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Contact Us

We love to hear from our stallholders and shoppers alike, but before you email or call us we kindly ask that you have a look at our comprehensive website for more information or click on the links below to our FAQs pages for.


We love to hear from our stallholders and shoppers alike, but before you email or call us we kindly ask that you have a look at our comprehensive website for more information or click on the links below to our FAQs pages for: Buying and selling at the markets.

In most cases your questions can be answered straight away by reading this information and you don’t need to wait for a reply. We operate on standard business hours of Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. If you are still unable to find out what it is you need to know, then email us via the following links:

New South Wales

  • Five Dock
  • Lane Cove

CONTACT: Kidspot Baby & Kids Market Team


  • Flemington

CONTACT: Kidspot Baby & Kids Market Team

For all general inquiries and comments: Please mail to: Kidspot Baby & Kids Market Team