Seven Year Switch 2017 finally brings drama with Michael and Mark's intense face-off

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This was published 7 years ago

Seven Year Switch 2017 finally brings drama with Michael and Mark's intense face-off

By Rob Moran

"I kept my composure, but man I wanted to bitch-slap him across the table... He's lucky."

It's the kind of fury holdout viewers of Seven's ratings bomb Seven Year Switch have been patiently waiting for, and Michael – the short-fused boxer with the teddy bear insides – finally delivered, in a tense stand-off with Mark.

Mark, the perennially hunched weasel who's emerged as the series' villain thanks to his passive-aggressive putdowns of partner Kaitlyn, was the episode's punching bag, copping it from all sides, but best of all from the fuming Michael, who called out his abusive tendencies.

The two, meeting face-to-face for the first time, came in with differing intentions: Michael, planting a cheek on Mark's face to break the ice ("This guy is tense," he says); Mark, ready to relay his "disappointment" to the dude for sharing a bed "head-to-toe" with his girl.

Michael and Mark face off.

Michael and Mark face off.Credit: Seven

Well, you can imagine how it all went.

"I'm annoyed, disappointed and gut-wrenched," says thesaurus Mark, when he finds out Kaitlyn gave Michael a massage... and he hasn't even heard about the skinny-dipping antics yet.

"Where?" he asks, chasing details about the massage.

"On my back," Michael replies.

Michael practices the 'empathy technique'.

Michael practices the 'empathy technique'.Credit: Seven

"Do you consider that acceptable behaviour as a father?" Marks says, in his slimy manipulative way.

Michael slowly boils. "I don't appreciate you trying to school me like a dad, telling me what's appropriate... Don't ever talk down to me," he says.

Mark cops more real-talk from Felicity.

Mark cops more real-talk from Felicity.Credit: Seven

From there, it's tit-for-tat confrontation – Mark accusing Michael of being "immature", Michael telling Mark he degrades women.

It all leads to another insane revelation about Mark: that he's been nudging Kaitlyn towards consenting to a threesome, even though she's not feeling it.

"I think to put someone in that position is pretty f---ed," says Michael.

"I've maybe joked about it once or twice," Mark admits.

"If my daughter's boyfriend did that, I'd knock him out," says Michael.

For all of Michael's off-kilter insanity – the dude has the anger management of an old man in a traffic jam – the moment was thrilling, not a word often associated with second-rate reality shows.

Mark's constant 'gaslighting', telling Kaitlyn she's crazy and immature and needs to grow up whenever she fairly questions him on his commitment to their relationship, needed to be called out, and the moment's more effective than the threatened "bitch-slap".

"You're suppressing her," he adds.

"I don't believe I am," says Mark.

"You're not? Well that's what you believe and it's wrong, man," says Michael, a pretty great closing statement.

But of course, the argument continues. Michael slams Mark's "shit sense of humour", Mark slams Michael's weak temper.

"There's your short fuse right now..." he tells him.

"Don't light it," replies Michael, the kinda Hollywood line Mark's beloved Sly might say before blowing away some punk.

At this point, with just a couple of episodes left to go in Channel Seven's ridiculous "experiment", I think it's fair to say that all these relationships are kaput.

Each flawed party – with the sad exception of Kaitlyn, who's sticking by Mark for God knows what – says as much, hinting at some reunion fireworks next week.


In the meantime, Michael gets in the last word following his near fisticuffs with Mark.

"I'm calm as," he proudly tells the camera, as steam bellows out of his face sockets. "I used the empathy technique."

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