- published: 14 May 2017
- views: 155338
Essen (German pronunciation: [ˈʔɛsn̩]; Latin: Assindia) is a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Its population of approximately 583.267 (as of 30 September 2015) makes it the 9th-largest city in Germany. It is the central city of the northern (Ruhr) part of the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan area and seat to several of the region's authorities.
Founded around 845, Essen remained a small town within the sphere of influence of an important ecclesiastical principality (Essen Abbey) until the onset of industrialization. The city then — especially through the Krupp family iron works — became one of Germany's most important coal and steel centers. Essen has until the 1970s attracted workers from all over the country and was the 5th-largest city in Germany between 1929 and 1988, peaking at over 730,000 inhabitants in 1962. Following the region-wide decline of heavy industries in the last decades of the 20th century, the city has seen the development of a strong tertiary sector of the economy. Essen today is seat to 13 of the 100 largest German corporations, including two (by 2016, three ) DAX corporations, placing the city second only to Munich and on-par with Frankfurt am Main in number of corporate headquarters.
A given name (also known as a personal name, first name, forename, or Christian name) is a part of a person's full nomenclature. It identifies a specific person, and differentiates that person from other members of a group, such as a family or clan, with whom that person shares a common surname. The term given name refers to the fact that the name is bestowed upon, or given to a child, usually by its parents, at or near the time of birth. This contrasts with a surname (also known as a family name, last name, or gentile name), which is normally inherited, and shared with other members of the child's immediate family.
Given names are often used in a familiar and friendly manner in informal situations. In more formal situations the surname is more commonly used, unless it is necessary to distinguish between people with the same surname. The idioms "on a first-name basis" and "being on first-name terms" allude to the familiarity of addressing another by a given name.
An auto show, also known as a motor show or car show, is a public exhibition of current automobile models, debuts, concept cars, or out-of-production classics. It is attended by automotive industry representatives, dealers, auto journalists and car enthusiasts. Most auto shows occur once or twice a year. They are important to car manufacturers and local dealers as a public relations exercise, as they advertising new products and promote auto brands. The five most prestigious auto shows, sometimes called the "Big Five", are generally considered to be held in Frankfurt, Geneva, Detroit, Paris and Tokyo.
There are other auto/car shows that occur on a more frequent basis, almost weekly. It is not known if there is a regularly accepted term for these more frequent, informal "car rallies" or "car enthusiasts events". Some meeting events have themes, such as classic cars, hot rods, etc. These events are more localized, typically consisting of car enthusiasts who meet to socialize and enjoy their enthusiasm with other car owners.
The Essen Motor Show is an auto show held annually in the city of Essen, Germany. It has been described as "the showcase event of the year for the tuning community" and as the German version of the annual SEMA auto show in Las Vegas. As contrasted with the Frankfurt Auto Show, the Essen show is smaller and is focused on car tuning and racing interests.
Essen Motor Show was the world's biggest car tuning fair before SEMA.
EINE WOCHE NUR PIZZA ESSEN! 😱 - Selbstexperiment
Essen - Germany
Moderne Wunder - Top 10 Essen | Doku
So schmeckt deutsches Essen im Ausland | Galileo | ProSieben
Leckerste Essen der Welt | Galileo | ProSieben
Hammer asiatisches Essen bestellt! | JONAS
the ritual
ESSENCE - burlesque
Eis Essen
ESSEN MOTORSHOW 2013 by Unkreatief
Actors: Thessa Mooij (producer), Akan Satayev (director), Doskhan Zholzhaksynov (actor), Timur Zhaksylykov (writer), Renat Gaisin (composer), Aliya Uvalzhanova (actor), Anna Katchko (producer), Aliya Uvalzhanova (producer), Aldabek Shalbayev (actor), Ermek Amanshaev (producer), Turakhan Sadykova (actress), Murat Mukashev (actor), Zhaidarbek Kunguzhinov (actor), Eduard Ondar (actor), Aidos Bektemirov (actor),
Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, History,Endlich ein neues Experiment! Eine Woche nur Pizza essen :D ⛔�Letztes Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep6uI7bFrzM&list;=UUm0Z-a10TrSPXhaZgyeIiCw ⛔�Insta: AlexV ⛔�Mein Shop: http://vype-clothing.com ➡�Snapchat: Aleex.Ree ➡�Musical.ly: EmmaLovesAlex *Mein Computer: http://amzn.to/2lFpqpy *Meine Kamera: http://amzn.to/2lAnQok *Softboxen: http://amzn.to/2lFqiuk *Mein Mikrofon: http://amzn.to/2kFUben *Mein Videoschnittprogramm: http://amzn.to/2m64RAa Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vlogbusteralex/ Musik: http://www.epidemicsound.com/ Business Mail: alexvmail@web.de * Affiliate Link Kommt über diesen Link ein Einkauf zustande, werde ich mit einer Provision beteiligt. Für euch entstehen dabei selbstverständlich keine Mehrkosten. Wo ihr die Produkte kauft, bleibt natürlich euch überl...
Essen is a city in the central part of the Ruhr area in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Located on the River Ruhr, its population of approximately 579,000 (as of June 30, 2008) makes it either the 7th- or 8th-largest city in Germany. For the year 2010, Essen is the European Capital of Culture on behalf of the whole Ruhr area. Formerly one of Germany's most important coal and steel centres and historically linked to the centuries-old Krupp family iron works, the city has developed a strong tertiary sector of industry and (sometimes together with nearby Düsseldorf) claims to be the "desk of the Ruhr area".[2] It is home to 13 of the 100 largest German corporations and seat to several of the region's authorities. In 1958, the city was chosen to serve as the seat to a Roman Catholic dio...
Hast du schon einmal im Ausland eine Weißwurst bestellt? Viele deutsche Gerichte werden auch in anderen Ländern angeboten. Aber schmecken die genauso gut? Unser Reporter hat es getestet. ►Mehr Galileo: http://www.galileo.tv/ ►Galileo auf YouTube abonnieren: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=GalileoOffiziell ►FUNDA HAT EINEN KANAL: https://www.youtube.com/user/FundaVanroy ► Alle Videos findest du auf http://www.sat1.de/tv/galileo/video -----------------------------------Experimente----------------------------------------------- ►Galileo T-Rex*: http://amzn.to/1MppUEH ►Galileo Reptilien zum Nachbauen*: http://amzn.to/1MppWwj ►Galileo das Ökosystem*: http://amzn.to/1F6eBiE ►Galileo Kristalle selbst züchten*: http://amzn.to/1EwWBPf ►Galileo Urzeitkrebse*: http://amzn.to...
▬► Letztes Video: http://bit.ly/2rfY1dF ▬► Unser Hauptkanal: http://bit.ly/1yUOLMS DAUMEN HOCH wenn es euch gefallen hat! :D ► Folgt uns hier: ✘ Kelvin's Instagram & Snapchat: KelvinFiti ✘ Marvin's Instagram & Snapchat: marvfit ✘ Unser Facebook: http://bit.ly/29oxv8p ► Unser Equipment: ✘ Kamera: http://amzn.to/2aAih1e ✘ Aufnahme-Gerät: http://amzn.to/1NOPzaH ✘ Ansteck-Mikro: http://amzn.to/1NDQgUv ✘ Beleuchtung: http://amzn.to/2buLzTz ► Freshes Outfit: ✘ Schuhe: http://amzn.to/1OP9dSR ✘ Hose: http://amzn.to/1WlXLpV ✘ Shirt: http://amzn.to/20G2HnY ✘ Pulli: http://amzn.to/1OZRnlE ✘ Jacke: http://amzn.to/1Z2vMJK Für geschäftliche Anfragen: PrankBros@gmx.de ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Musik: » SUPPORT beatsbyNeVs: ➥https://www.youtube.com/user/beatsbynevs ➥https://www.facebook.com/beatsb...
Galileo im Web: http://bit.ly/p7galileo Galileo auf Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Galileo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Was ist das beste Essen der Welt? Laut einer weltweiten Umfrage landen weder Currywurst noch Döner unter den Top 5. Galileo macht sich auf die Suche und stößt auf ganz exotische Speisen. Eine volle Stunde 'Galileo', das heißt eine volle Stunde Interessantes und Wissenswertes in gewohnter Premium-Qualität - und mit einer Themenvielfalt, die ihresgleichen sucht ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Galileo ist die ProSieben Wissenssendung mit Aiman Abdallah, Stefan Gödde und Funda Vanroy. Täglich um 19.05 Uhr kannst Du auf ProSieben die We...
Zusammen mit Loco bestellen wir alles, was es bei McDonald's gibt und essen es auf! :D Werden wir diesmal erfolgreich sein...? Mit dabei: https://www.instagram.com/locofloki/ Danke für euren Support! :) Du findest uns hier ▼ ► Instagram: http://instagram.com/brotatos ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrotatoGang ► Unser Shop!: http://shop.spreadshirt.de/Brotato-Merch/ ► YouNow: https://www.younow.com/TheBrotatos ► 2. Kanal: http://bit.ly/1kbGYmx & http://bit.ly/2jCIcMK ► Private Links ◀︎ INSTAGRAM » Lucas: http://instagram.com/spideylucas » Lars: http://instagram.com/lars_holzi TWITTER » Lucas: https://twitter.com/spideylucas » Lars: https://twitter.com/lars_holzi Don't worry, be Potato
🔥 FOLGT MIR HIER 🔥 ▸ YOUTUBE: http://yt.jonasems.com/ ▸ INSTAGRAM: http://insta.jonasems.com/ ▸ SNAPCHAT: ufonetv ▸ FACEBOOK: http://fb.jonasems.com/ ▸ TWITTER: http://twitter.jonasems.com/ ▸ ASK.FM: http://ask.jonasems.com/ ▸ YOUNOW: http://younow.jonasems.com/
▬► Letztes Video: http://bit.ly/2q324eR ▬► Unser Hauptkanal: http://bit.ly/1yUOLMS DAUMEN HOCH wenn es euch gefallen hat! :D ► Folgt uns hier: ✘ Kelvin's Instagram & Snapchat: KelvinFiti ✘ Marvin's Instagram & Snapchat: marvfit ✘ Unser Facebook: http://bit.ly/29oxv8p ► Unser Equipment: ✘ Kamera: http://amzn.to/2aAih1e ✘ Aufnahme-Gerät: http://amzn.to/1NOPzaH ✘ Ansteck-Mikro: http://amzn.to/1NDQgUv ✘ Beleuchtung: http://amzn.to/2buLzTz ► Freshes Outfit: ✘ Schuhe: http://amzn.to/1OP9dSR ✘ Hose: http://amzn.to/1WlXLpV ✘ Shirt: http://amzn.to/20G2HnY ✘ Pulli: http://amzn.to/1OZRnlE ✘ Jacke: http://amzn.to/1Z2vMJK Für geschäftliche Anfragen: PrankBros@gmx.de ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Musik: » SUPPORT beatsbyNeVs: ➥https://www.youtube.com/user/beatsbynevs ➥https://www.facebook.com/beatsb...
✘ APRD Merch: https://www.yvolve.de/apored ✘ FRESHE Klamotten: http://amzn.to/2d6Pk2P ✘ Der Echte Cases: http://amzn.to/1p5lU5K ✘ Snapchat: apored0 ✘ Facebook: http://bit.ly/FaZeRed ✘ Instagram: http://instagram.com/apored ► Freshes Outfit (AKTUELL JETZT) ✘ TankTop: http://amzn.to/2dL6Wx1 ✘ Basic Shirt: http://amzn.to/2dSCBRk ✘ Hoodie-Shirt: http://amzn.to/2dfAGl6 ✘ Camo Sneaks: http://amzn.to/2dSDb1D ✘ Low Top Sneaker: http://amzn.to/2dfAr9G ✘ SnakeSkin Sneaks: http://amzn.to/2dSFH7I
This typographic animation is a semester project and a visualization of the poem "Eis Essen" by Julian Heun, the winner of the german poetry slam. Tools: Cinema 4D, Vray, After Effects Inspired by Conan O'Brien Kinetic Typography
¡Cociná con la practicidad de siempre, y lucite en tu mesa con esta nueva pieza imperdible!
For the first time ever, the Essen Motor Show features the "eBay Motors tuningXperience" in Hall 1A with 84 unique cars from 5 different countries which represent the whole diversity of styles. From VW Golf Mk1 to Chevy Impala to Porsche Panamera to Mitsubishi Evo.....the "eBay Motors tuningXperience" has them all! A must see! More info @ http://www.Essen-Motorshow.de Download this and much more for free @ http://www.SummerOfTuning.de Soundtrack by RedHood Productionz
For the second straight year, the Essen Motor Show featured the "tuningXperience" in Hall 1A. Over 100 unique cars from different countries represented the whole diversity of styles. From VW Golf Mk1 to Buick Roadmaster to Audi R8 to Mitsubishi Evo.....the " tuningXperience" has them all! A must see! More info @ http://www.Essen-Motorshow.de
http://ultramodern-home.ru Top Tourist Attractions in Essen: Travel Guide Germany: Botanic Garden, Essen Minster, Grugapark, Museum Folkwang, Schloss Borbeck, The Baldeneysee, The Old Synagogue, The Ruhr Museum, Villa Hügel, Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex, Zollverein Park
To be honest: the Ruhr area is not the typical tourist destination but suprisingly it has more to offer than you might think! Especially the combination of Coal and Culture in Essen - or more detailed: the transformation of the industrial area to the European capital of culture in 2010 - sparked my interest. Music: "Moving Forward" by Dmitry Lifsthiz Zeche Zollverein: www.zollverein.de Unperfekthaus: www.unperfekthaus.de Follow me: http://www.back-packer.org http://www.twitter.com/BackPackerSteve http://www.facebook.com/BackPackerBlog
Es hat so Spaß gemacht, diesen Travel Guide zu Paragauay für euch zu produzieren! Am liebsten würde ich sofort wieder zurück. Ich mich wieder dafür entschieden, statt eines Vlogs, euch nur meine absoluten Highlights zu zeigen. Unterkunft, Essen, Abenteuer. Alles dabei und mehr :) WIE GEFÄLLT EUCH DIESE ART REISEVLOG? MEHR DAVON? ------------------------------- GEZEIGTES ▹ FLUG ➫ Air France (beim Buchen Essen kostenlos auswählen!) Flugkosten zwischen 700-1400€ je nachdem, wie früh man bucht UNTERKUNFT ➫ La Alondra: http://www.laalondra.com.py/ Hub: http://hubhotel.com.py/en ESSEN ➫ Probiert unbedingt Empanadas, Chipas, Kroketten und Sopa Paraguya! Das beste Fleisch gibt es bei Lo de Osvaldo in Asunción Vegan essen bei Café Consulado in Asunción SIGHTSEEING ➫ Aregua (Töpferstad...
Grugapark Botanical Garden in Essen - Essen Tourism - Grugapark Botanical Garden Vacation Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube The Botanischer Garten Grugapark is a municipal botanical garden located in the Grugapark at Virchowstraße 167a, Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is open daily; an admission fee is charged. The garden was established in 1927 for recreation, teaching, and research. Parts of the garden were destroyed in World War II but gradually rebuilt and re-designed for the Essen Bundesgartenschau of 1965. Today its major sections are as follows: Alpinum - mountain plants from the Caucasus, the Carpathians, and the Apennines, including gentians, alpine violets, asters, and pine trees, as well as Taiwa...
Alle meine Accessoires - ONLINE SHOP: http://www.itscult.com FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/itskim.lianne INSTAGRAM: @kimlianne BITTE ÖFFNEN FÜR ALLE INFOS UND PRODUKTE IM VIDEO! MUSIK: audionetwork.com LIED 1: Making me Smile LIED 2: Running all the Time WAS ICH IM VIDEOTRAGE: Alle Accesoires von: http://www.itscult.com/ Bluse von H&M; Kleid von H&M; Moschino Gürtel: Flomarkt Sonnenbrille - vintage / sehr ähnlich': http://goo.gl/lRlV4K Sonnenöl zum Bräunen mit LSF 20': http://goo.gl/YbyC6f Make Up: Wie man unschwer sieht - nicht voranden. :D WEITERE VIDEOS: 1. FMA aus Thailand, Safari Tour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbkW8wZAezU&list;=UU9VCyVOqou6wf-BMBYlEkjQ 2. FMA aus Thailand, BANGKOK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkAh63L1APA&list;=UU9VCyVOqou6wf-BMBYlEkjQ ...
Schmuck im Video - SHOP: http://www.itscult.com Mein FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/itskim.lianne Täglich - INSTAGRAM: @kimlianne itsCult Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ItsCult Mein BLOG: http://www.prettygorgeous.at/ TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/ItsKimLianne FRAGEN? http://formspring.me/itskimlianne Kleiderschrank: http://kleiderkreisel.de/mitglieder/115013-itskimlianne Tumblr: http://itskimlianne.tumblr.com/ Andrea Morgenstern's Kanal :) http://www.youtube.com/user/007morgenstern WAS ICH IM VIDEOTRAGE: Telefonkabel Haargummi: http://www.itscult.com/onlineshop/haaraccesoires/ Stachel-Kette von: http://www.itscult.com/onlineshop/halsketten/ Ringe: http://www.itscult.com/onlineshop/ringe/ Braunes Tuch = Loopschal - ähnlich': http://goo.gl/TKVIN4 Sonnenbrille - vintage /...
After a few weeks of nothing, I randomly pop up on the other side of the continent to make you a 20 minute vlog! Enjoy Germany as much as I did! C H E C K O U T M Y B L O G + TiaTaylor.com C O N N E C T W I T H M E + @tiataylorita + inatagram: tiataylor.ita + snapchat: tiataylor.ita + facebook.com/gb.tiataylor H A I R Modern Show Hair Brazilian Body Wave 18" 20" 24" 26� F A C E NYC Eyebrow Pencil MAYBELLINE Fit Concealer RIMMEL London Eyeliner Pencil REVLON Liquid Eyeliner MAC Matchmaster Powder Foundation MAC Careblend Powder Foundation
Visit my website http://migrationology.com/ now! Things to do in Colombo, Sri Lanka! Welcome to Colombo - the capital and largest city on the island of Sri Lanka! This is a travel video about the famous things to do and see when you travel to Colombo. Like to Eat? Check out this list of 40 of the Top Sri Lankan foods: http://migrationology.com/2011/11/sri-lankan-food-40-of-the-islands-best-dishes/
When it comes to Tehran, it's impossible to avoid politics and easy to overlook the Iranian city's thriving culinary scene. In our first installment of The MUNCHIES Guide to Tehran, our host Gelareh Kiazand introduces us to the bustling street food offerings in the city. We begin our journey at the capital city's Grand Bazaar, since that's where commodities first arrive. Gelareh beelines for the market's food stands, where she samples dried fruits and nuts while waiting out the line at Moslem Restaurant, frequented by up to 5,000 kebab connoisseurs daily—well worth it for her favorite tah chin. At the more modest and bygone Tajrish Bazaar, she's the proverbial kid in a candy store, wading through copper and carpet vendors in search of sweet snacks, such as grape molasses and lavasak (fru...
►For more delicious Portuguese food, check out my Lisbon Travel Guide: https://goo.gl/L7cF7X ►Subscribe to my videos: http://bit.ly/MarkWiensSubscribe ►Camera I use: http://amzn.to/2dEL3hv On Day 27 in Lisbon, Portugal, I made up my mind to eat as much Portuguese food and at some of the best local restaurants in Lisbon. It turned out to be a fantastic day in Lisbon with some seriously good Portuguese food! 00:36 Cafe Martinho Da Arcada at Praça do Comércio - The first place we stopped in the morning is a legendary cafe in Lisbon that is the oldest cafe in Lisbon called Cafe Martinho Da Arcada. The main reason I wanted to go there was to try their pastéis de bacalhau, classic Portuguese food codfish fritters. The coffee and ambience and of the cafe was also nice. Total price - 9.30 EUR R...
Endlich ein neues Experiment! Eine Woche nur Pizza essen :D ⛔�Letztes Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep6uI7bFrzM&list;=UUm0Z-a10TrSPXhaZgyeIiCw ⛔�Insta: AlexV ⛔�Mein Shop: http://vype-clothing.com ➡�Snapchat: Aleex.Ree ➡�Musical.ly: EmmaLovesAlex *Mein Computer: http://amzn.to/2lFpqpy *Meine Kamera: http://amzn.to/2lAnQok *Softboxen: http://amzn.to/2lFqiuk *Mein Mikrofon: http://amzn.to/2kFUben *Mein Videoschnittprogramm: http://amzn.to/2m64RAa Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vlogbusteralex/ Musik: http://www.epidemicsound.com/ Business Mail: alexvmail@web.de * Affiliate Link Kommt über diesen Link ein Einkauf zustande, werde ich mit einer Provision beteiligt. Für euch entstehen dabei selbstverständlich keine Mehrkosten. Wo ihr die Produkte kauft, bleibt natürlich euch überl...
Essen is a city in the central part of the Ruhr area in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Located on the River Ruhr, its population of approximately 579,000 (as of June 30, 2008) makes it either the 7th- or 8th-largest city in Germany. For the year 2010, Essen is the European Capital of Culture on behalf of the whole Ruhr area. Formerly one of Germany's most important coal and steel centres and historically linked to the centuries-old Krupp family iron works, the city has developed a strong tertiary sector of industry and (sometimes together with nearby Düsseldorf) claims to be the "desk of the Ruhr area".[2] It is home to 13 of the 100 largest German corporations and seat to several of the region's authorities. In 1958, the city was chosen to serve as the seat to a Roman Catholic dio...
Hast du schon einmal im Ausland eine Weißwurst bestellt? Viele deutsche Gerichte werden auch in anderen Ländern angeboten. Aber schmecken die genauso gut? Unser Reporter hat es getestet. ►Mehr Galileo: http://www.galileo.tv/ ►Galileo auf YouTube abonnieren: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=GalileoOffiziell ►FUNDA HAT EINEN KANAL: https://www.youtube.com/user/FundaVanroy ► Alle Videos findest du auf http://www.sat1.de/tv/galileo/video -----------------------------------Experimente----------------------------------------------- ►Galileo T-Rex*: http://amzn.to/1MppUEH ►Galileo Reptilien zum Nachbauen*: http://amzn.to/1MppWwj ►Galileo das Ökosystem*: http://amzn.to/1F6eBiE ►Galileo Kristalle selbst züchten*: http://amzn.to/1EwWBPf ►Galileo Urzeitkrebse*: http://amzn.to...
▬► Letztes Video: http://bit.ly/2rfY1dF ▬► Unser Hauptkanal: http://bit.ly/1yUOLMS DAUMEN HOCH wenn es euch gefallen hat! :D ► Folgt uns hier: ✘ Kelvin's Instagram & Snapchat: KelvinFiti ✘ Marvin's Instagram & Snapchat: marvfit ✘ Unser Facebook: http://bit.ly/29oxv8p ► Unser Equipment: ✘ Kamera: http://amzn.to/2aAih1e ✘ Aufnahme-Gerät: http://amzn.to/1NOPzaH ✘ Ansteck-Mikro: http://amzn.to/1NDQgUv ✘ Beleuchtung: http://amzn.to/2buLzTz ► Freshes Outfit: ✘ Schuhe: http://amzn.to/1OP9dSR ✘ Hose: http://amzn.to/1WlXLpV ✘ Shirt: http://amzn.to/20G2HnY ✘ Pulli: http://amzn.to/1OZRnlE ✘ Jacke: http://amzn.to/1Z2vMJK Für geschäftliche Anfragen: PrankBros@gmx.de ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Musik: » SUPPORT beatsbyNeVs: ➥https://www.youtube.com/user/beatsbynevs ➥https://www.facebook.com/beatsb...
Galileo im Web: http://bit.ly/p7galileo Galileo auf Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Galileo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Was ist das beste Essen der Welt? Laut einer weltweiten Umfrage landen weder Currywurst noch Döner unter den Top 5. Galileo macht sich auf die Suche und stößt auf ganz exotische Speisen. Eine volle Stunde 'Galileo', das heißt eine volle Stunde Interessantes und Wissenswertes in gewohnter Premium-Qualität - und mit einer Themenvielfalt, die ihresgleichen sucht ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Galileo ist die ProSieben Wissenssendung mit Aiman Abdallah, Stefan Gödde und Funda Vanroy. Täglich um 19.05 Uhr kannst Du auf ProSieben die We...
Zusammen mit Loco bestellen wir alles, was es bei McDonald's gibt und essen es auf! :D Werden wir diesmal erfolgreich sein...? Mit dabei: https://www.instagram.com/locofloki/ Danke für euren Support! :) Du findest uns hier ▼ ► Instagram: http://instagram.com/brotatos ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrotatoGang ► Unser Shop!: http://shop.spreadshirt.de/Brotato-Merch/ ► YouNow: https://www.younow.com/TheBrotatos ► 2. Kanal: http://bit.ly/1kbGYmx & http://bit.ly/2jCIcMK ► Private Links ◀︎ INSTAGRAM » Lucas: http://instagram.com/spideylucas » Lars: http://instagram.com/lars_holzi TWITTER » Lucas: https://twitter.com/spideylucas » Lars: https://twitter.com/lars_holzi Don't worry, be Potato
🔥 FOLGT MIR HIER 🔥 ▸ YOUTUBE: http://yt.jonasems.com/ ▸ INSTAGRAM: http://insta.jonasems.com/ ▸ SNAPCHAT: ufonetv ▸ FACEBOOK: http://fb.jonasems.com/ ▸ TWITTER: http://twitter.jonasems.com/ ▸ ASK.FM: http://ask.jonasems.com/ ▸ YOUNOW: http://younow.jonasems.com/
▬► Letztes Video: http://bit.ly/2q324eR ▬► Unser Hauptkanal: http://bit.ly/1yUOLMS DAUMEN HOCH wenn es euch gefallen hat! :D ► Folgt uns hier: ✘ Kelvin's Instagram & Snapchat: KelvinFiti ✘ Marvin's Instagram & Snapchat: marvfit ✘ Unser Facebook: http://bit.ly/29oxv8p ► Unser Equipment: ✘ Kamera: http://amzn.to/2aAih1e ✘ Aufnahme-Gerät: http://amzn.to/1NOPzaH ✘ Ansteck-Mikro: http://amzn.to/1NDQgUv ✘ Beleuchtung: http://amzn.to/2buLzTz ► Freshes Outfit: ✘ Schuhe: http://amzn.to/1OP9dSR ✘ Hose: http://amzn.to/1WlXLpV ✘ Shirt: http://amzn.to/20G2HnY ✘ Pulli: http://amzn.to/1OZRnlE ✘ Jacke: http://amzn.to/1Z2vMJK Für geschäftliche Anfragen: PrankBros@gmx.de ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Musik: » SUPPORT beatsbyNeVs: ➥https://www.youtube.com/user/beatsbynevs ➥https://www.facebook.com/beatsb...
✘ APRD Merch: https://www.yvolve.de/apored ✘ FRESHE Klamotten: http://amzn.to/2d6Pk2P ✘ Der Echte Cases: http://amzn.to/1p5lU5K ✘ Snapchat: apored0 ✘ Facebook: http://bit.ly/FaZeRed ✘ Instagram: http://instagram.com/apored ► Freshes Outfit (AKTUELL JETZT) ✘ TankTop: http://amzn.to/2dL6Wx1 ✘ Basic Shirt: http://amzn.to/2dSCBRk ✘ Hoodie-Shirt: http://amzn.to/2dfAGl6 ✘ Camo Sneaks: http://amzn.to/2dSDb1D ✘ Low Top Sneaker: http://amzn.to/2dfAr9G ✘ SnakeSkin Sneaks: http://amzn.to/2dSFH7I
This typographic animation is a semester project and a visualization of the poem "Eis Essen" by Julian Heun, the winner of the german poetry slam. Tools: Cinema 4D, Vray, After Effects Inspired by Conan O'Brien Kinetic Typography
¡Cociná con la practicidad de siempre, y lucite en tu mesa con esta nueva pieza imperdible!
For the first time ever, the Essen Motor Show features the "eBay Motors tuningXperience" in Hall 1A with 84 unique cars from 5 different countries which represent the whole diversity of styles. From VW Golf Mk1 to Chevy Impala to Porsche Panamera to Mitsubishi Evo.....the "eBay Motors tuningXperience" has them all! A must see! More info @ http://www.Essen-Motorshow.de Download this and much more for free @ http://www.SummerOfTuning.de Soundtrack by RedHood Productionz
For the second straight year, the Essen Motor Show featured the "tuningXperience" in Hall 1A. Over 100 unique cars from different countries represented the whole diversity of styles. From VW Golf Mk1 to Buick Roadmaster to Audi R8 to Mitsubishi Evo.....the " tuningXperience" has them all! A must see! More info @ http://www.Essen-Motorshow.de
What have you done with me?
You ruined everything
and you don't even see
I still can't believe this is real
My mind plays tricks on me
Please wake me up and say it was just a bad dream
I can't talk
I can't think
I feel dead
All I see is red
I am sick
I can't get up
I see no way out
I need drugs
What have you done with me?
You ruined everything
I bet you don't even see
I want peace
Don't know where to start
I don't wanna feel like this
I'll cut out this heart
Feed it to the pigs