the little things bother me
Because I feel too good
I feel so good that you just can't bring me down
Someone's bound to bring you down
There's a strange speaking man on the front lawn
Making rude noises and gestures
It's just the neighbor's got something on his mind
Feel too good
I can't let frenchie start to bother me
Because I feel too good